Nervous System Flashcards
Process of achieving homeostasis.
Functions of the nervous system
Sensory input detection, interpretive functions, motor output and higher mental functioning.
Division of the nervous system
Central and peripheral
Components of the central nervous system
Brain, spinal cord, meninges and cerebrospinal fluid.
Divisions of the peripheral nervous system
Somatic and autonomic
Somatic nervous system
Part of the autonomic nervous system that transmits sensory input and controls voluntary functions.
Autonomic nervous system
Portion of the peripheral nervous system which controls involuntary actions of organs, glands and smooth muscle.
Divisions of the autonomic nervous system
Sympathetic and parasympathetic
Characteristics of neurons
Excitability, conductivity and secretion.
Excitability of neurons
Neurons can respond to a stimulus.
Conductivity of a neuron
Neurons can transmit impulses.
Secretion of neurons
They can secrete neurotransmitters.
Parts of a neuron
Dendrites, cell body and an axon.
Name for neuronal cell bodies in the central nervous system.
Name for neuronal cell bodies in the peripheral nervous system.
Classes of neurotransmitters
Excitatory or inhibitory
The most common neurotransmitter. Needed for muscular contraction.
Types of neuron
Afferent (sensory), interneurons and efferent (motor).
Types of receptors when classified based on location
Exteroceptors, interoceptors and proprioceptors
Receptors which collect information about the external environment. Found in the skin and mucosa.
Receptors which collect information about the internal environment. Found throughout organs.
Type of interoceptor found in muscles, tendons and joints. Detects body position and movement.
Types of receptor when classified based on stimulus
Chemoreceptors, photoreceptors, thermoreceptors, nociceptors, mechanoreceptors, osmoreceptors
Detect chemicals. Found in the tongue, nose and arterial walls.
Detect light and are found in the retina.
Detect temperature. Found in the skin and mucosae.
Detect pain in the form of actual or potential tissue damage. Found throughout, but with high concentrations in the skin.
Detects mechanical stimulation such as pressure or soundwaves. Found in the skin, blood vessels, ears, muscles and joints.
Detect changes in electrolyte concentration in the blood plasma. Found in high concentrations in the hypothalamus.
Nerve tracts
Bundles of nerve fibers in the CNS.
Bundles of nerve fibers in the PNS.
Connective tissue layers around the nerve
Endoneurium, perineurium and epineurium
Innermost connective tissue layer that surrounds the neuron.
Middle connective tissue layer. Surrounds bundles of neurons called fascicles. Provides vascularization.
Outermost connective tissue layer. Surrounds groups of fascicles and fat to fill the spaces.
Connective tissue cells that support, nourish, protect and isolate neurons. Make up a large portion of the the nervous system.
Central nervous system neuroglia
Astrocytes, ependymocytes, microglia and oligodendrocytes
Anchor neurons to capillaries. Largest and most numerous neuroglia. Help to form the blood-brain barrier.
Line the ventricles of the CNS and help circulate CSF.
Monitors health and destroy cellular debris and pathogens.
Produce the insulating myelin sheath around axons within the CNS.
Neuroglia of the PNS
Schwann cells and satellite cells
Schwann cells
Produce the myelin sheath around axons in the PNS.
Satellite cells
Surround some neurons and play a role in the inflammatory process and in repairing damage to the PNS.
Outer layer of the myelin sheath.
Olfactory nerve
First cranial nerve, sensory, detects smell.
Optic nerve
Second cranial nerve, sensory, detects visual information
Oculomotor nerve
Third cranial nerve, motor, moves the eye and eyelids.
Trochlear nerve
Fourth cranial nerve, motor, moves the eyeballs
Trigeminal nerve
Fifth cranial nerve, both sensory and motor
Branches of the trigeminal nerve
Opthalmic, maxillary and mandibular
Abducens nerve
Sixth cranial nerve, motor, moves the eyeball
Facial nerve
Seventh cranial nerve, motor and sensory, detects the face, tear and salivary glands and detects taste.
Vestibulocochlear nerve
Eighth cranial nerve, sensory, detects the inner ear.
Glossapharyngeal nerve
Ninth cranial nerve, sensory and motor, involved in taste, saliva and swallowing.
Vagus nerve
Tenth cranial nerve.
Functions of the vagus nerve
Important part of the ANS. Connects the brain to the GI tract and regulates heart and respiration rates and blood pressure and sweating.
Accessory nerve
Eleventh cranial nerve, motor, innervates the muscles of the neck and shoulder.
Hypoglossal nerve
Twelfth cranial nerve, motor, moves the tongues.
Numbers of spinal nerves
8C, 12T, 5L, 5S, 1Co
Nerve plexus
A group of motor neurons which pass through a single point.
Rapid, involuntary response to a lus which are often protective in nature.
Reflex arc
The pathway a relfex uses to and from the CNS.
Other name for sympathetic division
Thoracolumbar division.
Other name for parasympathetic divison
Craniosacral division
Largest region of the diencephalon
Regulates the ANS