Nephrology Flashcards
Primary d/o
Dec’d HCO3 (met acidosis) -> dec’d PCO2 (resp alk compensation) -> 1.3(change in HCO3) +-2
Inc’d HO3 (met alkalosis) - -> inc’d PCO2 (resp acidosis compensation) -> 40+0.7 (change HCO3)
Inc’d PCO2 (resp acidosis) -> Inc’d HCO3 (met alkalosis compensation)-> Acute 1 HCO3 for 10 PCO2, Chronic 3.5 HCO3 for 10 PCO2
Dec’d PCO2 (resp alkalosis) -> dec’d HCO3 (met acidosis - compensation)-> Acute 2 HCO3 for 10 PCO2, Chronic 5HCO3 for 10 PCO2
Acid/base Method
- Check pH >7.4 alkalotic - met if bicarb inc, resp if CO2 dec
met if bicarb dec, resp if CO2 inc - Check AG - Na+- (Cl+HCO3)
- Compensation
- Met Acidosis with AG - 1:1 rule - change in AG = change bicarb (only if doing AG met acidosis)
Non gap metabolic acidosis causes?
Lower GI losses (diarrhea) /ureteral diversion (like diarrhea)
Prox: MM, acetazolamide, lead, topamax,
Distal: Sjogrens, lupus, amphote, foscarnet, toluene
Proximal RTA (II) - pH=5, urine AG neg (not able to reclaim bicarb) - spills bicarb - UpH alkaline at first but then acidifes in functional distal tubule Distal RTA (I) pH>5.5 - pos Urine AG (inappropriately alkaline urine in setting of systemic acidosis) - a/w CaPO4 kidney stones
Diarrhea - pH=5 - tubules are working - diarrhea gets rid of lots of bicarb in blood - kidneys still get rid of ammonium and hydrogen to compensate - pH of urine still acidic - neg AG urine
Hyporenin hypoaldo (IV) - no aldo, can’t get rid of K -> get hyperkalemia - alkaline pH
Confirm RTA
Urine anion gap = negative (normal) - measure for urine - when can acidify urine/diarrhea ammonium (unmeasured cation)
When AG + -> not dumping ammonium
Proximal RTA vs diarrhea
check products that would be dumping due to prox RTA (AA, glucose, phosphate) - not diarrhea if see these
Anion Gap metabolic acidosis
M ethanol U remia D iabetic ketoacidosis P ropylene glycol, paraldehyde I sonazid (INH) L actate E thylene glycol, ethanol S alicylates - ** also causes respiratory alkalosis
Metabolic gap acidosis with Osmolar gap
AG and Osmolar Gap Methanol Propylene glycol Ethylene glycol, ethanol Osmolar gap=
Ketosis without acidosis in substance AG normal bicarb normal
Isopropyl etoh
Metabolic alkalosis
PCO2 inc’d = 0.6(change in bicarb)
MC acid base abnormality - everyone on diuresis and vomiting (bicarb up, lose hydrogen) - maintained cuz pre-renal - can’t get bicarb out
pH high - high bicarb level
PCO2 inc’d = 0.6(change in bicarb)
Chloride responsive (to saline) - Ucl 20 (hyperaldo)
Mineralocorticoid excess
Diuretic (recent)
Gittleman - like HCTZ dec K, normal BP, UCl>15
Barter’s syndrome - like lasix, normal BP Ucl ?15
Little’s/licorice ingestion - high BP, Ucl>15, dec’d K
Respiratory Acidosis
not breathing - too much PCO2 (chest wall injury, obstruction, CNS resp depression, COPD (chronic)
Acute 1 inc HCO3 for 10 inc PCO2
Chornic 4 inc HCO3 per 10 inc PCO2
Respiratory Alkalosis
Hyperventilating - PE, high altiutde, PNA, sepsis
Acute - dec 2 HCO3 per 10 dec PCO2
Chronic - 5 dec HCO3 per 10 dec PCO2
Glue sniffing
distal RTA (alkalotic urine)
Serum Osm=
2(Na+) + BUN/2.8+Gluc/18
Osm gap=
Ethylene glycol->glycolic acid->CaOx crystals->ATN
Measured serum osm-calculated Osm
if osm gap>50 needs HD
if osm gap <50
Non-gap Met acidosis
Loss of bicarb or unable to excrete H+ RTA Diarrhea Ureterosigmoiostomy Early renal failure Post hyperventillation (blowing off PCO2 - kidney dumps bicarb, absorbs Cl-)
Toner fluid/acetone/isopropyl etoh
NOT converted to acid
converts to ketone - not acidic
inc’d serum osm
Dec’d transportaion defect in ascending loop of henle
Bartter’s syndrome (Lasix), low BP, low K, UCl>15
Dec’d transportationd ef in deistal tubule
Gitelman’s (HCTZ) low BP, low K, UCl>15
INc’d (aldo independent) transport in distal tubule
Liddle’s syndrome (high BP) low K, UCl>15
Pt p/w ingestion unknown substance pH7.18, PCO2 23, Bicarb 8, Na 136, Cl 100 HCO3 10 - Ca Ox crystals
Gap metabolic acidosis
Ethylene glycol
tx: ethanol if Osm Gap 20
HD if osm gap >50
pt brought in with confusion, convulsions and blindness after injesting uknown substance - pH 7.24, PCO2 28, HCO3 14 Na 136, Cl 100 HCO3 15 dx?
Methanol poisoning
formic acid - blindness
Pt to ER depressed/somnolent - friend says was initially excited - injgested unknown substance - smells acetone/ acetone urine +, likely ingested?
Isopropyl etoh
18yo brought to ER with confusion, seizure and ataxia dec’d DTR, fruity odor on breath - dx?
Toluene toxicity (glue sniffing)
Pt with tinnitus, lethargy, tachycardia - pH7.48, Na+140, Cl 100, HCO3 16 - pt has?
ASA tox
Resp alkalosis -> Met acidosis
76yo pt needs to inc’ TV to hear better - c/o ringing in ear mild dizziness - pt with HTN taknig ASA x 10 years - VSS dx?
