Nervous System + Muscles Flashcards
What is the central nervous system (CNS)?
The brain and the spinal cord
What is the peripheral nervous system (PNS)?
All of the nerves in the body
What are the three types of nerves in the somatic nervous system?
- Sensory nerves: carry impulses from receptors on sense organs to CNS
- Motor neurons: carry impulses from CNS to effectors (muscles/glands)
- Spinal nerves: found in spinal cord and are a mixture of sensory and motor neurones
What is a receptor?
Transducers which convert energy from another form into electrical impulse
What do sensory neurones do?
Carry impulses from receptors to the CNS
What is the role of relay (intermediate) neurones?
Connect sensory and motor neurones within the CNS- found entirely within the CNS
What is the function of motor neurones?
Carry impulses from the CNS to effectors (muscles or glands) they have a large cell body and highly branched dendrites to provide SA for axon terminals of other neurons and are almost entirely in the CNS
What is the myelin sheath and why is it important for neurons?
Some neurones are myelinated, their axon is insulated by a myelin sheath with small uninsulated sections along its length (called nodes of Ranvier)
The myelin sheath is formed by specialised cells known as Schwann cells which wrap themselves around the axon.
This means that electrical impulses do not travel down the whole axon, but jump from one node to the next so only leakage of ions in unmyelinated regions which reduces resistance to impulse meaning it gains electrical potential energy at every node (saltatory conduction)
What is saltatory conduction?
The jumping of electrical impulses from one node of Ranvier to the next
What is the resting potential of a neuron?
What do sodium-potassium pumps do in maintaining resting membrane potential of neurons?
Sodium-potassium pumps are present in the membranes of neurones
Actively transport 3 sodium ions out of the axon for every 2 potassium ions that they actively transport in
Larger concentration of positive ions outside the axon than there are inside the axon
The movement of ions via the sodium-potassium pumps establishes an electrochemical gradient
What is the role of protein channels in neurones?
The cell-surface membrane of neurones has selective protein channels that allow sodium and potassium ions to move across the membrane by facilitated diffusion
The protein channels are less permeable to sodium ions than potassium ions
This means that potassium ions can diffuse back down their concentration gradient, out of the axon, at a faster rate than sodium ions- leaky channels
What triggers an action potential?
Caused by brief change in charge distribution across a neuron membrane
Stimulus: triggers sodium ion channels in the membrane to open allowing sodium ions to diffuse into the neurone down an electrochemical gradient. Stimulus can either be an electrical impulse from another neurone or a chemical change to the membrane of the neurone. If stimulus large enough threshold potential is reaches and can become an actional potential
What happens during depolarisation in an action potential?
threshold potential (-55mV) reached s voltage gated sodium channels open causing Na+ to diffuse into axon reducing P.D across enzyme membrane which triggers more sodium ion channels to open causing more depolarisation in positive feedback mechanism. AP reached around +30mV
What occurs during repolarisation in an action potential?
1ms after AP reached all voltage gated Na+ ion channels close and K+ voltage gated ion channels open causing diffusion of K+ ions out of axon returning to resting potential in negative feedback
What is hyperpolarisation during an action potential? How does the neuron return to resting potential?
Hyperpolarisation: K+ ion channels slow to close so too many K+ ions diffuse out causing P.D to become more negative
Return to resting potential: K+ ion channels close and Na-K pump returns cell to resting potential so Na+ sensitive to depolarisation again
What is the all-or-nothing principle?
very weak or below a certain threshold, the receptor cells won’t be sufficiently depolarised and the sensory neurone will not be activated to send impulses
If the stimulus is strong enough to increase the receptor potential above the threshold potential then the receptor will stimulate the sensory neurone to send impulses
This is an example of the all-or-nothing principle
An impulse is only transmitted if the initial stimulus is sufficient to increase the membrane potential above a threshold potential
Rather than staying constant, threshold levels in receptors often increase with continued stimulation, so that a greater stimulus is required before impulses are sent along sensory neurones
What is the refractory period?
Period where both sodium (repolarisation) and potassium (hyperpolarisation) ion channels closed so axon membrane is unresponsive- max frequency of impulses = 1/time of refractory period
What factors affect the speed of conduction in neurones?
Myelination: travel faster when myelinated by saltatory conduction
Diameter: thicker = faster as axon membranes have greater SA over which ions can move so faster rate of depolarisation, greater volume of cytoplasm so decreases electrical resistance
What occurs during transmission across synapses?
electrical impulse arrives at the end of the axon on the presynaptic neurone (synaptic knob) neurotransmitters are released from vesicles at the presynaptic membrane
The neurotransmitters diffuse across the synaptic cleft and temporarily bind with receptor molecules on the postsynaptic membrane
Stimulates the postsynaptic neurone to generate an electrical impulse that then travels down the axon of the postsynaptic neurone
The neurotransmitters are then destroyed/ recycled to prevent continued stimulation of the second neurone, which could cause repeated impulses to be sent
What is summation in the nervous system?
single impulse insufficient to generate AP so combination of stimuli can trigger response and avoids overwhelming nervous system with impulses. Temporal (impulses arrive in quick succession of each other causing combined effect) or spatial (multiple impulses arriving at separate synaptic knobs can stimulate same cell)
Describe transmission across a cholinergic synapse?
Action potential at the presynaptic membrane causes depolarisation of the membrane
Stimulates voltage-gated calcium ion channel proteins to open
Calcium ions (Ca2+) diffuse down an electrochemical gradient from the tissue fluid surrounding the synapse into the synaptic knob
This stimulates ACh-containing vesicles to fuse with the presynaptic membrane, releasing ACh molecules into the synaptic cleft by exocytosis
The ACh molecules diffuse across the synaptic cleft and temporarily bind to cholinergic receptors in the postsynaptic membrane
Causes sodium ion channels to open- Na+ diffuse down electrochemical gradient into cytoplasm of postsynaptic neurone
The sodium ions cause depolarisation of the postsynaptic membrane, re-starting the electrical impulse once the threshold is reached
The ACh molecules are broken down and recycled
This prevents the sodium ion channels staying permanently open and stops permanent depolarisation of the postsynaptic membrane,
The enzyme acetylcholinesterase catalyses the hydrolysis of the ACh molecules into acetate and choline
The choline is absorbed back into the presynaptic membrane and reacts with acetyl coenzyme A to form ACh, which is then packaged into presynaptic vesicles ready to be used when another action potential arrives
What happens when an action potential reaches the presynaptic membrane?
Depolarization causes voltage-gated calcium ion channels to open
What role does acetylcholinesterase play at the synapse?
Catalyzes the hydrolysis of ACh to prevent continuous stimulation
What is the function of dopamine? How is deficiency treated?
involved in muscle control eg in Parkinsons producing insufficient amount s agonist drugs (have same effect as dopamine by binding to receptors) or precursor drugs (used to synthesise dopamine)
What effect does cocaine have on neurotransmission?
binds to dopamine transporter protein acting as competitive inhibitor so dopamine accumulates at synapses to stimulate feelings of pleasure
What is the role of the hypothalamus in the brain?
connected to pituitary gland and releases hormones based on detections in blood or stimulates pituitary gland to secrete hormones. Thermoregulation, Osmoregulation, Regulates digestion (peristalsis, enzymes and hunger), Endocrine function control