Nerves of the Lumbosacral Plexus Flashcards
Iliohypogastric nerve
- T12-L1
- Sensation to skin over the lateral gluteal and hypogastric regions
- Motor to the internal oblique muscles and transverse abdominal muscles
Ilioinguinal nerve
- L1
- Sensory to the upper portion of the inner thigh, the base of the penis, and upper part of the scrotum in men and the mons pubis and lateral aspect of the labia in women
Genitofemoral nerve
- L1-L2
- Sensation to the upper anterior thigh, as well as the skin of the anterior scrotum in males and mons pubis in females
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous nerve
- L2-L3
- Sensation to skin on the anterior and lateral aspects of the thigh to the level of the knee
Obturator nerve
- L2-L4
- Obturator externus
- Adductor longus
- Adductor brevis
- Gracilis
- Pectineus
- Adductor magnus
Femoral nerve
- L2-L4
- Iliopsoas
- Pectineus
- Sartorius
- Quadriceps femoris
Superior Gluteal nerve
- L4-S1
- Gluteus medius
- Gluteus minimus
- Tensor fasciae latae
Inferior Gluteal nerve
- L5-S2
- Gluteus maximus
Posterior Femoral Cutaneous nerve
- S1-S3
- Sensation
N. to piriformis
- S1-S2
- Piriformis
N. to obturator internus
- L5-S1
- Obturator internus
- Gemelli
N. to quadratus femoris
- L5-S1
- Quadratus femoris
Sciatic nerve
- L4-S2: Common Fibular branch
- L4-S3: Tibial branch
Direct branch innervation - Biceps femoris (short head = common fib; long head = tibial)
- Semitendinosus
- Semimembranosus
- Medial adductor magnus
Sciatic nerve, common fibular branch
- Superficial fibular n.
- Deep fibular nerve
Sciatic nerve –> common fibular branch –> Superficial fibular n.
- Fibularis brevis and longus
Sciatic nerve –> common fibular branch –> Deep fibular n.
- Tibialis anterior
- Extensors digitorum brevis and longus
- Extensors hallucis brevis and longus
- Fibularis tertius
Sciatic nerve, tibial branch
- Triceps surae
- Plantaris
- Popliteus
- Tibialis posterior
- Flexor digitorum longus
- Flexor hallucis longus
Sciatic nerve –> tibial branch –> Medial plantar n.
- Adductor hallucis
- Flexor hallucis brevis (medial head)
- 1st and 2nd lumbricals
Sciatic nerve –> tibial branch –> Lateral plantar n.
- Flexor hallucis brevis (lateral head)
- Quadratus plantae
- Abductor digiti minimi
- Flexor digiti minimi brevis
- Opponens digiti minimi
- 3rd and 4th lumbricals
- 1-3 plantar interossei
- 1-4 dorsal interossei
- Adductor hallucis
Pudendal nerve
- S2-S4
- Nerves to perineum and levator ani