ASA tox (confusion, fever, hyperventilation, acidosis)
Non AG
Chronic renal failure
peaked T wave
Renin problem
Aldo problem - not enough aldo (blocked by ACEi, spironolactone), hyperK, acidosis
Pre-renal state, no distal Na+, can’t dump K into urine (needs K for pump to work)
Insulin def (cellular shifting)
Impaired renin (NSAIDS, BB, cyclosporin, tacrolimus, DM, age)
Impaired aldo metabolism
Aldo rct blockers (spironolactone, epleronone)
Na+ channel blockers (need Na+ into cell to get K out of cell)
Acidosis - Type IV RTA (hypoaldo, hyporenin), CKD
Hypo K
Hyperaldo prim or sec
GI losses - diarrhea/vomiting
Conn’s primary hyperaldo - tumor producing too much aldo - suppresses renin
Acidosis - RTA I/II, diarrhea, toleune
Alkalosis - hyperaldo, loop/thiazinde diuretics, genetic d/o, vomiting
no aldo
no renin
baro rct’s
No blood to JGA/macula densa
Kicks out renin/angio/aldo secreted
ADH released to hold onto water
Thirst center
hypothalamus releases ADH-> reabsorbs water from urine
both high aldo/renin
low urine Na+
hyponatremic with high urine osm (inappropriate - should be dilute)
Neg free water balance abn thirst mech/no access to wate excessive free water loss (sweat, diarrhea, osm diuresis, DI (no vasopressin or kidney not responsive to vasopressin) kidney should conc for level of hyperosm Excessive hypertonic saline
Diabetes insipidus
hypernatremic and urine osm is low
urine is too dilute - should be concentrated and keeping water to combat high Na in blood
Central vs nephrogenic DM
Give DDAVP - better? Central DI
not better? nephrogenic DI
Hyperosmolar hyponatremia
Glucose - sugar 1000 - all in blood - osm high because of glucose - water rushes into blood from cells - sodium goes down - hyponatremia
Correction factor gluc >300, for every inc 100, dec Na 2.5
Hypoosmolar hyponatremia
serum osm low, sodium low - too much water in blood - urine should be dilute
If Uosm high - kidneys not working or too much ADH
Hypovolemic - cerebral salt wasting, diarrhea, beer potomania
Isovolemic - SIADH, exstacy
Hypervolemic - CHF
Primary polydipsia
Serum osm low, urine osm low
Too much ADH (SIADH)
Renin-angio system elev
Urine Na low - pre-renal - has CHF/GIB/sepsis - stimulating ADH release
If not pre-renal (Urine Na+ high)
HCTZ/salt losing nephropathy
Inc’d ADH from non-volume, non-osmotic source (tumor)
Inapprop conc urine in setting of watery blood normal effective circulating volume (no renin-aldo issue) Causes CNS Pulm - PNA Oat cell carinoma Post op Drugs - NSAID, SSRI,
Tx: restrict water Vaptan (block adh) Diuretic - lasix If MS changes - hypertonic saline
SIADH vs HCTZ hyponatremic hyponatremia
SIADH - all blood numbers look dilute (BUN, Cr Uric acid)
HCTZ - BUN Cr is high, bicarb high ish
Primary polydipsia vs
Central DI vs
Nephrogenic DI
Baseline Serum Na 140, Uosm 100, UOP 8
Water deprivation Serum Na 147, Uosm 110, UOP 7.8 (not primary polydipsia - without water input, still peeing a lot, still dilute urine, Na going up)
DDAVP Serum Na 149, UOsm 115, UOP 7.5 - (Not central DI, if it was DDAVP would cause UOP to go down, urine osm would go up significantly) -> Nephrogenic DI
Central DI
after DDAVP - urine OSM goes up, UOP goes down, serum Na goes down
Primary polydipsia
after water deprivation, Uosm goes up, UOP goes down, Serum Na goes down (not diluted)
28yo M DM pt with anusea, BS 310 - Na 135, K 5.6, Cl 94, HCO3 20
AG=21 - DKA (BS 310)
28yo M DM p/w nausea, BS 310 Na 135, K 5.6, Cl 104, HCO3 20
AG = 11 (no gap) - non- gap -> Type IV RTA?
80yo taking NSAID and tylenol for OA - Na 138, Cl 100, bicarb 16, ABG pH 7.3, PCO2 32
Met Acidosis AG=22 - > Gap Compensation - 1.3 (8) about 10 - pCO2 is 37 should be 30 -> concominant respiratory acidosis Tylenol toxicity (salicylate)
Na 135, Cl 80, HCO3 24, BUN cr 110/11, pH 7.4, pCO2 37, HCO3 22 pt has?
pH normal 2. Compensation - 3. change in AG - 31-12=19 if bicarb serum > change in AG (19) then met alkalosis if delta gap/delta bicarb>2 then met alk + metabolic acidosis
change in anion gap from normal should equal change in bicarb from usual level - if not then indicates other process - so there is concurrent metabolic acidosis
Chronic renal failure with vomiting
Na 142 K 3.3, Cl 95, HO3 38 BP 150/100, Renin level low Ucl >20 most likely has?
Licorice ingestion (high BP, low K) or could be little’s defect (not gittleman or barrters - low/normal BP low K)
Pt with exacerbation of COPD PCO2 70 pH 7.45, pedal edema intubated/vent -> PCO2 now 50, furesemide gien -> extubated and d/cd on tiotropium albuterol steroids and lasix - 1 week later pH 7.46, PO2 55, PCO2 60, bicarb 40 - most likely cuase - ?
COPD pt with PCO2, PO2 60, bicarb 28, pedal edema - tx’d wit htiotropium and diuretics - 1 week later PCO2 60, bicarb 40 - pt on O2 and pedal edema decreased - wtd?
KCl runs - fixes hypo K, decreases bicarb
pH 7.6, PCO2 30, PO2 70, bicarb 32
Respiratory alkalosis (CO2 low) Metabolic alkalosis (HCO3 high)
pCO2 reduced despite high bicarb - when pCO2 and HCO3 move in different directions from reference values there are at least 2 acid base problems present - low PCO2 indicates resp alkalosis, high HCO3 shows metabolic alkalosis
Scenario - pre-existing metabolic alkalosis from thiazide therapy - develops PNA with hyperventilation causing respiratory alkalosis
pH 7.3 PCO2 50, HCO3 22, Na135, HCO3 24, Cl 82
Resp acidosis (low pH, high PCO2) compensated - HCO3 should be 22-26 AG=29 - > AG metabolic acidosis Delta delta - 17/0= infinity (>2) so AG met acidosis+met alkalosis
pH7.5, PCO2 30, HCO3 24, Na 144, Cl 80
Resp alkalosis (high pH, low PCO2) compensated - HCO3 should be 20-24 AG=40 - AG metabolic acidosis delta delta - 28/0 = infinity - AG met acidosis + metabolic alkalosis
pH 7.48, PCO2 32, PO2 90, HCO3 24, Na 135, Cl 84, HCO3 24
Resp alk alkalosis (high pH, low PCO2)
compensated (HCO3 should be 20-24)
AG=27 - AG metabolic acidosis
delta delta - 15/0 >2 -> AG met acidosis + met alkalosis
Prox RTA (II) Defect - reabsorbtion of HCO3 -> temporarily alk urine then acidifies in functional distal tubule Dz: Fanconi's MM Acetazolamide Topiratmate Osteomalcia \+- stones hypoK+ UpH 5.5
Urine pH>5.5
Dry mouth, enlarged partid, arthralgia
Sjogrens -> RTA I
Hyponatremia problems
Normal - Serum Na 135-145, UNa>20, UOsm 600, post water dep Ur Osm inc’d, post DDAVP UOsm inc’d
Central DI Serum Na inc’d, UNa dec’d, UOsm Dec’d, Post water depriv UOsm no change, Post DDAVP U OSm inc’d
Nephorgenic DM Ser Na inc’d, UNa dec’d, UOsm dec’d, Post water UOsm no change, Post DDAVP UOsm no change
Psychogenic polydypsia Ser Na dec’d, UNa dec’d, UOsm dec’s, post water dep UOsm inc’d, Post DDAVP UOsm inc’d
SIADH Ser Na dec’d, UNa inc’d, Ur Osm inc’d
Ser Na 146, UNa 10 UOsm 73 post H20 depriv UOsm 76 post DDAVP UOsm 600
Central DI
Ser Na 148 UNa12 UOsm 71 Post H20 restric UOsm 75 Post DDAVP UOSm 77
Nephrogenic DI
Ser Na 131 UNa 12 UOsm 65 Post H20 restriction UOsm 500 Post DDAVP UOsm 600
Psychogenic polydypsia
Ser Na 132 UNa 45 UOsm 600 Young female rec Sx or Lung Ca
NH Pt Ser Na 160 UNa 10 UOsm 800
Hypernatremic dehydration
Ser Na 130 UNa 5 H/o Liver dz
Hepatorenal syndrome
Best long term management SIADH
Hypertonic hyponatremia
Isotonic hyponatremia
Pseduohyponatremia TG>1000
Acute sx hyponatremia (MS change - lethargy/sz)
Aggressive tx with 3% saline >1mEq/hr for several hours - 12mEq/hr x 24 hrs
If Chronic hyponatremia do not correct >0.5mEq/hr
Central Pontine myelinolysis
Pt is chronic hyponatremic - then sudden correction with hypertonic saline causes fluid shift out of neurons causing shrinkage of cells and myelin sheaths -> paralysis
V1/V2 rct antagonist - causes iatrogenic nephrogenic DI - free water diuresis
Pt undergoes CTS - started on D5W alternating with 1/2 NS - day one Na 142, UNa 42, Day 6 Serum Na 118, UNa 20 wtd?
