Nervous System 3 Flashcards
What is located between the diencephalon to the spinal cord composed of the midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata
The brain stem
What contains several nuclei and the nuclei involved in movement of the eye, head neck & trunk to visual stimuli (startle telex), substantia nigra which release dopamine, cranial nerves for sensory for body position motor for focusing eyes
Of the brain stem what is the relay for voluntary movements helps regulate breathing the cranial nerves are face and taste and motor for eye movement mastication facial expression and year & salivary glands
What is posterior to the frontal lobe
Pre central sulcus area
What is the most inferior part of the brain stem
Medulla oblongata
Of the brain stem what part where the white matter contains all the sensory and motor tracts between spinal cord and other parts of the brain (cross roads), the nuclei for cardiovascular center and respiratory center other nuclei for vomiting coughing swollowing and sneezing
Medulla oblongata
What part of the brain stem cranial nerves sensory for hearing and balance throat tongue carotid arteries and motor for swollowing speech vocal cords
Medulla oblongata
Central area, peripheral areas tracts are the organization of what
The spinal cord
What originate at the levels designated by the bones of the vertebral column
Spinal nerves
In general all spinal nerves have both of what kind of neurons
Afferent and efferent
What are called “two way street” nerve impulses (AP) to and from the CNS
Spinal nerves
What have twelve pairs (left & right), numbered with Roman numerals I-XII, originate from the brain (I & II) and brainstem (III THR XII) and is generally a mixed nerve
Cranial nerves
Of the cranial nerves which one is sensory/ smell
I- olfactory
Of the cranial nerves which one is sensory/ vision
II- optic
Of the cranial nerves which one is sensory/ taste , motor/ facial muscles
VII- facial