Nerve Pathways Flashcards
Median Nerve
Branch of brachial plexus
Leaves axilla & runs down medial arm, through heads of pronator teres
Goes along medial forearm w/ forearm flexors & through carpal tunnel to hand
Musculocutaneous Nerve
Branch of brachial plexus
Starts @ axilla
Pierces through coracobrachialis
Goes down anterolateral arm b/w brachialis & biceps brachii
Terminates as the Anterior Lateral Cutaneous Nerve of the forearm
Trigeminal Nerve
Ophthalmic- connect to the area around the eyes and over the forehead
Maxillary- Includes the area of the upper lip, nose and cheek
Mandibular- involves the side of the tongue, the lower lip and area of the cheek close to the ear
Long thoracic nerve
courses distally and laterally, deep to the clavicle and superficial to the first and second ribs. It continues along the anterior thoracic wall in the mid-axillary line, and ends on the superficial surface of the serratus anterior muscle.
Ulnar Nerve
Branch of brachial plexus
Goes down the medial arm
Runs behind medial epicondyle through the ulnar groove (deep to FCU) & continues down medial forearm
Passes lateral to pisiform through tunnel of guian into hand
Femoral Nerve
Branch of lumbar plexus
Runs through pelvis b/w iliopsoas mm
Exits pelvis below inguinal ligament, out of femoral triangle
Runs down anteromedial thigh & terminates above knee
Saphenous nerve
Branch of the femoral n. below the inguinal ligament
Runs down medial thigh, past medial aspect of knee
Crosses medial femoral condyle b/w tendons of sartorius & gracilis
Continues down medial leg & runs alongside/behind greater saphenous vein
Passes anterior to medial malleolus & terminates at medial foot
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
Only pure sensory nerve to be formed directly from nerve roots
Formed from roots L2-3
Exits pelvis *under the inguinal ligament, just medial to the ASIS
Travels laterally overtop of the Sartorius tendon and then provides sensory innervation to the lateral thigh
Superior gluteal nerve
Superior Gluteal Nerve formed from nerve roots L4- S1
Provides motor innervation to Gluteus Medius, Minumus and Tensor Fascia Lata
Radial Nerve
Branch of the brachial plexus
Starts @ axilla, goes through the triangular space
Wraps around radial groove and runs down posterior arm to anterior lateral epicondyle
Runs down lateral posterior forearm
Branches terminating @ thumb & back of hand
Obturator nerve
Composed of nerve roots from L2-4
Exits the pelvis through the obturator foramen
Provides sensory innervation to the medial thigh
Provides motor innervation to the adductor muscles
Axillary Nerve
Leaves axilla through the quadrangular space
Innervates the Deltoid and Teres Minor muscles
Provides sensory innervation to the posterior and lateral shoulder
Brachial Nerve? Probably plexus
Exits Cervical spine between Anterior and Middle Scalene muscles
Runs underneath the clavicle and Pectoralis Minor
Is bound with the Axillary Artery in the Axilla
Gives off 5 major terminal branches