Normal saline + lasix (isovolemic hyponatremia)
70yo pt with PNA - Na at presentation 135 started on NS 1100cc/hr - 3 days later pt no fever, WBC dec’s pt confused and has seizure Na is 110 - UNa is 80 dx?
SIADH (similar presentation pt with small ll lung Ca, post in young woman)
Tx: Stop NS IVF, start 3% saline and Diuretics
35yo man found in bathroom brought to ER - gluc 90, pulse ox 96% on room air h/o schizophrenia BP 130/84 Serum Na110, BUN/Cr 8/0.7, Cl 88, CO2 18, Ur Na 10, UOsm 40 - dx?
Psychogenic polydypsia
tx: fluid restriction, 3% Saline/diuretics (MS change)
45yo long h/o bipolar d/o ON LITHIUM found in coma - Na 169 dx?
Hypernatremia 2/2 lithium thrapy
Water deficit - replace half in 24 hour - use D5w with 1/4 NS
If hypotensive NS until stable
24yo F body buidling competition c/o wk and cramps - admits to polyuri and slightly dizzy when gets up - Serum Na 148, K 2.7, bicarb 28 UOsm 80, spot lyte K>25 dx?
Diuretic abuse
Pt with HEAD injury p/w urinary incontinence UOsm 42, plasma OSm 310 (nl 280) Na 150, BUN/Cr 50/1.8 etiology?
Diabetes insipidus
Give DDAVP check for dec in UOP and inc’d UOsm
Pt pw polyuria - severe polydipsia - Uosm 60 blood sugar 120 - after water dep UOsm to 72, after DDAVP to 82 - dx?
DDAVP not working so nephrogenic DI
Factitious (leading cause)
Cell bkdn (hemolysis, rhabdo)
Adrenal hypofunction (decreased excretion of K)
-hyporeninemic hypoaldo (Type IV RTA)
-Addition’s dz
-Renal failure
EKG changes - peaked twaves -> flattened p waves-> sine wave, -> vfib
Tx: stabilze cardiac memb - calcium gluconate (1st)
Push K back in cells - insulin/albuterol, HCO3
Excretion - sodium polystyrene sulfonate resin or HD
Renal wasting -hyperPTH -Fanconi (prox RTA) Dec'd absorbtion -vit D def (inc'd alk phos) -malabsorption -etoh abuse -phosphate binder INc'd cellular uptake -tx of DKA -carb repletion in etoh abuse - refeeding syndrome
Dec'd intake -starvation -eto abuse -NGT aspiration Renal loss -Diuretics -anminoglycosides -ampho B Pancreatits - precipitate as Mg Soap PTH ectomy - deposit in bone "hungry bone syndrome - p/w lethargy anorexia, nausea, tetany convulsions **Can't correc tK or Ca+ until you correct Mg!!!***
Pt p/w weakness, anorexia, leethargy
Na 136, K 3, Cl 105, Ca 6, phos 1.3 - started on IVF, 40 Meq K - next day K and Ca not corrected - etio?
tx: correct Mg
Proteinuria 1. Overflow proteins - MM, MGUS 2. INc'd filtratio nof protein - -glomerular dz -Nephortic protein >3g/day Nephritic protein < 2g/day 4. Transient -fever -Excercise -Upright position -Seizure Normal < 100mg protein exxr/day 5g - check protein electrophoresis r/o MM, MGUS
Pt with fever, UTI, U+ for protein wtd?
Repeat U/A after fever/UTI resolved
Pt on NSAIs fo rpain - U/A + protein
repeat after d/c NSAID x 2 weeks
Pt with protein + in uprigh tposition wtd?
Check first void AM urine specimen - if neg then no further w/u
Pt with proteinuria on dipstick post excercise - wtd?
repeat U/A after stopping excercise x 2 weeks
w/ RBC casts & proteinuria -> Glomerular dz’s
w/o RBC casts -> renal cysts, SCDz, intersitial dz
Non-nephronal w/o RBC casts or proteinuria Renal pelvis -> tumors -nephrolithiasis UTI/Hemorrhagic cystitis Coaguloapthy Post extreme excercise
Pt with urine diptick + blood, RBC neg - cauesed by?
Rhabdo High vit C Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria Contamination with Povidine (NOT BY NEPHROLITIASIS)
20yo p/w asx hematuria - U/a 20-30 RBC, WBC neg, protein 1+ no casts h/o run marathon day after dx?
Excreme exc indued hematuria
repeat UA in few weeks
22yo asx man with persistent asx hematuria - US nromal kidneys BUN/Cr 6/0.7 wtd?
f/u rneal eval in 1 year (Age<25)
50yo M routine phsyical, U/A >5RBC no casts wtd?
Repeat U/A - repeat with persisten microhematuria - Renal US needed
Pt with SCDz p/w sudden onset flank pain, fever, passage dark tissue in urine - U/A RBC no casts, BUN/Cr inc’d wtd?
CT Scan r/o PAPILLARY NECROSIS (high incidence in sickle cell dz)
All can cause papillary necrosis
Analgesics Sickle Cell trait Sickle Cell dz DM Pyelonephritis (NOT Aminoglycoside -> cuases ATN)
30yo Sickle cell trait with microhematuria BUN/CR 14/0.8, U/A with RBC>20, no casts no protein 24 hr protein 300mg/day wtd?
if neg then cystoscopy
22yo college student p/w hematuria and dysuria x 3 days, UA >30 RBCs WBC 10-15, no casts dx?
Hemmorragic cystitis
tx: 3 days bactrim/cipro/nitrofurantoin
21yo M pt with recurrent UTI - sexually active with one partner x 1 year - 3rd episode in last 6 months - each episode resolved with tx with quinolone - no h/o urethral d/c - no d/c on exam - best way to establish cause?
