Nervous and Endocrine System Flashcards
change in environment
brain stem- what does it do?
ctonrol your body’s involuntary actions
brain stem includes the…
midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata
area where a neuron transfers an impulse to another cell
CNS consists of
brain and spinal cord
what type of neuron transmits a nerve impulse from the brain or spinal cord out to an effector
motor neuron
largest part of brain
controls voluntary actions of brain
association areas
part of cerebrum that alayzes and interprets sensory experiences
broca’s area
coordinates muscular actions of mouth
cerebral cortex
part of brain is thin layer of gray atter and contains about 75% of all neuron cell bodies in nervous system
responsible for moving the eyes to view something and hear sounds more disctinctly
helps with balance
peripheral nervous system parts
somatic and autonomic
somatic nervous system
controls voluntary actions and consists of nerve fibers that connect CNS to skin and muscle
autonomic NS
controls involuntary actions and includes nerve fibers that connect CNS to heart, stomach, etc.
peripherial nervous system consists of what
cranial and spinal nerves
how many pairs of spinal nerves are ther ein PNS
ventral root and dorsal root unite to form what
spinal nerve
ventral root
motor branch of spinal nerve
dorsal root
sensory branch of spinal nerve
brachial plexus
located deep within shoulders and includes many nerves
lumbosacral plexus
associalted with muscles and skin of abdominal wall, thighs, legs, etc.
system network of nerves or blood vessels