Freedom from risk, danger, doubt, anxiety, and fear.
Why do we need Security?(3)
- Protect vital information while still allowing access to those who need it.
- Provide authentication and access control for resources.
- Guarantee availability of resources.
Who is vulnerable?(7)
(possible quesion?)
- Financial institutions and banks
- Internet service providers
- Pharmaceutical companies
- Government and defense agencies
- Contractors to various government agencies
- Multinational corporations
Common Security Attacks and their Countermeasures
attacks = countermeasures
- Finding a way into the network = Firewalls
- Exploiting software bugs = Intrusion Detection Systems
- Denial of Service = Ingress Filtering
- TCP Attacks/ hijacking = IPSec
- Packet Sniffing = Encryption
- Social Problems = Education lol
is like a castle with a drawbridge.
Only one point of access into the network.
Used to monitor for suspicious activity on a network.
Uses “intrusion signatures”
Intrusion Detection
Can take a dictionary of words, crypt() them all, and compare with the hashed passwords.
Dictionary Attack
Make a network service unusable, usually by overloading the server or network.
Denial of Service (DOS)
Different kinds of DoS attacks(4)
- SYN flooding
- Distributed attacks/ denial of service
- Mini Case Study: Code-Red
Send packets with bogus source address
SYN flooding
Large number of machines respond back to victim, overloading it
Same techniques as regular DoS, but on a much larger scale.
Distributed Denial of Service
launched a DDOS attack against from the 20th to the 28th of every month
Spent the rest of its time infecting other hosts.
host may trick destination into believing that the packet is from a trusted source.
Attacker can insert malicious data into the TCP stream, and the recipient will believe it came from the original source
TCP Attacks
Encrypts data before transport.