Urine chlamydia and gonococcal test
20yo with cola colored urine - athlete - had sore throat 4 days ago UA RBC 10-20, RBC cast +, protein 1+, complement in serum normal likely has?
IgA nephropathy
(normal complement - time table within days of sore throat)
If was post strep GN then would be weeks later, decreased complement
60yo M p/w dull ache in L flank region, 9lb involuntary wt loss - BP 14090, UA RBC 15, no casts or WBC dx?
Renal cell CA (older, dull ache L flank, wt loss)
Pt with flank pain, hematuria HTN h/o UTI in past - Renal US stone - fhx stones and Renal faiure dx?
ADPKD - Autosomal dom poly cystic kidney dz
h/o parents/relatives with renal failure
a/w hepatic cysts and berry aneurysms
tx: Tolvaptan->
Mother wants to donate kidney to son with poly cystic kdney dz with renal failure wtd?
US, HLA matching
Autosomal dominant poly cystic kidney dz a/w the following
Cerebral aneurysm - need to screen pts Hepatic/Pancreatic cyt elev Hematocrit CV Conduction issues MVP (NOT AS)
Medulllary sponge dz
DOES NOT cause renal failure
IVP-> outpouching of renal papillary ducts
Alport’s syndrome
Xlinked - in males Hemturia proteinuria Renal failure in 2nd or 3rd decade Problem in colagen IV/V synthesis a/w deafness
Urine Analysis
WBC in urine (pyuria) -tubular injury Interstitial nephritis UTI Pyelonephritis
Pt pw polyuria and nocturia, no c/o dysuria or flank pain, no uretheral d/c, UA 10 WBC/hpf - no casts, pt tx’d with abx - repeat UA 2 wk later still WBCs - renal US one kidney smaller than other, IVP multiple strictures wtd?
Urine for AFB
Place PPD r/o TB
ischemic hit to kidney - ATN - do not apply Cr clearance in ARF
Non-oliguric UOP>400cc/24hr
Oliguric <100cc/24hrs
obstruction, vascular even, severe ATN, cortical necrosis
Post renal
Post Renal Etiology AKI
intrinsic or extrinsic obstruction
b/l obstruction - prostate,
unilateral stone, fibrosis, aortic anursym, papillary necrosis, clot, RCC
Hydronephrosis - dilated calyx/ureter
Volume depletion
senses volume depletion
senses CHF (low flow to kidney but body is overloaded)
and sepsis - true low volume as same (both reduced effective arterial blood volume)
kidney inc’d renin, angiotensin, aldo
If continues kidney dies -> ATN -> starts to spill Na (can’t reabsorb)
Typical U/A - bland - kidney still reabsorbs Na UNa20:1 - BUN more easily reabsorbed than Cr
perpetually vasodilated - renin/aldo always elevated
BP low
Only thing that works is spironolactone
UNaxPCr/PNaxUCr *100
If pre-renal - 99% filtered sodium is reabsorbed
If FENA <1% - pre-renal
UA - abnormal - hematuria, proteinuria, RBC casts
Does not respond to volume
Casts to remember
RBC casts - glomerular nephritis
WBC casts - pyelonephritis/acute interstitial nephritis
Granular/Muddy brown casts - ATN - casts of tubular death
Intrinsic Renal Disease
Tubular -> ATN
Interstitial -> AIN
Vascular -> afferent (atherembolic dz,
Ischemic - hypotension, sepsis, needs CVVH,
Nephrotoxic - aminoglycosides
Urine Na>20 (to distinguish from pre-renal) -> FENA 3% - can’t just tx with normal saline - only time will heal and remove offending agent or solve hypotension
Brush border sloughing off - granular casts
Pre-renal -> ATN
GIB - dec’d perfusion - autoregulation prostoglandins dilate afferent - renin-angio-aldo constrict efferent
NSAID prevent prostoglandin induced dilation of afferent, ACE inhibitor prevents efferent constriction
Triple threat - Pre-renal on NSAID and ACEi
Contrast Nephropathy ATN
10% of all hospital ARF, MCC ATN
Usually 48hrs later Cr peak** (vs 2-3 weeks for atheroembolic)
initial low urine Na looks like pre-renal
then becomes ATN
risk factor CKDz
also DM, MI, CHF, dec vol, lots o fcontrast
Prevent - alt imaging, isotonic IVF
Mucomyst doesn’t work but doesn’t help necessarily
Intersitial Nephritis - allergy in kidney
drug rash, fever, maculpapular rash, eosinophilia
U/A - sterild pyuria, eosinpiluria (hansel/wright stain)
glomeruli surround by lymphocytes
Vascular dz
atheroembolic dz
cholesterol emboli (2-3 weeks after cath**)
a/w abd pain, lividoreticularis, holererst plaques (eyes)
TTP, HUS, DIC, sleroderma, microangiopathy
TTP - vasc dz in arterioles - less blood to kidney
Glomerular dz
Active sediment, RBC casts, RBC, oval fat bodies
>3gm protein
Albumin (fenestrated epithelial, GBM, podocyte)
Low albumen
Glomerular dz
Secondary DM Amyloid MM Lupus HIV Sarcoid
Lupus glomerulonephritis
Immune complexes everywhere - green
wire loops, capillary wall
Amyloid GN
apple green birefringence
Congo red, randomly arranged fibrils on EM
Cast nephropathy from MM
look for Ca in 9 range with low albumin (this is hyperCa in setting of CKD) and high protein on 24hr with trace protein on urine dipstick (detects only albumin - means that light chains are spilling) -> bencejones -> MM
Min Ch dz
Foc seg glomerulosclerosis
Membranous (MGN)
IgA (only GNephritic with 6gm protein) - Cr elev days later Post infectious (Cr elev weeks later) Anti - GBPM Alports Membranoprolif - HCV
Nephoritc Dz
Whites - MGN
Min Change Dz
Effacement of podocytes (explosive nephorisis)
liquid malignancies
Focal Segmental Glomerular Sclerosis
not all glomeruli, only some parts of glomeruli Primary FSGS (most common) Secondary HIV parvo B19 Heroin Pamidronate, Li, steroids Gene mutations
Membranous Glomerulonephopathy
Immune complex mediated
Deposits onto GBM of kidney - check immunoflorescene
granular pattern
spikes and holes on silver stain
Hep C
Solid malignancy (from antig/Ab complex from CA)
Tx Glomerular dz
Treat primary dz
Prednisone (esp min change)
Cyclosprin, Cytoxan, Cell cept
Nephritic dz
Active sediment
Renal insuff
Proteinuria 1-3 gm
anemia, edema, hypoalbumin
Post Strep Glomerulophritis
lot of neutrophils in bx Exudative Subepithelial hump GR A strep Dec'd C3 Elevated ASO/Anti DNase
Lobular pattern Tram tracks - GBM splits into 2 pieces Causes Hep C (90%) SLD MCTD cryoglobulin SCDz
Hypocomplement GN’s
SLE Post infectious MPGN (Hep C) Lobulated glomeruli, tram tracking of BM Low complement
Non-hypocomplement GN
