Service Center/Help Desk?
First level of troubleshooting assistance for the user, provides user with a single point of contact for network, hardware, and software networks.
What systems are supported through the Service Center/Help Desk?
Sipr, Nipr, DSN, BlackBerry
How many service levels are there and what are they?
SL1 - Mission Critical
- Time Interval - < 2.00 hrs
- Percentage Complete - 90.00%
- Time Interval - < 24.00 hrs
- Percentage Complete - 99.00%
SL2- Basic
- Time Interval - < 4.00 hrs
- Percentage Complete - 80.00%
- Time Interval - < 96.00 hrs
- Percentage Complete - 90.00%
- Time Interval - < 336.00 hrs
- Percentage Complete - 99.00%
Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command
Responsible for 24/7 monitoring and protection of the NAVYs networks
Responsible for the 24/7 operation, monitoring, and defense of the Global Information Grid (GIG)
What is a classification spillage?
Anytime information/data is transferred to, processed or stored on a system that does not have the proper security controls to properly protect that information/data.
What corrective action must be taken during a classification spillage?
Contain/restrict access to the spillage material
Eradicate the spillage material
Recovery/Follow-up – Return to normal operations, conduct
lessons learned
Defense posture and response system for DOD information systems and networks.
Network Management
Responsible for the configuration and management of all switches, routers, and modems for ONE-NET, also responsible for port security.
How many Network Operational Centers (NOC) are there and where are they located?
ECRNOC – Naples, Italy
UARNOC – Virginia
PRNOC – Hawaii
IORNOC – Bahrain
Bastion Host?
A hardened computer or network designed to withstand attacks.
A server that runs a name-service protocol, maps human
recognizable URLs to computer recognizable IP address.
MX Records
Mail Exchange Record
DNS entry that specifies the mail server responsible for accepting email for a domain.
The Network Encryption System (NES) security platform is a network security device that provides confidentiality, data integrity, peer identification, authentication, and access controls through encryption.
A network encryption device that provides communication security for IP and ATM networks.
Access Control List
A list of permissions attached to an object. (Typically seen in routers as permitting or denying IP access to a network)
Internet Protocol
A protocol to communicate data across a packet-switched network, currently we use IPv4; Ipv6 is available but not yet widely used.
NCTS Premise Router?
First point of entry from the DISA cloud (GIG), and last point of exit from ONE-Net before entering the DISA cloud (GIG).
Who has the authority to shutdown ECRNOC services like email?