Function of nervous system
gather info
Processes the sensory input
causes a response
What does the central nervous system consist of
The brain
Spinal Cord
Function of CNS
voluntary and involuntary bodily function
What does the brainstem consist of
midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata
Function of brainstem
passes impulses between the brain and spinal cord
Where does the spinal cord run through
runs through medulla oblongata to the second lumbar vertabra
What is a spinal cord bathed in
Cerebrospinal fluid
How many pair of spinal nerves are there
Function of Autonomic nervous sytem
innervates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands
What two divisions is there to ANS
Sympathetic (Fright, fight and flight) and Parasympathetic (vegetative)
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic for Pupil Size
Sympathetic- Dialated Parasympathetic - constricted
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic for Accomodation
Sympathetic- No action Parasympathetic - Stimulated
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic for Eyelids
Sympathetic -Raised Parasympathetic - no action
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic for Lacrimation
Sympathetic - No action Parasympathetic - Stimulated
What is a ganglion
group of nerve cell bodies in ANS