IgA - normal complement
Stain IgA +, all others neg (on mesangium)
Young adults
Normal C3
Sore throat - same day or next day hematuria/renal
Hen Sl Purpura
small vessel vasculitis rash, arthralgia Abd pain - mimik's appendicitis Purpura glomerulnephritis
Crescentic Glomerulnephritis
Really bad Break in GBM, podocyte and fenestrated epidth - blood spills into bomans space - cells in space don't like and proliferate - crescent Etio: Anti-GBM ab -> Good pastrues Lupus - immune complexes destroy GBM Cryo, hep C, etc Pauci immune - Anca Ab - recruits PMN - they destroy GBM Floresecne - continuous linear staining Pulm Renal syndrome (ab vs colagen)
Pulmonary Renal syndromes
Good pastures - lung and renal ab - Anti=GBM ab
Wegeners - sinuisitis, lungs, kidney - pr3 ANCA (c-ANCA)
Microsopic polyarteritis - MPO=ANCA (p-ANCA)
Tx: Cytoxan + Prednisone, plasmaphoresis, cytoxan, solumedrol
If alvolar hemorrhage then plasmphersis
Churgg strauss
eos lungs - rare kidney (15%)
Asthma, sinuisitc, peripheral eos
27yo F no pmhx p/w sudden onset LE edema with frothy urien, normal C3 complement, no blood, low albumin (1.2), + protein, no cells on u/a
Minimal change dz - podocyte effactement
explosive nephorosis
Rhabdomyolysis Cr elev after tx with daptomycin for endocarditis -
See +Udip for blood but no RBCs on U/A
(no RBC/RBC casts so no glomerulo dz)
Cr MORE THAN DOUBLES in 24 hrs - think rhabdo
Fabry’s dz
lysosomal storage d/o
Deposits all over body including kidney -> renal failure
Isolated Microhematuria
No renal failure
without proteinuria, without HTN
90% uro - stones, bladder CA, rcc - need cystoscopy or CT scan upper tracts (IVP)
10% nephrologic
Kidney stones
> 5mm - needs intervention
<5mm pass on own
Stone prevalance
CaOx, CaPO4 - 37%
Uric acid stones - only in acidic urine - alkalze urine
Struvite - infection associate urease producing organism
Cystine stones
Calcium Phosp - formin alkaline pH
Prev with lots of fluid
Don’t give lots of sodium and oxalate
DO NOT RESTRICT CALCIUM - gets MORE oxalate in urine
Diarrhea pt - gets stones
lots of diarrhea - FFA in diarrhea gets rid of Ca+, more oxalate gets in urine -> CaOxalate stones
Coffin lid stone
Struvite stone (triple phophate stone)
Ca Oxalate
Spicule stones
Uric Acid
Cystine stones
Pregnancy normals
All blood numbers low,
BP low
High renin/aldo
Disease in pregnancy
HELLP - hemolysis, edema, low plts
Pre-eclampsia - blood pressure high with proteinuria
eclampsia - pre eclampsia + seizures
For BP DO NOT USE ACEi (teratogenic)
OK - methyldopa, Labetolol, CCB, alpha blockers, clonidine
MC reason for HD
DM, HTN, GN, cytic kidney dz
GFR Staging
1: >90
2: 60-89
3: 30-59
4 15-29
5: < 15 or HD
W/U reduced GFR
US - r/o obstruction U/A Serum/urine immunofix Glomer dz w/u Antemia/iPTH
BP goal < 130/80 RAAS blockade unless contraindicated (ACEi) Lipid control Gluc control ANemai
Urgent need for HD
Met acidosis Electrolyes Ingestions Volume overload uremia
Contraindications for Renal Transplant
Much better than HD
uncorrectable CAD acitve malignancy Non-compliance unresolved infxn untreated +PPD Active drug use mental incompetance Severe liver dz
Maintenance of Renal tx
Keep BP< 130/80
Yearly derm exam
monitor for drug drug interactions
HTN goals
160 or >100 - 2 drug regimen
Seconary w/u HTN
CKD primary hyperaldo OSA Renovascular chornic steroids Pheo coarctation aorta thryoid dz
Check renin/aldo ipTH, ca+ TSH, catecholamines aldo screen for renovascular dz - fibromuscular dysplasia vs atheroslerotic dz
urine metanephrines
Treatment - surgery with pre=op alpha blocade before BB
HTN Emergency
HTN urgeny with endo organ damage UA, MI dissecting AAA RF Enccephalopathy Retinoptay - blurred optic disc
Tx: dec BP 25% within 2 hours with IV labetolol, nitroprusside, enalapril, nicardipine
levels inc’d by verapamil/diltiazem - cause failure of renal tx
Nephrotic syndrome cast
Hyaline (protein), fatty, oval fat bodies
Glomerular Nephritis casts
RBC casts
Prerenal azotemia casts
ATN casts
Muddy/Dirty brown/Granular casts
CRF casts
Broad casts
Chronic progressive renal failure casts
Waxy casts
Eosinophiluria seen in…
Interstitial nephritis
Rapidly progressive GN
Acute prostatitis
Hyaline cast
Muddy brown cast
RBC only (no cast)
RBC Cast
Oval fat bodies
Nephrotic syndrome
Interstitial dz
shows all stones EXCEPT URIC ACID
Renal US
size, obstruction, masses, screening for polycystic dz, stones>5mm
Non-glomerular hematuria, rneal stones, voiding dz, unexplanined flank/abd pain
Spiral CT wihtout contrast
stone hunt/perirenal hemorrhage
CT with contrast
Staging of renal mass
OK if pt already on dialysis with little residual fxn
Radionuclide scan
Renal perfusion assessment in case of transplant eval
MRA/Rneal arteriography
renal arter dz
Renal vein thrombosis
Renal bx
Glomerular dz
Nephrotic Syndrome
Urine: Fatty casts, fat oval bodies
Proteinuria >3g/day
Hematuria + or -
Cl features: Genralized edema, priorbiatal edema, HTN
Histopath: Minimal change, Focal Segmental, membranous, membranoproliferative
Nephritic syndrome
Urine - RBC casts, cola/smoky urine Proteinuria <2.5g/day Hematuria + Cl features - HTN Histopath Post strep - IgA nephropathy - Henlock schonlein RPGN
Minimal Change (Nephrotic)
Etio - Hodgkins, Leukemia, NSAID, Lithium Bx/LM - Normal Immuno - Normal EM - Podocyte Effacement Complement - normal Treatment - Steroids/cyclophophamide
Focal Segmental (Nephrotic)
Etio: Blacks, HIV, Heroin, Sickle, Obesity
Bx/LM - sclerosis part of glomerululs in few glomeruli
IM - IgM+C3
EM - Effacement of epith podocytes
Complement - normal
Treatment Steroids/Cyclophosphamide
Membranous (Nephrotic)
Etio - Hep B,C, syphilis, tumors, malaira, NSAID, SLE, ACi, Gold, PCN Bx/LM - Thickened capillary loops IM: Granular IgG+C3 EM: Subepithelial dep/hump Complement: Normal Treatment: Steroids/cyclophosphamide
Membranoproliferative (Nephrotic)
Etio: Hep B,C, SLE, SBE, Mixed Cryoglobulinemia
Bx/LM: Tramtrack
IM: Mesangial deposit
EM: Ribbon/sausaging of memarne in type II
Complement: LOW!!!
