Nerves. *brachial plexus + axilla + spinal cord Flashcards
Generally, which nerve innervates the superficial and intermediate layers of the extrinsic shoulder muscles?
Anterior rami
Which nerve innervates the intrinsic shoulder muscles?
Posterior rami
Through which foramen does the suprascapular nerve travel?
-Suprascapular foramen (formed by the suprascapular notch and the superior transverse ligament of the scapula)
What is the travel buddy and path of the suprascapular nerve?
-N travels through foramen while suprascapular artery travels superiorly to foramen (not through)
-They meet up by the supraspinatus
-They travel inferior to the spinoglenoid notch to get to the infraspinatus
The musculocutaneous nerve is ________ to the brachialis and ____________ to the biceps brachii.
Musculocutaneous nerve pathway
-Arises from lateral cord of brachial plexus
-Pierces coracobrachialis
-Travels deep to biceps brachii and superficial to brachilis (sandwiched between them)
-Exits the muscle sandwich by travelling lateral to distal aspects of biceps brachii
-Terminates as lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm
What is the quadrangular space?
The square that makes up the route for the axillary nerve
What are the boundaries of the quadrangular space?
Superior: teres minor
Inferior: teres major
Medial: triceps brachii long head
Lateral: triceps brachii lateral head (or humerus)
What is directly inferior to the quadrangular space?
The triangular interval
What does the axillary nerve innervate?
Teres minor
What is the triangular interval?
The route for the radial nerve
Boundaries of the triangular interval?
Superior: teres major
Medial: triceps brachii long head
Lateral: triceps brachii lateral head (or humerus)
Identify the structures of the arm in this transverse section (start at top and move clockwise)
-Radial nerve
-Triceps brachii longhead
-Triceps brachii medial head
-Musculocutaneous nerve
-Biceps brachii short head
-Biceps brachii long head
-Triceps brachii lateral head
Is coracobrachialis present? Why or why not?
No because the section is too distal
What is the femoral triangle?
The travel space for the femoral nerve, artery, and vein
Boundaries of femoral triangle
Superior: inguinal ligament (of external obliques)
Lateral: sartorius
Medial: adductor longus
Floor: iliopsoas (medial) and pectineus (lateral)
When travelling together, what is the arrangement (medial to lateral) of the femoral n/v/a?
Medial to Lateral:
1. Femoral vein
2. Femoral arterty
3. Femoral nerve
The biceps femoris LH is ________ and the biceps femoris SH is ______ to the sciatic nerve.
Which artery and vein travel with the sciatic nerve?
Popliteal artery and vein
Where do the popliteal artery and vein travel through?
The popliteal fossa and adductor hiatus
Boundaries of the popliteal fossa (superior because we haven’t learned the calve muscles)
Superomedial: semitendinosus
Superolateral: biceps femoris short head
Which division of the sciatic nerve is more lateral?
Common fibular nerve
Identify these structures in this transverse section of the thigh (start at top and go clockwise). What is the yellow circle and the red circle?
-Rectus femoris
-Vastus lateralis
-Vastus intermedius
-Biceps femoris short head
-Biceps femoris long head
-Adductor magnus
-Adductor brevis
-Adductor longus
Yellow circle: sciatic nerve
Red circle: femoral artery nerve and vein
Which structures are missing and why?
-Obturator externus
They are too distal
Muscles in the anterior compartment of the thigh are innervated by the _________ nerve.
Muscles in the posterior compartment of the thigh are innervated by __________________.
Divisions of the sciatic nerve
Muscles in the medial compartment of the thigh are innervated by the ____________ nerve.
Muscles in the superficial and intermediate layers of anterior compartment of the forearm are innervated by _________.
Median nerve
Muscles in the deep later of anterior compartment of the forearm are innervated by ______.
Anterior interosseus nerve
Travel path of the median nerve
-Travels through the medial aspect of the arm
-Travels anterior to elbow joints
-Travels between the two heads of pronator teres
-Travels between FDS and FDP
-Reappears superficially, lateral to palmaris longus tendon
-Enters the hand via the carpal tunnel
Travel path of the ulnar nerve and artery
-Arises from medial cord of the brachial plexus
-Travels through the arm on the medial aspect
-Travels posterior to the medial epicondyle
-Reappears in the anterior compartment of the forearm deep to flexor carpi ulnaris travelling with ulnar artery
-Enters the hand with ulnar artery superficial to the flexor retinaculum
Travel path of the anterior interosseus nerve
-Arises from median nerve between the two heads of pronator teres
-Travels anterior to the interosseus membrane between flexor digitorum and flexor pollicis longus
-Terminates in pronator quadratus
Extrinsic back muscles are generally innervated by the __________ rami of the spinal nerves. Which exception is there?
-Anterior rami
-Trapezius: Spinal accessory nerve (cranial nerve XI)
Intrinsic back muscles are generally innervated by the ______ rami of spinal nerves. Which exception is there?
-Intertransversarii: anterior rami and posterior rami
How can you find the dorsal scapular and spinal accessory nerves using a muscle? Which muscle is this?
If you find levator scapulae, DSN is medial and SAN is lateral to it.
From which view can you see the thoracodorsal nerve?
Anterior view in a supine donor
Why is the intertransversarii innervated by posterior and anterior rami of spinal nerves?
-The muscles are very close to the intervertebral foramina so close to both ramis
Which nerves innervate the respiratory diaphragm?
-Right phrenic nerve and left phrenic nerve
What is the travel buddy/path for the phrenic nerves?
-Phrenic nerve in PHRONT of the vessels arises from/travelling to the heart
-Phrenic nerves are lateral to the heart
-Starts at neck
-Travels through thorax to superior thoracic aperture
-Travels with the pericardiacophrenic artery
Are spinal nerves part of the PNS or CNS?
How many pairs of bilateral spinal nerves are in each segment of the spinal cord?
Cervical: 8
Thoracic: 12
Lumbar: 5
Sacral: 5
Coccygeal: 1
Why are there cervical and lumbosacral enlargements of the spinal cord?
-Enlargements accomodate the plexi arising from these locations
-Cervical: brachial plexus
-Lumbosacral: lumbosacral plexus
How long is the spinal cord?
Spans C1 to L2
Medullary cone
-Tapering inferior to end of spinal cord at L2