Homeostasis + Osmoregulation Flashcards
What is the definition of homeostasis?
Homeostasis is the physiological systems maintaining internal conditions within restricted limits to ensure optimum conditions for enzyme function and cell control.
What are the main factors controlled by homeostasis?
The main factors controlled by homeostasis include metabolic waste (e.g., CO2 and urea), core body temperature + blood pH (providing optimum and preventing denaturation), blood glucose concentration (affects water potential and respiratory substrate availability for cells), water potential of blood, and concentration of respiratory gases in blood.
How does the endocrine system help maintain homeostasis?
The endocrine system is made up of glands (have good blood supply) which produce hormones carried in the blood to bind to complementary receptors on target organs, bringing about slower, long-term changes to maintain homeostasis.
What is the role of the pituitary gland in the endocrine system?
The pituitary gland is known as the ‘master gland’ and coordinates the release of hormones from other glands.
What hormones are produced by the thyroid and what are their functions?
The thyroid produces thyroxine, which regulates metabolic rate, temperature control, heart rate, digestive rate, and the replacement of dead cells in skin and bone, brain development and muscle contraction. It also produces calcitonin, which regulates Ca²⁺ ion concentration in blood.
What does adrenaline do in the body?
Adrenaline is produced in the adrenal glands and increases heart rate (heart has adrenaline receptors which can affect the SA node and decelerate depolarisation by increasing Ca2+ current to affect muscle contraction), breathing rate, and alertness, slows digestion, and coordinates the body’s fight or flight response.
What is the role of the pancreas in homeostasis?
The pancreas produces insulin and enzymes. Insulin helps regulate blood glucose levels, while enzymes aid in digestion.
What is negative feedback in homeostasis?
Negative feedback involves receptors detecting a stimulus, a coordination system transferring information between systems eg nervous or endocrine system, and effectors carrying out a response eg muscle or gland to counteract the stimulus and restore the system to its original level. Factor is continuously monitored and magnitude of correction depends on how much it is deviated from the original.
What is positive feedback in homeostasis?
Positive feedback occurs when the original stimulus produces a response that deviates further from normal, enhancing the effect of the original stimulus.
What is the process of repairing a broken bone?
Osteoblasts secrete inactive osteocalcin, and osteoclasts secrete acid that activates osteocalcin by causing shape of enzyme to change. Active osteocalcin stimulates insulin release from beta cells in the pancreas by binding to them, and osteoblasts release more inactive osteocalcin as they have insulin receptors. POSITIVE FEEDBACK MECHANISM.
What is cell signalling?
Cell signalling coordinates responses to external stimuli. Stimulus is received by receptor cells, transduced into chemical signals, and transmitted to effector target cells via receptors on membrane.
What is the difference between paracrine and endocrine cell signalling?
Paracrine signalling involves communication between nearby cells, while endocrine signalling involves hormones acting on distant cells via the circulatory system.
What is thermoregulation in humans?
Thermoregulation in humans involves physiological mechanisms to keep body temperature within a narrow range of about 37.5°C, which is optimal for enzyme function as humans are endotherms.
How are temperature variations detected in the body?
Changes in external temp detected by peripheral receptors eg skin and mucous membranes and impulses from receptors sent to hypothalamus
Hypothalamus has receptors which can detect temp of blood flowing through it and initiates homeostatic response
What is the structure of the skin involved in thermoregulation?
The skin contains sweat glands and pores, free nerve endings (to detect temperature and pain-sensory neuron), hair erector muscles, adipose tissue, capillaries, and arterioles, all contributing to thermoregulation.
What is the response to high temperatures?
Responses to high temperatures include vasodilation where muscles in arteriole walls relax (to increase blood flow to the skin capillaries for heat loss by radiation), sweating (to cool the skin by evaporation but ineffective in humid environments as there isn’t a large enough concentration gradient), and the flattening of hairs by hair erector muscles (to allow heat loss through radiation by letting air circulate across skin).
What is the response to low temperatures?
Responses to low temperatures include vasoconstriction as muscles in arteriole wall contract (to reduce blood flow to capillaries and redirecting blood to shunt vessels preventing heat loss by radiation), increased metabolic rate to release heat through exothermic reactions (through thyroxine increasing BMR), shivering by repeatedly contracting and relaxing muscles (to generate heat through respiration), and hair erection (to trap insulating air to prevent heat loss by radiation).
How does adrenaline affect the body?
Adrenaline binds to specific receptors on the membrane of liver cells
This causes the enzyme adenylyl cyclase to change shape and become activated
Activated adenylyl cyclase catalyses the conversion of ATP to the second messenger molecule cyclic AMP (cAMP)
cAMP binds to protein kinase A enzymes, activating them
Active protein kinase A enzymes initiate a series of enzyme activations that result in the breakdown of glycogen to glucose; this process is known as glycogenolysis
The enzyme cascade described above amplifies the original signal from adrenaline and results in the release of extra glucose by the liver to increase the blood glucose concentration
Also stimulates breakdown of glycogen in muscle cells during excercise