Tx: Steroids/Cyclophosphamide +- ASA
Complications of Nephrotic syndrome
Hypoalbuminemia -> Edema Hypogammaglobulin -> infections Loss of ATIII, anti plasmin -> thrombosis/PE Loss of transferrin -> IDA Loss of Vit D prodution - osteomalacia Lipiduria - Fat boides, fatty cast in urin, HLD Tx: ACEi - reduce porteinuria and HLD Low salt Loop diretics Statin
21yo Football player with microhematuria - used HEROIN intermittently - father had difficult to tx HTN, pt BP 140/94, U/A RBC cast postitve - 4+ protein dx?
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
Focal segmental
Minimal Change
Focal segmental
Minimal change, Membranous
Liquid malignancy
Minimal change
Solid tumor
Minimal Change
Focal segmental
Amyloid (Rh arthr, crohns, MM
Diffuse deposition
Post Strep GN (nephritis)
Etio Strep infxn Bx/LM: hypercellularity IM: granular/lumpybumpy Ig+C3 EM: Sub epithelial deposits Complement: Low C3, CH50, normal C4 Tx: Supportive Abx
IgA nephropathy (nephritis but can have»_space;protein)
Etio: Post exc, URI Bx/LM: Mesangial proliferation IM: IgA, IgG, C3 deposit in mesangium EM: Complement: Normal Tx: Fish oil, ACEi, steroids
Henoch-Scholnlein (Nephritis)
Etio: Idiopathic abd pain, palpapble purpura on butt/thigh Bx/LM: Mesangial proliferation IM: IgA, IgG, C3 deposit in mesangium EM: Complement: Normal Treatment: Suppressive
Rapidly progressive GN (Nephritis)
Etio Type I good pasture Bx/LM: Cresents (exracapillary) formation) IM: Linear IGG EM: Complement: normal Treatment: Immunosupp/Plasma pharesis
Rapidly progressive GN (Nephritis)
Etio Type II: D pcnamine Bx/LM: Cresents (exracapillary) formation) IM: Granular complex EM: Complement: Normal/low Treatment?
Rapidly progressive GN (Nephritis)
Etio: Type III p-ANCA -> PAN, c-ANCA -> Wegers
Bx/LM: Cresents (exracapillary) formation)
IM: neg (pauci-immune)
Complement: Normal
Treatment: Steroids/Cyclophosphamide
Serum complement levels decreased in….(mostly nephritic)
Post strep GN Membranoprolif GN (SLE, Cryoglobulemia, SBE, Atheroembolism)
Serum Complement NORMAL in…
IgA, Minimal change, Focal segmental, membranous, Goodpastures/wegeners (pauci-immune)
Lupus nephritis
nephrotic or nephritis No renal findings mesnagial dz Focal prolif Membranous Membranoprlif Tx: Cyclophophmide IV monthly, oral steroids, mycophenolate If pt to get pregnant needs lupus inactive for 6 months
Pt with type II DM U albumin <5mg/24hrs best way to obtain renal fxn measure
Cockroft-Gault or Modification of Diet in Renal Disease equation
Ideal body wt (140-Age)/72x Serum Cr
55yo M hematuria and edema, pmhx recurrent palpable lesions on legs aw joint aches - palpable purpura, UA protein 4+, labs ANA+, ANti-dsDNA neg, Anti smith neg, HCV +, C3 normal, C4 low dx?
Mixed cryoglobulineia
PAN -> P-panca - Hep B ag +
Wegeners -> C-anca - Pauci immune/no immune depostis
Best way to confirm renal vasculitis -> bx (not angiography)
Minimal change and Focal segmental
Epithelial cell foot processes
Basement membrane
Mesangial cell
Cresentic RPGN
Epithelial cell
Endothelial cell
21yo College student pw coca cola urine after playing soccer, no trauma, rash fever, sore throat less than 1 week ago, complement NORMAL protein 1+ dx?
IgA nephropathy
Bx shows?: IgA, IgG, C3 deposition on MESANGIUM
50yo persistent microhematuria BP 130/80 - UA RBC 20, no protein, no prtein, no cast, US normal kidney, cystoscopy eng, renal bx with IgA pattern, no fibrosis no capillary invovlement - outcome?
Stable in 20 years (likely no HD)
21yo student cola colored urine, sore throat 2 WEEKS ago, BURN Cr 40/4.5, ASO titer inc’d, ANA neg, RBC cast, protein 1+, C3 DEC, C4 normal CH50 DEC dx?
Post Strep GN
45yo F p/w hemoptysis, h/o recurrent sinusitis, BUN/Cr 50/5.1, UA 1+ protien RBC 15-20, RBC cast, ANA neg, complement normla, Renal bx: NO IMMUNE DEPOSIT, ANCA+
24yo pw cough, hemoptysis, cola colored urine - SOB, BUN/Cr inc’d, U/A 50-100 RBC, RBC cast 1+ protien, CXR b/l hilar patchy infiltrates, renal bx: LINEAR IgG DEPOSITS, complement normal
24yo F arthraligas, low grade fever raynuds malar flush , b/l pedal edema+, b/l metacarpophalengeal and interphalaneal jnts swollen, BUN cr 35/2.2 complement dec’d U/A RBC 15-20 with RBC casts, Protein 4+, 24 hr protein 4g/day wtd?
Renal bx Membrnaoproliferative nephritis (SLE nephritis)
All have low complement
Post strep GN
All with NORMAL complement
Minimal change Focal segemental sclerosis Membrnaous nephropathy IgA nephropathy Henolock Scholnlein nephropathy Wegener's/PAN (NOT CRyoglobulinemia - dec'd C3, CH50)
45yo MVA 1990 multiple blood tx at time - c/o fatigue and occasional arthralgias - petecial purpura on legs BUN cr 30/2.2, C3, C4, CH50 low ANA, anti DNA neg
U/A RBC+, RBC cast +, protien 1+
What is next test?
Hep C/cryoglobulin determination
Acute renal failure
Sudden drop in GFR - inc’d BUN/Cr (1/3 ICU pts)
Pre-renal azotemia MCC ARF
Pre-renal - decreased renal perfusion
Intrinsic renal - Glomerular dz, ATN, Tubulintersitial dz
Post renal - obstruction
constriction of AFFERENT arteriole
ACEi (bradykinin)
vasodilation of EFFERENT arteriole
Dec’d renal perfusion
Volume depletion: Vom/Diarrhea/Diuretics/bleed/burn
Volume Overload: CHF, Cirrhosis, Nephrotics (decreased effective arteriole volume)
Others: NSAIDs, ACEi, RAS
Lab findings pre-renal azotemia
Serum - inc'd BUN/Cr Urine - dec'd urine vol, inc'd UOsm Dec UNa-> FENA1%) Urine Sediment: Hyaline cast or neg Tx: Optimize volume status, tx underlying dz
(UNa/Ser Na)/(UCr/Ser Cr)
Dec’d efferent constriction via inc’d bradykinin
inc’d Cr 30% ok with ACEi
Constricts afferent blood supply - preciptates ARF in pt with underlying renal compromise
Elderly man with h/o HLD, DM, HTN on BB, statin HCTZ BP still at 170/115 - serum cr 1.6, started on ACEi/ARB, 1 week later - BP controlled at 145/90, BUN Cr 70/2.6, K 5.6, U/A - no sediment - cause of ARF
Pre-renal azotemia 2/2 ACEi/Angiotensin inhib
WTD? D/C ACEi and rehck BUN/Cr
HTN pt started on ACE - also taking ibuprofen for OA pain - Cr increases 1.4 to 1.9 wtd?
