Nerves Flashcards
I Olfactory
Function: Smell Type: Sensory
II Optic
Function: Vision Type: Sensory
III Oculomotor
Type: Motor Function: Eye muscles, pupil dilation
IV Trochlear
Function: eye muscle Type: Motor
V Trigeminal
Type: Mixed Function: Face pain, touch, jaw proprioception
VI Adbucens
Function: Eye muscle Type: Motor
VII Facial
Type: Mixed Function: Facial expression, salivary glands, taste
VIII Vestibulocochlear
Function: Hearing, balance/equilibrium Type: Sensory
IX Glossopharyngeal
Type: Mixed Function: salivary glands, swallowing, taste
X Vagus
Type: Mixed Function: Thorax, abdomen
XI Accessory
Function: Trapezius muscle, sternocleidomastoid muscle Type: Motor
XII Hypoglossal
Type: Mixed Function: Tongue Muscles
Function: Olfaction Type: Sensory
CN I Olfactory Nerve
Function: Vision Type: Sensory
CN II Optic Nerve
Function: Four extrinsic eye muscles; elevates eyelid Type: Somatic Motor Function: Innervates sphincter pupillae muscle in eye to make pupil constrict; contracts ciliary muscles to make lens of eye more rounded (as needed for near vision) Type: Autonomic
CN III Oculomotor Nerve
Function: Superior oblique eye muscle Type: Somatic Motor
CN IV Trochlear Nerve
Function: General sensory from anterior scalp, nasal cavity, nasopharynx, entire face, more of oral cavity, teeth, anterior two-thirds of tongue; part of auricle of ear; meninges Type: Sensory Function: Muscles of mastication, mylohyoid, digastric (anterior belly) tensory tympani, tensor veli palatini Type: Somatic Motor
CN V Trigeminal Nerve
Function: Lateral rectus of eye Type: Somatic Motor
CN VI Adbucens Nerve
Function: Tastes from anterior two-thirds of tongue Type: Sensory Function: Muscles of facial expression, digastric (posterior belly), stylohyloid, stapedius Type: Somatic Motor Function: Increases secretion from lacrimal gland of eye, submandibular and sublingual salivary glands Type: Autonomic
CN VII Facial Nerve
Function: Hearing (cochlear branch); equilibrium (vestibular branch) Type: Sensory
CN VIII Vestibulocochlear Nerve
Function: General sensory and taste from posterior one-third of tongue, general sensroy from part of pharynx, visceral sensory from carotid bodies Type: Sensory Function: One pharyngeal muscle (stylopharyngeus) Type: Somatic Motor Function: Increases secretion from parotid salivary gland Type: Autonomic
CN IX Glossopharyngeal Nerve
Function: Visceral sensory information from heart, lungs, most abdominal organs. General sensory information from external acoustic meatus, tympanic membrane, part of pharynx, laryngopharynx, and larynx Type: Sensory Function: Most pharyngeal muscles; all laryngeal muscles Type: Somatic Motor Function: Innervates smooth muscle and glands of heart, lungs, larynx, trachea, most abdominal organs Type: Autonomic
CN X Vagus Nerve
Function: Trapezius muscle, sternocleidomastoid muscle Type: Somatic Motor
CN XI Accessory Nerve
Function: Intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles Type: Somatic Motor
CN XII Hypoglossal Nerve