Nephro-Protective and Restorative Herbs Flashcards
Ginkgo biloba: Actions
Actions: increases blood flow to brain and periphery, antioxidant, *anti-inflammatory, *antithrombotic (antagonizes Platelet Activating Factors), benefits cognition
** Addresses microcirculation!
Ginkgo Biloba: Indications and CIs
Indications: cerebrovascular insufficiency and impaired mental performance, migraines, tinnitus, vertigo, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, intermittent claudication, Raynaud’s phenomena, diabetic ulcers, varicose veins, erectile dysfunction, altitude sickness, nephropathy (MICROVASCULATURE FOCUSED)
Contraindications: pregnancy, hemophilia, use of blood thinning medications
Vaccinium myrtillus
Constituents: anthocyanins
Energetics: mildly drying
Vaccinium myrtillus
Indications: Vascular damage and inflammation, uremic bruising
Contraindications: none
Vaccinium myrtillus
Actions: Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, vasoprotectant, inhibits platelet aggregation, inhibits collagenase and elastase
Silybum marianum
Milk Thistle
Constituents: flavanolignan - silymarin
Sterols, bitter principle, fixed oil, mucilage
Actions: hepatoprotective, hepatotonic, antihepatotoxic (particularly against aminita phalloides), nephroprotective, bitter, galactagogue
Silybum marianum
Milk Thistle
Indications: liver diseases , jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis, alcoholism with fatty liver
Contraindications: speculative - asteraceae family allergy
Silybum marianum
Milk Thistle
The combination of metformin, silymarin and renin-angiotensin system inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers may have additive kidney protective property to prevent or slowing the progression of diabetic nephropathy. 8
stimulate RNA and protein synthesis which is important for renal and hepatic repair mechanisms. 9
flavonolignans protect kidney cells in culture from the renal toxic effects of the drugs paracetamol, cisplatin, and vincristine. 9
In rats, silibinin protected renal tubular cells from the oxidative damage from cisplatin. 10
Silibinin also protects against experimental cyclosporine nephrotoxicity. 11
Urtica dioica seed
Nettle Seed
Found to reduce serum creatinine in kidney transplant patients
“Nettle Seed is the least known part of Nettles. In Europe, the seed is used as a restorative tonic for old and worn out horses. More than 10 years ago, I discovered Nettle Seed could be used as a kidney trophorestorative-literally a food for the kidneys. I have used the seed tincture to treat over 30 cases of degenerative kidney disease and the results have far exceeded my expectations. A recent study published in the Journal of The American Herbalist Guild [4(2):22-25] confirms my clinical experience, showing that Nettle Seed increases kidney glomerular function and reduces serum creatinine levels. Many herbalists have seen significant benefits from using Nettle Seed tincture in patients with glomerulonephritis, chronic nephritis with degeneration, and to protect the kidneys from nephrotoxic medications
Curcuma longa (Turmeric)
Energetics: cooling, warming, stimulating, moves stagnation
Specificity of Seat: liver, circulatory system
Curcuma longa (Turmeric)
Constituents: Curcumin; volatile oil, mainly composed of tumerone, atlantone, and zingiberone; resin; disaccharides; protein; vitamins and minerals.
Actions: alterative, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, cholagogue, choleretic, emmenagogue, lowers cholesterol, carminative, hepatoprotective, cardioprotective, vulnerary.
Curcuma longa (Turmeric)
Indications: inflammations of all kinds, jaundice, liver disorders, chronic skin conditions, cardiovascular disease
Contraindications: Contraindicated in large doses in pregnancy. Contraindicated in bile duct obstruction.
Panax ginseng
Asian Ginseng
Energetics: warming
Constituents: Triterpene glycosides: ginsenosides; glycans: panaxan A-E
Actions: adaptogen, tonic, stimulant, hypoglycemic, antitoxic
Ginseng saponin protects the kidney from oxidative stress
Panax ginseng
Asian Ginseng
Indications: weakened state due to chronic illness or chronic stress
Contraindications/Cautions: always buy organically grown roots as some farming practices use considerable amounts of fungicides and pesticides. If used long-term with caffeine, may cause hypertension.
*CI with MAO inhibitors – case report of mania
Cordyceps sinensis
Caterpillar Fungus
Energetics: sweet, warm
Constituents: cordycepin, cordycepic acid, galactomannans, polysaccharides, sterols
Actions: adaptogen, immunostimulant, antitumor, antihyperlipidemic, cardiotonic, increases endurance, nephroprotective when coadministered with aminoglycoside antibiotics, antiviral, antioxidant, aphrodisiac, circulatory stimulant, anti-asthma
Cordyceps sinensis
Caterpillar Fungus
Indications: excessive tiredness, persistent cough, impotence, anemia (supports marrow)
Contraindications/Cautions: adulteration, fumigation and misidentification are a problem in the global marketpalce.
Cordyceps sinensis
(Caterpillar Fungus)
Dr. Georges M. Halpern - Univ Hong Kong
Improves the Respiratory Function Increases cellular Oxygen Absorption by up to 40% Improves the Functioning of the Heart Decreases cholesterol, increases HDL Chronic kidney disease improvement Reduces Tumor Size in Cancer Patients Increases NK cell activity Reduces Fatigue Improves Stamina and Athletic Performance Increases cellular energy Combats Sexual Dysfunction Improves libido
Cordyceps sinensis
Caterpillar Fungus
Augments the Kidney and tonifies the yang: for impotence and sore and weak lower back and lower extremities from Kidney yang deficiency.
Tonifies Kidney yang, augments Lung yin
It tonifies both yin and yang in different channels
It can be used long-term
Salvia miltiorrhiza
Red Sage Root, Dan Shen
Energetics: mildly drying
Constituents: Diterpene quinones - Tanshinone I, Tanshinone II, Cryptotanshinone and other tanshinonates
Actions: Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, microcirculatory protectant and regenerator
Salvia miltiorrhiza
Red Sage Root, Dan Shen
Indications: Liver inflammation and cirrhosis, nephroprotectant
Contraindications/Cautions: some may experience pruritis, stomachache and reduced appetite from tincture3, potentiates warfarin4
Salvia miltiorrhiza - Chinese Medicine Perspective
Red Sage Root, Dan Shen
Invigorates the blood
Breaks up blood stasis
Clears heat and soothes irritability
Calms the spirit
Danshen protects kidney grafts from ischemia/reperfusion injury after experimental transplantation
Preconditioning of both donors and recipients with DS significantly reduces IRI and thus improves graft function after eKTx.
Rheum officinale
*Other species used: R. palmatum, R. tanguticum
Part Used: root and rhizome
Energetics: bitter, cold
Constituents: anthaquinone glycosides, tannic acid galic acids, catechin,
Actions: Astringent, laxative, lowers triglycerides and cholesterol, increases GFR *Chinese Med uses this more as a kidney herb
Rheum officinale
Indications: constipation, renal compromise
Cautions/Contraindications: Leaves should not be eaten due to high oxalic acid content, long-term use can cause electrolyte imbalance due to laxative effect. CI in pregnancy and lactation
Da Huang
Rheum spp. – Chinese perspective
Drains heat
Purges accumulations
Cools blood
Invigorates and dispels blood stasis