D/C ibuprofen first
Pt on ACEi Cr inc 1.4 to 1.8 wtd?
continue ACEi
HTN pt started on ACE Cr 1.0 to 1.8 wtd?
Preg F 18weeks - not gaining any weight - c/o persistent nausea/vom x 3 months - Cr inc’s from 0.5 to 1.9
pre-renal hyperemesis gravidum
tx: IVF rehydration
HTN pt started on ACEi, Cr 1.2 to 2.5 etio?
Renal artery stenosis?
t/F in Renal artery stenosis, medial tehrapyvs surgical tx with SIMIAR rate of decilne in Serum Cr
65yo HTN ventricular arrhythmia controlled on amio - HTN controlled with BB, OA controlled with NSAID - pw pufffiness of face on waking up with b/l pedal edema - U/A 3+ protein - 15-20 WBC, RBC 5
24 hr urine 4g/day, BUN/Cr 80/5.0, Albumin 2.5, TSH normla dx?
NSAID induced nephrotic syndrome and interstitial nephritis
Hepatorenal syndrome
Functional renal failure with normal tubular funtion
Pre-renal azotemia pciture with UNa <1%
Precipitated with vigorous diuretic therapy for ascietes (not pedal edema), large volume paracentesis or SBP
Even after fluid challenge or d/c nephorotoxic drug, renal faiulre continues
After LIVER TX - kidney fxn gets back to normal
(if pt dies CAN donate kidney - ok outside of body with liver issue)
Intrinsic Acute Renal failure FENA >1
Glomerular Dz
RBGN - RBC casts
ATN -aminoglycosides, ampho B, contrast
- rhabdo, tumor lysis, atheroembolism
- muddy/dirty brown/granular casts
Tubulointersitital nephritis
- allergic - B lactam, PCN, sulfa, phenytoin, quinolon, measalamine (+EOS)
- NSAID (no EOS)
- WBC, EOS, WBC casts
Radiocontrast nephorpathy
12 hrs after contrast
precipated with underlying renal dysfxn
Pt with post infarmt angina schedule for cardiac cath - Cr 1.5 - best way to prevent contrast nephropathy ?
NS 12 hrs pre and post procedure +- acetylcysteine
If pt needs to go urgently to cath ….
Give socium bicarb, acetylcystein and start NS
Pt h/o chronic smoking, atherosclerosis, DM, HTN on med tx c/o chest pain - post cath develops pathcy skin discoloration finger tips and toes, elevated ESR, WBC elev, eosinophilia, DEC’d COMPLEMENT +EOS, Cr inc’d 0.9 to 2.2 dx?
Livedo reticularis 2/2 atheroembolism
confirmation - skin bx - small arteries with biconcave clefts
Irrev cause of renal failures
Tx: Supportive tx and good HTN control
Breakdown of muscle cells inc'd CPK inc'd K+ Inc'd PO4, Dec'd Ca+ inc'd uric acid
Etio: cocaine crush injury, prolonged lying position >6hrs, bariatric surgery strenuous excericse Heat, etoh statin
Testing: U/A Heme dipstick +, neg RBC, Muddy brown casts, UNa>20
Tx: Hydrate, Diuresie -> Alkalanize only if Renal failure (dissolve heme pigments)
Treat hyperkalemia
Tumor Lysis sydorme
3 days post chemo (can occur prior to chemo) Uric acid Urine UA/Serum UA>1.0 Serum Ca low, Phos high inc'd K+ U/A - granular casts - rare WBCs Tx: Allopurinol, hydrate, diurese
Rhabdo vs Tumor lysis
Rhabdo very inc CPK, inc uric acid, inc K, dec CA, inc’d Phos, +dip stick for heme
Tumor lysis - inc’d CPK, very inc’d uric acid, inc K, dec Ca, inc Phos, neg dipstick heme
26yo non hodgkin’s lymphoma LDH<2 ULNormal - pretx?
26yo with non-hodgkin’s lymphoma LDH>2 ULNormal pretx?
35yo diffuse large cell lymphoma with bulky dz pretx?
35yo diffuse large cell lymphoma stage III pretx?
Diffuse large cell lymhoma stage III with G6PD deficiency pretx?
Allopurinol (no rasburicase with G6PD)
25yo AML WBC>100K pretx?
65yo CLL WBC <100K pretx
Any of above pt developed TLS on allopurinol or rasburicase pretx?
use Rasburicase
55yo M chronic etoh found lethargic on street after bing ena dbrought to ER, BUN 25, Cr 5, UA 4+ blood 1+ protein, no RBC granular cast + dx?
Elderly pt lives alone found lethargic withi empty etoh bottles U dip pos for blood, bicarb 17 likely?
Acute Tubular Necrosis can be caused by?
Aminoglycosides Stepto>Genta>tobra Amphotericin B Cyclosporin Rhabdo (NOT NSAIDs - minimal change and membranous)
NSAIDS cause all of the follwoign
Pre-renal aotemia AIN Chroic interstiital nephritis (anagesic nephropathy) Nephrotic syndrome Papillary necrosis Type IV RTA Lymphocytic interstitial inflammation and tubular atrophy (NOT ATN)
65yo F p/w abdominal pian and fever - pt started on ampicillin, gent anf flagyll - CT abd with contrast done - NEXT DAY UOP dec’s, BUN/Cr inc’d, U/A no sediment, FENA <1 dx?
Radiocontrast (ATN)
45yo F pw fever, chills, flank pain, U/A shows WBC >20, pt started on Amp/gent, 1 week later BUN/Cr inc’d to 40/3.5, Mg 1, Ca 7.5 U/A shows WBC 1 cause of renal failure?
Gentamycin induced nephrotoxicity
Interstitial nephritis
Acute allergic interstitial nephritis
Chronic tubulointerstital nephritis (analgesic nephropathy)
All of the following drugs can cause interstitial nephritis…
Abx (PCN, methicillin, ampicillin, cipro, sulfa) NSAIDs (no EOS) Diureticss (thiazide, lasxi) Phenytoin (NOT ACEi)
60yo p/w cellulits o f leg - started on clinda and PCN - pt deferenveses in 24 hrs 5 days later cellulitis improved and pt with sudden onset feer adn maculopapul ar rash with itching - stop drugs no dysuria or foley std?
U/A and Hansel/wright stain for EOS
U/A shows 10 WBC, 7 RBC, EOS+, casts neg - dx?
PCN induced intersitial nephritis
Middle aged woman pw long standing h/a and lower back ache, h/o peptic ulcer dz, denies analgesic abuse - has polyuria nd nocturia - Hg 9, MCV 69, BUN/Cr 22/2.2, UA WBC 10, RBC 5-10 no casts, Urine c/s no growth, US normal kidneys and PAPILLARY NECROSIS
Analgestic nephropathy (chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis causing Papillary necrosis
Papillary necrosis causes
P yelonephritis O bstruction S ickle cell dz T B C hronic etoh A nalgesic abuse R V thrombosis D iabetes Mellitius
Post Obstructive Renal Failure
Adhesions post surgery Tumors Rad tx Methysergide Nephorlithiasis Drugs: Acyclovir/Indinavir Prostate enlargement Partial ureteral obstruction can cause polyuria/oliguri with inc'd Cr - urine indices NOT reliable in Post Obstructive renal failure
IN pt with suspected obstructive renal failure wtd?
