Neoplasms Flashcards
____________ is the development of neoplasms , which are defined as a new growth; proliferation is not adequately controlled by normal regulatory mechanisms, it is abnormal, serves no useful function and grows at the expense of the healthy organism
the proliferation of normal cells is controlled by: ___________, ___________, and ___________
autocrine stimulation, apoptosis - genetic program of individual cells
paracrine - signals transmitted from one cell to another by direct contact
endocrine - various substances that have growth promoting or growth inhibiting effects
in contrast, neoplasms have the following characteristics: ___________, ___________, and __________
autonomous, excessive, and disorganized
____1_____ means not harmful in effect versus ______2_____ meaning very virulent or infectious
1 - benign
2 - malignant
Malignant tumors of the mesenchymal cells are called ___________
benign tumors of epithelial cells are called ____________
malignant tumors of epithelial cells are called ________1______; if arising from a glad or duct ______2______
1 - carcinomas
2 - adenocarcinoma
benign tumors of mesenchymal cells (ie. bone, connective tissue, muscle, cartilage) are named by adding the suffix “_____” to it.
______________ is a malignant tumor of the lymphoid cells
___________ is a malignant tumor of the glia cells
______________ is malignant tumors of the testicular seminiferous epithelium
____________ is malignant tumors originating from embryonic cells
___________ originate from germ cells in testis and ovaries; may be malignant or benign; malignant version may also be called teratocarcinoma
_____1______ are small segments of DNA; activated _____1______ may transform normal cells into malignant cells by producing proteins with strong growth-stimulating signals to promote unregulated growth; _______2_________ (aka tumor suppressor genes) encode proteins that are able to inhibit the stimulating signals
1 - oncogenes
2 - anti-oncogenes
What are the factors that provide he formation of neoplasms?
Advancing age, environment/lifestyle/personal behaviours/occupation, gender/genetic disposition
_____________ is agents that are capable of initiating the malignant transformation of a cell.
________________ can be environmental, industrial substances, and drugs; the actions of this type of carcinogen include locally - acting at the site of contact, mediated by intestinal bacteria, act at the site of metabolic conversion in the liver, act at the site of exception in the urine
chemical carcinogens
____________ are the most important cause of exposure to radiation; sources include UV light, X-rays, Radioactive isotopes, Atomic bombs
Physical Carcinogens
_______ is a potent skin carcinogen, can lead to basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma, those spending much time outdoors such as fisherman, postal workers and sun bunnies are at increased risk
UV light
________ are used extensively in medicine since 1895; early scientists were unaware of the carcinogenic effects and many developed cancer; radiologists are required to wear heavy lead aprons and protective gear now; done properly conventional _______ pose little risk to normal individuals except for the developing fetus of pregnant women
_______________ occur in the environment, and some are manmade; alpha, beta and especially gamma rays emitted from these materials are carcinogenic
radioactive isotopes
_________________ Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused both immediate devastation and long term effects; increased incidence of leukaemia and thyroid carcinoma as well as increased incidence of common cancers such as breast, prostate and lung cancers
atomic bombs and fallout
_______________ are fungi (Aspergillus flavus) , parasites and viruses (ie. Epstein Barr, Human Papilloma, Hepatitis)
Natural Biological Carcinogens
______________ is when certain human cancers occur more often in certain families due to cancer genes; if tumor suppressor genes or anti-oncogenes are defective or deleted the inhibition on the chromosome for replication is missing and tumors will develop; women with a mother or sister with breast cancer has 5-6x the incidence of breast cancer (BR CA 1 and 2)
Genetic Influences