Lower Limb Flashcards
Hip Abductors
superior gluteal nerve
- glut medius
- glut min
- tensor fascia latae
Medial Rotators
superior gluteal nerve
- glut med
- glut min
- tensor fascia latae
Lateral Rotators
- obterator internus (nerve to OI)
- gemelies
- superior: nerve to OI
- inferior gem: nerve to QF
- quadratus femorus: nerve to QF
- piriformus: nerve to piriformus (some abduct abilities)
Hip Extensors
inferior gluteal nerve
- glut max
- (and hamstrings/post thigh)
Sciatic Nerve
comes through/above/below piriformus
Piriformus compression
piriformus muscle contracts around common fib divisio of sciatic nerve (foot drop)
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
posterior div fibers
Rami: L2-L3
Fxn: sensory around ASIS
Superior Gluteal Nerve
Post Div fibers
Rami: L4-S1
Fxn: motor of glut med, min, tensor fascia latae
Inferior Gluteal Nerve
Posterior Div Fibers
Rami: L5-S2
Fxn: motor of glut max
Nerve to Piriformus
posterior div fibers
rami: S1, S2
fxn: motor to piriformus
Nerve to Obterator Internus
ant div fibers
Rami: L5-S2
Fxn: motor to obterator internus and superior gemellus
Nerve to Quadatus Femoris
Ant div fibers
Rami: L4-S1
Fxn: motor to quad fem and inferior gemellus
Poterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
both ant and poterior nerve fibers
Rami: S1-S3
Fxn: sensory to posterior thigh
Femoral Nerve
Terminal Nerve
Post Div Fibers
Rami: L2-L4
Innervates anterior thigh
Obterator Nerve
Terminal Nerve
Ant Div Fibers
Rami: L2-L4
Innervates: medial thigh