Epidemiology/Ethics Flashcards
Hazard Ratio
Ratio of an event rate occurring in Tx group vs. non-tx group. HR <1 = tx group had lower event rate and HR >1 = tx group had higher event rate
Selection Bias
Nonrandom assignment of subjects to study groups
Factorial design studies
randomization to different interventions with addition study of 2 or more variables
Risk in the exposed population that can be attributed to the risk factor
Attributable risk factor = (RR-1)/RR
bias that results when the exposure-disease relationship is mixed with the effects of extraneous factors
confounding bias
Difference between case control and retrospective cohort study
Case control: determine outcome first then look for associated risk factor
Cohort: first ascertain risk factor exposure then determine the outcome
What types of gifts are acceptable
nonmonetary gifts of minimal value that directly benefit patient (educational materials, drug samples)
Study comparing the means of two groups
two sample t test
Study comparing 3 or more means
Study analyzing categorical data and proportions
number of events in treated or controlled group divided by number of people in that group
ARC (AR of events in control) - ART (number of events in tx)
National practitioner data bank
restricting the ability of physicians to move from state to state without disclosure or discovery of previous medical malpractice payments and adverse action histories
The Joint Commission
operates accreditation programs to subscriber hospitals and other healthcare organizations. A hospital that meets Joint Commission accreditation is deemed to meet the Medicare Conditions of Participation
Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank
combat fraud and abuse in health insurance and healthcare delivery
Open label trial
randomized-controlled trial (RCT) in which both the patients and those conducting the study know in which treatment arm the patients are enrolled
cross sectional study
purely observational studies that look at a single point in time. These studies can be used for determining disease prevalence.
Attrition bias
a type of selection bias when study subjects are lost to follow up
Hawthorne effect
tendency of the study population to affect the outcome because they know they are being studied
latency period
certain diseases must have a significant amount of time pass before exposure to a risk modifier has a clinically evident effect
doctrine of double effect
ethical for a physician to provide palliative therapy to relieve pain and suffering even if such treatment may hasten a patient’s death, provided that the intent is to relieve suffering and the medications administered are titrated for that purpose
lung cancer screening
low dose CT in 55-80 year olds who have a ≥ 30 pack-year smoking history and who currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years