Nephrology Flashcards
Poorly controlled DM and HTN with low Na+, high K+, low HCO3
RTA type 4
- hypoaldosteronism
- can be caused by DM
- Muddy brown granular casts
- RBC casts
- WBC casts
- Fatty casts
- Broad & waxy casts
- glomerulonephritis
- interstitial nephritis & pyelonephritis
- nephrotic syndrome
- chronic renal failure
Within 5 days of upper respiratory tract infection, young adult men, gross hematuria, normal complement levels
IgA nephropathy
Nephro risk with acyclovir
kidney rapidly excretes it in the urine, but the drug has low urine solubility –> obstruction
Prevent uric acid stones
alkalinize urine with potassium citrate
child with edema, hypoalbuminemia, elevated urine protein and Hepb +
membranous nephropathy
Pt with HTN, DM 2, HLD, and CKD has a K+ of 6.0. Only sx are mild fatigue. Next best step
Review current medications
Pt with CKD starts bleeding from blood draw site
Uremic coagulopathy - platelet dysfunction (platelet-vessel wall and platelet-platelet interaction) due to uremic toxins (guanidinosuccinic acid)
tx = DDAVP
18 yo AA male with polyuria and nocturis despite fluid restriction. Normal sodium and low urine osmolality. Mom died from sickle cell disease and stroke
Hyposthenuria - inability of kidneys to concentrate the urine (seen in SCD and SCT)
Fever, tinnitus, tachypnea in an overdose patient
ASA toxicity - mixed respiratory alkalosis and anion gap metabolic acidosis
gross hematuria in African American male with no other sx or lab abnormalities
Renal papillary necrosis - associated with sickle cell dz
Patient with recurrent sinusitis and otitis media with 2+ protein and blood on UA.
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis
- upper resp: sinusitis/otitis, saddle nose
- lower resp: lung nodules, cavitation
- renal: rapidly progressive GN
- skin: levido reticularis, nonhealing ulcers
- tx: steroids, immunomodulators
how to calculate serum osmolal gap
measured serum osmolality - calculated serum osmolality
calculated = (2*Na) + (glucose/18) + (BUN/2.8)
high anion gap metabolic acidosis with osmol gap
- ethylene glycol (urinary calcium oxalate crystals)
- methanol (blindness)
- propylene glycol
Pt with hx of RA presents with 4+ proteinuria, hepatomegaly and enlarged kidneys
- amyloid deposits that stain with Congo Red that demonstrate an apple green birefringence under polarized light
kidney dz most likely associated with HIV