Nephrology & Urology Flashcards
Ddx for periorbital edema
URTI allergic rhinitis/conjunctivitis acute allergic rxn periorbital cellulitis heart failure (uncommon to have edema in paeds) hepatic failure nephrotic syndrome
nephrotic syndrome presentation
hypoalbuminemia edema, pleural effusions lipids elevated proteinuria anorexia, diarrhea
M>F, 2-6 years
work-up for nephrotic syndrome
U/A, ACR, lytes (low Na, Ca, high K), BUN, Cr, glucose
PTT (low)
serum albumin
C3 + C4, ANA
Hep B, Hep C, HIV
TB skin test, varicella, streptozyme
kidney biopsy if >10 years old /w hematuria, HTN, renal insuf, or low complement
or if not responding to treatment
types of nephrotic syndrome
minimal change disease (most common)
focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
membranous glomerulonephritis
treatment of nephrotic syndrome
prednisone 4-6wks then taper. Na restrict while edematous. Lasix + albumin only if edema causing issues.
If no response or ++ relapses: cyclophosphamide or mycophenolate mofetil
after treatment give pneumococcal, varicella, influenza vaccines
complications of nephrotic syndrome
renal failure, thromboembolic events, bacterial infections (peritonitis - do cultures + tap)
hematuria diagnosis
> 5 RBCs per hpf x3 consecutive samples
hints that hematuria is glomerular source
- cola coloured urine (vs pink/red)
- no clots
- proteinuria (2+)
- dysmorphic RBCs
- RBC casts
evaluation for hematuria
- CVS exam
- edema, ascites, flank pain, CVA tenderness, subrapubic pain
- joint pain, purpura
lytes, Cr, BUN, albumin, CBC + diff
nephritic labs: C3/4, ANA, anti-dsDNA, ANCA, anti-strepsolysin
UA, microscopy, urine culture
imaging: bladder + renal US, +/- doppler, +/-cystoscopy, +/-CT if trauma
Paediatric hematuria DDx
exercise induced
medications (cyclophosphamide)
familial - alport syndrome, sickle cell, benign fam hematuria, PCKD
infections - UTI, pyelonephritis, viral cystitis (adeno, CMV, BK - have pyuria + sterile cultures)
idiopathic hypercalcuria
Glomerulonephritis types
post strep (10 days after) - low C3, high ASO
IgA nephropathy - painless hematuria post virus (can have nephritic syndrome, rapid progression), dx /w renal bx
lupus nephritis
HSP nephritis
nephritic syndrome presentation /labs
proteinuria (mild-mod) hematuria AKI RBC casts Oliguria (& mild edema, pulm edema) hypertension headache
+/-dyspnea, arthralgias, rash
older kids (5-15 years)
high: urea, Cr, K, P
low: Ca
acidosis (not excreting H+)
mild anemia
+/-mild hypoalbumin
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome Presentation
abdo pain + bloody diarrhea prior (can also have e coli without this)
can cause acute renal failure
suspect if: decreased urine output, edema
labs in HUS
- anemia, high retics
- low plt
- high tot bili, low haptoglobin, high LDH, schistocytes
- negative DAT
- high BUN and Cr
- urine: protein, blood
- d-dimer, fibrinogen, INR, PTT = normal
management of HUS
treat HTN, correct lytes, fluids PRN
dialysis if fluid overload + lytes not correctable or high BUN
RBC + plt transfusion PRN
plasmapheresis if non-e coli
antibiotics CONTRAINDICATED (increase shiga toxins)
annual follow-up for Cr, Bp, urinalysis
hydronephrosis ddx
UPJ or UVJ obstruction posterior urethral valves (males) utereocele (ureter balloons into bladder) ectopic ureter (into urethra or vagina)
work-up for hydronephrosis
serial US in preg
if >10mm pelviectasis in 3rd trim do post-natal US
renal bladder US
consider: VCUG (can see reflux), anterograde or retrograde pyelography
management of hydronephrosis
antenatal: intervene only if oligohydramnios
often resolves during 1st year of life
consider antitbiotic prophylaxis if high grade reflux
surgical: if progressing, recurrent UTIs
posterior urethral valves description
mucosal folds in distal prostatic urethra –> obstruction
posterior urethral valves presentation
variable, age dependent
- renal dysplasia, reflux
- antenatal: bladder distension, HN, oligohydramnios
- birth: abdo mass (bladder/HN), drippling urine, resp distress, urinary ascites
- later: dehydration, lytes, urosepsis, FTT
- toddler: UTI, difficulty voiding, incontinence
diagnosing PUV
U/S, +/- VCUG
management of PUV
cystoscopic resection, vesicostomy if cant resect
post-op: monitor for CKD, bladder disfunction, reflux