Renal US r/o hydronephrosis
In pt with h/o adhesions post srugery pw renal failure wtd before considering dialysis
Rule out obstuction
If US equivioval -> CT/MRI
75yo pw inc’d BUN/Cr - dec’d UOP wtd?
Digital rectal exam r/o enlarged prostate
Renal US shows enlarged bladder, ureteral distension and hydronephrosis wtd?
insert foley
-distinguishes between post obstructive physiologic diuresis (replace 2/3 fluids/electrolytes)
Patholic diuresis->volume depletion-> pre-renal azotemia
(need to replace fluids/electrolytes MORE aggressively)
Pt with HSV encephalitis started on IV acyclovir - BUN/Cr inc’s WTD?
CONTINUE Acyclovir and INCREASE hydration
Chronic renal failure
Presentation Fatigue, leg cramps, polyuria, HTN, fluid O/L Anemia Dec'd Ca, inc'd Phos GFR<33 Elev BUN/Cr Xray with subperiosteal bony lesions US/CT - small kidneys (except amyloid, polyctic disease, HIV)
Complication of CRF
Acid base & electrolytes Early - non- gap acidosis Late - Gap acidosis Anemia Cardiac HLD CAD HTN Pericarditis Tamponade Neuro Peripheral neuropathy cognificve imoairment when Cr >2 Others Pseudogout, arthopahty with variable birefringence (Ca OxalateE) Gastritis, colitis, constipation
Management of CRF
Strict HTN control - ACE/Angiotensive inhib first choice
Anemia EPO
Acidosis - Bicarb
Secondary HyeprPTH - Oral Calcium, PO4 binder, Vit D3 to decrease PTH, PTHectomy if PTH>1000
Statin - decreases mortality in early renal failure (not shown to dec mortailty in pt on HD)
Indications for HD
GFRd albumin)
Complications of HD
Disequilibration sydnrome Inf of AV Fistula HEp B/C arrhythmia (afib MC arrythmia) Aluminiu tox Amyloidosis Rneal cyst Renal CA Bleeding diathesis
Pt with ESKD pw SOB, Cr 8, K 6, exam b/l pedal edema - BP 150/90, JVD elev, CXR b/l pleural eff, EKG low voltage EKG - best managmement?
90yo F in assited livign, tired after walking a block no other complaints - lovers her great grand dhildren and wants to attend graduation in 3 months - BUN/Cr 90/9 wtd?
Monitor for now - discuss outcome swith pt and family recognize goals set by pt and family
82yo in NH walks with walker mild confusion found to have BUN/Cr 80/8 - indiitaing HD on this pt woudl result in ?
DECREASED functional status
Best manamgement for ESDK pt
Dec’d Na, Dec’d water, Dec’d K Dec’d Phos, NO CA restriction!!
T/F - mortality rates at end of 5 years higher in HD patients than in renal tx patients
55yo DM pt routein f/u on glipizde, ACE and CaCarbonate BP 138/84 Hg 8.8, BUN/Cr 36/3.2, Ca 9, pho 4.5 iron, TIBC nromal wtd?
Start Darbepoetin alpha plus iron
What antacids to avoid in ESKD
No aluminium or Mg based antacids
What kind of enema can cause renal failure?
Phosphate enema
Pt with ESKD PTH inc, Ca inc, Phos inc, ISCHEMIC SKIN LESIONS? dx?
55yo M ESKD pw thickenign of skin in legs and arms like peau d’orange appeanace dx?
Nephorgenic fibrosing dermopathy
T/F In pt with renal insufficiency, keeping serum bicarb above 22 has show to decrease rate of lung function decline
T/F In pt with renal insufficiency, keeping serum bicarb above 22 has show to improve nutrtiional status
1-5% M>F
moderate to sev colicky flnak pain radiating to lower abd or perineum with urgency or inc’d freq with GROSS or MICROSOPIC hematuria
Dx w/u:
First stone, asx - hydration and observe
First stone symoptomati or RECURRENT tones - do further w/u
W/U - Xray abd -> shows all stones EXCEPT URIC ACID
Renal US shows stones >5mm
Spiral CT (Stone hunt)
Nephrolithiasis predisposing factors
HyperCa (HyerPTH, Sarcoid)
Hypercalciuria >300mg/day men >250mg/day women
Hyperoxaluria >40mgday (IBD, short bowlel), vit C, meath
Hyperuricosuria >750mg/day
High Na diet
Hypocitraturia < 300mg/day (IBD, RTA)
CaOx stones
ok to contineu oral Ca (actually decreases risk of Ca Ox stones by binding oxalate in gut)
What to expect in pt with short bowel syndrome or Crohn’s
Increased Oxalate absorbtion - Envelope shaped crystals
All these stones formed in acid urine
Uric acid - not seen on xray - spikled shape
Cal oxalate - envelope shaped
Cystine - hexagonal
(NOT STRUVITE - staghorn caliculus - coffin lid shape) - proben miriablis bacteria
All are risk factor for stones
Hyper Ca Hypercalciuria Hyperuricosuria Hyperoxaluria HYPOcitraturia Cystinuria Renal tubular acidosis Inflamm bowel dz High vit C High Na diet (NOT HYPERURICEMIA WITHOUT HYERPURICOSURIA)
You woudl do further dignostic w/u for all these
45yo with kidney stone - h/o passing stone 1 year ago
28yo M kidney stone - fhx of kidney stones
40yo M with flank pain, hematuria and kidney stone FIRST time
(NOt 33yo M with stone for first time and MILDY sx)
Kidney stone NOT seen on xray
Uric acid
CaOx, CaPO4, struvite all radioopaque
32yo with dysuria, inc’d frequency h/o recurrent UTI in past couple years tx’d with abx no flank pain or hematuria - U/A pH 6.6, RBC 10-15, WBC 40-50, nitirites +, Gneg rods present - abd xray shows staghorn caliculus
Caused by struvite stone - magnesium ammonium phosphate
MCC recurrent nephorlithiasis
Idiopathic hypercalciuria
Pt with renal colic Kidney stone 5mm on CT wtd?
Pt with renla colic 4mm stone at uteropelvic jnc - fluids encourage pt still in pain - wtd?
Tamsulosin - (floppy iris sydrome if taking prior to cataract surgery)
Pt dx with inflamm bowel dz - expect all the following
(NOT CYSTINURIA) - dec’d citrate with IBD
Pt dx with distal RTA I and has stone likely compoosition is?
T/F - history of renal stones is contraindication to adequate Ca in diet?
Pt with short bowel syndrome - add Ca to diet in order to…
Decrease absorbtion of Oxalate (dec Ca Ox stones) = envelope
40yo M renal colic - with CaOx stone - history of similar stone 1 ya - Cr 0.8, PTH 55, CXR neg for adenopathy or infiltrates - U/A 40 RBC, WBC