Nerve Fiber Types, Interventions, and Presentations Flashcards
What fiber types are found in Intercostals and Subcostal Nerves?
· Somatic Motor
· Somatic Sensory
· Sympathetic
What are the target tissues for the Intercostals and Subcostal Nerves?
· Intercostal muscles · Thoracic Wall · Parietal Pleura · (7-12) Anterior Abdominal Wall · Peripherally - Diaphragm
What are the symptoms/presentations for the Intercostals and Subcostal Nerves?
· Sensory deficits (Pain, Temp, Touch)
· Paralysis
· Lack of sweating
What fiber types are found in the Phrenic Nerve?
· Somatic Motor (C3, C4, C5)
· Somatic Sensory (C3, C4, C5)
What are the target tissues for the Phrenic Nerve?
· Parietal Pleura (Sensory)
· Fibrous Pericardium (Sensory)
· Parietal Layer of Serous Pericardium (Sensory)
· Diaphragm (Motor)
What are the symptoms/presentations for the Phrenic Nerve?
· Difficulty w/inspiration
· Sensory deficits ANTERIOR to root of lung
What fiber types are found in the Vagus Nerve?
· Parasympathetic
What are the target tissues for the Vagus Nerve?
· Lungs · Heart · Esophagus · Foregut · Midgut
What are the symptoms/presentations for the Vagus Nerve?
· Bronchoconstriction
· Bradycardia
· Peristalsis and Secretion (in foregut)
What fiber types are found in the Pulmonary Nerve?
· Sympathetic
What are the target tissues for the Pulmonary Nerve?
· Lungs
What are the symptoms/presentations for the Pulmonary Nerve?
· Bronchodilation
What fiber types are found in the Cardiac Nerve?
· Sympathetic (Paravertibral Ganglion)
What are the target tissues for the Cardiac Nerve?
· Heart
What are the symptoms/presentations for the Cardiac Nerve?
· Tachycardia
What fiber types are found in the Greater, Lesser and Least Thoracic Splanchnic Nerve (T5 - T12)?
· Sympathetic (T5-T9; Greater Thoracic Splanchnic Nerve only has Celiac Ganglion)
· Sympathetic (T10 - T12; Lesser and Least Thoracic Splanchnic Nerve have Celiac Ganglion or SMG)
What are the target tissues for the Greater, lesser and Least Thoracic Splanchnic Nerve (T5 - T12)?
· Foregut (T5-T9; Greater Thoracic Splanchnic Nerve only)
· Midgut (T10 - T12; Lesser and Least Thoracic Splanchnic Nerve)
What are the symptoms/presentations for the Greater, lesser and Least Thoracic Splanchnic Nerve (T5 - T12)?
· Inhibits Peristalsis and Secretion
What fiber types are found in the Left and Right Recurrent Laryngeal Nerves?
· Somatic Motor
What are the target tissues for the Left and Right Recurrent Laryngeal Nerves?
· Larynx
L: travels posterolateral to the ligamentum arteriosum
R: travels under the right subclavian
What are the symptoms/presentations for the Left and Right Recurrent Laryngeal Nerves?
· Hoarseness of Throat: Caused by aneurysm of the aortic arch or enlargement of the lymph nodes
What fiber types are found in the Pelvic Splanchnic Nerve?
· Parasympathetic (intermediate gray matter from S2-S4)
· “-P-elvic Splanchnic is the ONLY -P-arasympathetic Splanchnic”
What are the target tissues for the Pelvic Splanchnic Nerve?
· Hindgut
What are the symptoms/presentations for the Pelvic Splanchnic Nerve?
· Peristalsis and Secretion
What fiber types are found in the Lumbar Splanchnic Nerve?
· Sympathetic
What are the target tissues for the Lumbar Splanchnic Nerve?
· Hindgut
What are the symptoms/presentations for the Lumbar Splanchnic Nerve?
· Inhibits Peristalsis and Secretion
What is the REFERRED location of referred cardiac pain?
· T1 Dermatome
What is the LOCALIZED location of referred cardiac pain?
· Cardiac Muscle
What is the REFERRED location of referred gastric pain?
· Right and Left Upper Quadrant
What is the REFERRED location of referred intestinal pain?
· Right and Left Lower Quadrant
What is the REFERRED location of referred appendicular pain?
· T10 Dermatome
· Parietal Peritoneum
What is the LOCALIZED location of referred appendicular pain?
· Lower Right Quadrant (When parietal peritoneum becomes inflamed)
What is the location of the abdominal wall dermatomes?
· T7-T9: superior umbilicus
· T10: Umbilicus
· T11-L1: Inferior to umbilicus
· L1: Inguinal fold
What nerves innervate the abdominal wall?
Ventral Rami of…
· T7-T11 (intercostal nn.)
· T12 (subcostal nn.)
· L1 (iliohypogastric, Ilioinguinal nn.)
They innervate muscles SEGMENTALLY along their path
Trace the pathway of the sympathetic nervous system to the BODY WALL.
Lateral horn –> Ventral root –> Spinal nerve –> Ventral ramus –> White ramus communicons –> Sympathetic trunk –> Para-vertebral ganglion (synaps) –> Grey ramus communicons –> Ventral or Dorsal rami –> Body Wall Targets (Blood vessels, arrector pilli muscles, sweat glands)
Trace the pathway of the sympathetic nervous system to the THORACIC ORGANS.
Lateral horn –> Ventral root –> Spinal nerve –> Ventral ramus –> White ramus communicons –> Sympathetic trunk –> Para-vertebral ganglion (synaps) –> Cardiac/Pulmonary nerves –> Heart/Lungs
Trace the pathway of the sympathetic nervous system to the ABDOMINAL ORGANS.
Lateral horn –> Ventral root –> Spinal nerve –> Ventral ramus –> White ramus communicons –> Sympathetic trunk –> Splanchnic nerve –> Pre-vertebral ganglion –> Abdominal/Pelvic organs
How many cranial nerves does our body have?
12 pairs, exit brain via cranium foramina
How many spinal nerve does our body have?
31 pairs; 8C, 12T, 5L, 5S, 1Co.
Exit spinal cord via intervertebral foramina
C1 exits between skull and C1 vertebra
What type of fibers are somatic motor?
What type of fibers are somatic sensory?
How many neurons are involved in the Somatic, Autonomic, and Visceral nervous system?
1, 2, 1
Trace the pathway of SOMATIC MOTOR.
Ventral horn –> Ventral root –> Spinal nerve –> Ventral or dorsal ramus
Trace the pathway of SOMATIC SENSORY.
Ventral or Dorsal ramus –> Spinal nerve –> Dorsal root ganglion –> Dorsal root
What type of neurons innervate the parietal peritoneum?
Somatic sensory
What type of neurons innervate the visceral peritoneum?
Visceral sensory
What fiber types are found in the Ilioingunal Nerve (L1)?
Somatic Sensory
What is the target of the Ilioingunal Nerve (L1)?
Inguinal region (Labia Majora/ Scrotum)
What fiber types are found in the Genetal brach of the Genitofemoral nerve?
Somatic motor
Somatic sensory
What is the target of the Genetal brach of the Genitofemoral nerve?
Motor: Cremaster muscle
Sensory: Inguinal region (Labia Majora/ Scrotum)
Sympathetic: Shrivel the dartos muscle