*nerves to know Flashcards
What are the component fibers of dorsal rami (intercostals)
somatic motor, somatic snesory, postganglionic sympathers
What are the component fibers of ventral rami (intercostals)
somatic motor, somatic sensory, postganglionic sympathetics
What are the functions of the postganglionic sympathetics from dorsal and ventral rami
vasoconstrict blood vessels
contract smooth muscle in hair shaft
stimulate sweat gland secretion
Component fibers of vagus nerve?
somatic motor, somatic sensory, preganglonic parasynpathetics, visceral afferent motor
What are the component fibers of the phrenic nerve? What spinal level do they come from?
C3,c4,c5 somatic snesory, somatic motor, postgang sympathetics
What two types of nerves have its cell bodies in dorsal root?
visceral afferents and somatic sensory
What are the 4 paths after the pregang symapthetics enter the white ramus to get to the chain?
- pregang can synapse at same levle and post gang leave the chain through gray ramus to join a dorsal or ventral rami
- pregang fibers enter chain and travel up or down to a different level. post gang travel back through gray rami and join dorsal or ventral rami or hop on blood vessel to a different location
- pregang fibers enter chain and directly leave without synapseing, leaving as splanchnic nerves
- pregang gibers enter chain and synapse. post gang fibers leave directly to go to organ
what are the component fibers of aortic plexus?
pregang ang post gang sym, pregang parasymapthetic, visceral afferents
what are the comonent fibers of celiac plexus
post gang for greater, lesser, least splanhnic, pregang parasympathet