Nervous system Part II Flashcards
intracranial pressure
- normal 8-12 mmHg
- measured in lateral ventricles
cranial vault fixed volume
- brain (cellular and ICF) = 80%
- fixed, can’t manipulate the brain
- Blood (arterial and venous) = 12%
- we can manipulate this
- CSF = 8% (100-150 ml)
- can also manipulate (ventric, lumbar drains)
- don’t do this in OR very often
ICP curve
- once compensation abilities is maxed out, ICP will increase significantly
- high ICP decreases CPP
- herniation
Intracranial Elastance (compliance)
- determined by the change in ICP after a change in intracranial volume
- compensatory mechanisms are:
- displacement of CSF from cranial to spinal compartment
- Increased CSF absorption
- Decreased CSF production
- Decreased CBV (mostly venous)
How do you calculate it?
What is normal?
How does CPP compare to what you will see on EEG?
- CPP = MAP-ICP (or CVP, whichever is greater)
- normal is 80-100
- CPP < 50 mmHg- slowing seen on EEG
- CPP < 25-40 mmHg - flat EEG
- CPP < 25 mmHg sustained - irreversible brain damage
What are the 4 types of herniation?
- Subfalcine
- expansion of cerebral hemisphere pushes cingulate gyrus under the falx cerebri
- Transtentorial
- supratentorial contents compressed against the tenorium cerebelli
- Tonsillar
- displacement of cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum
- Herniation through traumatic defect
how does the falx cerebri partition the brain?
separates the right and left cerebral hemispheres
How does the tentorium cerebelli partition the brain?
- Separates the occipital lobes of the cerebral hemispheres from the cerebellum
- divides the cranial cavity into supratentorial and infratentorial compartments
How does the Falx cerebelli partition the prain?
partially separates the cerebellar hemispheres
How does the diaphragma sellae partition the brain?
circular extension that forms a partial roof over the hypophyseal fossa
What rate is it made and reabsorbed?
What pressure gradient is important for CSF to be reabsorbed?
- Cavity enclosing brain and cpinal cord is about 1600-1700 ml; about 100-150 is CSF
- CSF is made and reabsorbed at about 21 ml/hr for a total of about 500 ml/day
- CSF will be reabsorbed if CSF pressure is 1.5 mmhg > than venous pressure
How should increased ICP be managed?
- Goal to maintain CPP and cerebral blood flow
- ICP < 20 mmgh and increase BP
- Mannitol/hypertonic saline
- furosemide
- vasopressors
- PaCO2 low/normal = 30 mmHg
- maintain normothermia
- barbituate/propofol coma (decrease O2 need)
- CSF drainage if available (ventric)
- HOB 30 degreessurgical decompression or cranie (trauma)
What dose of Mannitol would you administer?
Hypertonic Saline?
- Mannitol- 0.25 -0.5 g/kg
- Hypertonic saline- 1-2 ml/kg over 5 min
Which patients with increased ICP would you corticosteroids to?
- Pts with brain tumor
- steroids help fix the BBB that is weak because of the vasculature to the tumor
What is hydrocephalus and what are the different causes?
- Excessive CSF within the cerebral ventricles which increases ICP
- Communicating= free flow through ventricles
- Non-communicating= flow out of one or more ventricles is blocked
- brain tumor blocks flow to arachnoid villi
- hemmorrhage or infection (excessive RBC& WBC in csf cause blockage of small channels in arachnoid villi
- too few villi or non absorptive enough (dx as infants)
- choroid plexus tumor- too much CSF produced
What are the two major types of edema?
- Vasogenic
- capillaries are more porous than usual and BBB is disruptive
- corticosteroids or hyperosmolar infusion to treat
- Cytotoxic
- Ion transport failure (from metabolic failure)
- inadequate ATP, pumps dont work, water accumulates
What are the 3 types of traumatic head injuries?
- Closed head
- rapid acceleration/deceleration causes the soft brain to hit the rigid skull and ricochet
- Blunt trauma
- direct impact to the head (MVA, falls, assault)
- penetrating trauma
- bullets, foreign objects
- **leading cause of death and disability among young ppl in us; often associated with other injuries to cervical spine, thorax, abdomen