Nervous System Flashcards
Explain the path from roots to rami
Each spinal nerve is attached to the spinal cord via a ventral (motor) root and a dorsal (sensory) root. The ventral root carries only motor nerve fibers and the dorsal root carries only sensory nerve fibers. These roots merge to form the mixed (motor and sensory fibers) spinal nerve. The spinal nerve divides into two forming a ventral ramus and a dorsal ramus which are also mixed nerves. Dorsal rami innervate three things: skin of the back, true back muscles and zygapophyseal joints. Ventral rami innervate the remainder of the skin and skeletal muscles of the neck, trunk and limbs.
Sympathetic Motor
Primary Functions: Promotes “Fight or Flight” response: increased heart rate, blood flow to muscles, decreased blood flow to digestive tract and skin, pupils dilate, etc. Generally causes vasoconstriction of blood vessels and stimulation of sweat glands
Location of Preganglionic Cell Bodies: Lateral horn of spinal cord segments T1-L2. Referred to as thoracolumbar outflow.
Location of Postganglionic Cell Bodies: Paravertebral and Prevertebral Ganglia
All preganglionic
sympathetic fibers enter
paravertebral ganglia from T1-L2
via white rami communicans before
being distributed.
Parasympathetic Motor
Primary Fxns: Recline and Dine Promotes vegetative, digestive visceral functions such as slowing heart rate and breathing and stimulating peristaltic contraction of digestive tract and saliva production. Often reverses the
effects of sympathetic stimulation.
Location of Preganglionic Cell Bodies: Brainstem nuclei and lateral horn of spinal cord segments S2-S4
Referred to as craniosacral outflow.
Location of Postganglionic Cell Bodies: 4 discrete ganglia of the head and enteric ganglia of the gut.
Lateral Horn
Location of preganglionic cell bodies found only from T1-L2 spinal cord segments
Ventral Root
Carries preganglionic sympathetic axons to spinal nerve. (Also carries somatic motor
Spinal Nerve
All spinal nerves carry somatic motor axons, somatic sensory fibers and postganglionic
sympathetic axons. Spinal nerves from T1-L2 carry all of those fibers plus visceral sensory and
preganglionic sympathetic axons.
Ventral Ramus
Carries pre- and postganglionic sympathetic axons. (Also carries somatic motor and
sensory fibers and visceral sensory fibers)
White Ramus Communicans
Connects ventral rami of spinal nerves T1-L2 with paravertebral
ganglia. Carries preganglionic sympathetic axons. (Also carries visceral sensory fibers)
Gray Ramus Communicans
Connects ventral rami of all spinal nerves with paravertebral ganglia.
Carries postganglionic sympathetic axons that are distributed to somatic structures.
Paravertebral Ganglia
Sympathetic chain of ganglia located alongside the vertebral column.
Contain postganglionic cell bodies.
Splanchnic Nerve:
Connects paravertebral and prevertebral ganglia. Carries preganglionic
sympathetic axons. (Also carries visceral sensory fibers)
Prevertebral Ganglia
Contain postganglionic cell bodies whose axons are distributed to
abdominopelvic viscera.
Sympathetic Distribution (Pathway)
- Multipolar motor neuron firest in lateror horn (T1-L2)
- Exits ventrally (bc motor neuron) from ventral root –> spinal nerve –> ventral ramus
- [enter paravertebral ganglion via white ramus communicans to ascend/descend sympathetic chain to reach corresponding ganglion]
- Synsapse in collection of postganglionic sympathetic cel bodies/paravertebral ganglion
- Exit to corresponding spinal nerve (any level) via corresponding gray ramus communicans.
Visceral Afferents
Follow course taken by efferents; return to the same spinal cord segment as efferents.
Ex: Sympathetic Innervation to the Heart:
- Efferent motor synapse in lateral horn of T2
- white ramus communicans
- ascent to servical ganglion: synpase
- exit to viseral nerve –> directly to heart
- Afferent sensory (ie: ischmia/pain in heart): senstation of pain in heart enters via visceral nerve
- descend down chain
- exit chain and enter spinal nerve a white ramus at appropriate level (cell body located at T2 DRG)
- fibers come in dorsal root at T2 into dorsal horn at T2
Autonomic Sensory (Afferent) Innervation
Innervates: Skin, Muscle, Joints
Sensations Conveyed: Pain, Temperature, Touch,
Location of Cell Bodies: Dorsal Root Ganglia from
Pathway: Same as motor pathway up to spinal nerve
then follows dorsal root to dorsal horn