Nerve of upper limb Flashcards
musculocutaneous nerve for arm
Enters by passing through coracobrachialis muscle
Passes between biceps brachii and brachialis muscles
Continues in the forearm as Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm
• Motor-Coracobrachialis,Bicepsbrachiiand
• Sensory-skinonthelateralsurfaceofthe forearm
median nerve for arm
Passes vertically down the medial side of arm
Related to brachial artery throughout its course No major branches in arm
median nerve for cubital fossa
Cubital fossa :
Lies medial to brachial artery
Leaves by passing between two heads of pronator teres muscle
median nerve for forearm
Innervate - muscles in the anterior compartment (except flexor carpi ulnaris and the medial part of flexor digitorum profundus)
Branches - Anterior interosseous nerve supplies deep muscles and a small palmar branch innervates skin over the base and central palm
median nerve for hand
Enters hand by passing deep to flexor retinaculum and terminates by dividing in to common palmar digital branches
Supplies thenar muscles and lateral two lumbricals
carpal tunnel formed by
Anteriorly – Flexor retinaculum; attached medially to the Pisiform bone and hook of Hamate; laterally attached to Scaphoid & Trapezium,
Posteriorly – Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Capitate, Trapezoid bones
what is carpal tunnel syndrome
Median nerve passes through the Carpal tunnel
In conditions like Myxoedema, the Median nerve is compressed & causes paralysis of Thenar muscles (Ape hand deformity)
Patient also has shooting pain, tingling , loss of sensation in lateral 2/3 of hand
nerve injuries for median nerve
Ape hand deformity
Hand Of Benediction
tgn bentuk ok( anterior interosseous syndrome)
ulnar nerve for arm
Enters along with the median nerve and axillary artery
In the middle of the arm, nerve penetrates medial intermuscular
septum and enters posterior compartment
ulnar nerve in forearm
Enters anterior compartment by passing posterior to medial epicondyle of the humerus
Innervates only the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle and the medial part of the flexor digitorum profundus muscle
Two cutaneous branches – Palmar branch, Dorsal branch
ulnar nerve for palm
Enters the hand by passing superficial to the flexor retinaculum and immediately lateral to the pisiform bone
Divides into a deep branch, which is mainly motor and a superficial branch, which is mainly sensory.
Deep branch - supplies the hypothenar muscles, the interossei, adductor pollicis, and the two medial lumbricals
Superficial branch - innervates the palmaris brevis muscle and supply skin on the palmar surface of the little finger and the medial half of the ring finger
what radial nerve for arm
Enters arm lying posterior to brachial artery
Accompanied by profunda brachii artery, radial nerve enters posterior compartment through lower triangular space and lies in the radial groove directly on bone
On the lateral side, it passes anteriorly and enters the anterior compartment
radial nerve branches in arm
• Muscularbranchestotriceps brachii, brachioradialis, and extensor carpi radialis longus muscles
• Cutaneousbranches-inferior lateral cutaneous nerve of arm and the posterior cutaneous nerve of forearm
radial nerve for forearm
Enters the forearm anterior to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus
Bifurcates into deep and superficial branches
The deep branch is predominantly motor and passes between the two heads of the supinator muscle to access and supply muscles in the posterior compartment of the forearm.
The superficial branch of the radial nerve is sensory and innervates skin on the dorsolateral surface
radial nerve for hand
Hand: Superficial branch enters the hand by passing over the anatomical snuffbox and supplies the skin over the dorsolateral aspect of palm and dorsal aspect of lateral digits.
wrist drop?
fracturw shaft of humerus- radial nerve
axillary nerve
Nerve exits the axilla by passing through the quadrangular space in the posterior wall of the axilla, and enters the posterior scapular region
It is directly related to the posterior surface of the surgical neck of the humerus.
Motor supply : innervates the deltoid and teres minor muscles
Cutaneous branch: superior lateral cutaneous nerve of the arm - carries general sensation from the skin over the inferior part of the deltoid muscle