Inflammation, Healing and Repair Flashcards
_____________ includes hemostasis and degeneration; formation of a blood clot and necrosis of injured cells; acute inflammation or inflammatory reaction (acute stage: 1-3 days or longer); proliferation and migration (subacute stage: lasts 2-3 weeks); maturation and remodelling (post-acute state: up to months)
Phases of Healing
________1_____ is inflammation is the immediate local response to injury and tissue damage; it is the first step in the process of tissue healing; the ultimate goal is replacement of injured tissue with healthy regenerated tissue or scar tissue; sudden onset and short duration - few minutes to a few days involving the _______2______ - heat, redness or erythema, pain, swelling or edema, loss of function
1 - Acute Inflammation
2 - five cardinal signs
a large number of _______1____ are are responsible for the vascular and leucocyte response in an acute inflammatory response; ______2____ such as histamine, prostaglandins, leukotriens, cytokines, platelet activating factors and others; _____3_____ such as enzymes of the coagulation cascade, of the fibrinolytic system, kinin enzymatic system and complement system that have been broken down by the help of proteases from plasma cells
1 - chemical mediatorys
2 - cell-derived
3 - plasma derived
Components of the Inflammatory Reaction: ______1_________ and _______2________
1 - Vascular stage
2 - Cellular Stage
_____________ is vasodialation of arterioles and increased permeability of capillaries; occurs mostly immediately after tissue damage - preceding is a short neurally mediated constriction of arterioles; mediated by histamine that is released from damaged mast cells, basophils and platelets; the release is stimulated by phagocytes attreacted to the site and by activated complement proteins; enhanced by kinins, prostagglandins and leukotrienes
Vascular stage
_______1______ occurs approximately 1 hour after the inflammatory response begins (varies); leukocytes (neutrophils at first) are attracted to the site of damage by microbes or injured cells themselves by kinins, complement and other neutrophils and they phagocytize the microbes; attraction of phagocytes to microbes or injured cells is called _______2______
1 - cellular stage
2 - chemotaxis
_____1________ process starts already when phagocyctes remove necrotic tissue soon after tissue injury; once injurious agent is removed either ______2____ [regrowth of original tissue] or ____3___ [formation of a connective tissue scar] occur
1 - tissue healing
2 - regeneration
3 - repair
___________ is inflammation that does not resolve but persists over time (up to years); can contribute to healing but usually does not lead to full return of function; ie. injurious agent persists, repeated episodes of acute inflammation in the same tissue, persistent immune reactions; hallmark is accumulation of macrophages, lymphocytes and plasma cells
Chronic Inflammation
____________ leads to the formation of connective tissue scar or fibrosis and is associated with a loss of function
granulation tissue
What are the local signs of chronic inflammation?
cicatrisation, contracture, granulomas, endarteritis obliterans, endophlebitis, ulceration
____________ is a scar with considerate contraction (=shrinkage)
___________ is fibrosis of connective tissue in skin, fascia, muscle or joint with excessive shrinkages that prevents normal mobility
___________ macrophages surround target and enclose it; they in turn are surrounded by leucocytes and fibroblasts; i.e. in tuberculosis or foreign body persistance
_____________ chronic progressive thickening of the tunica interna of arteries leading to stenosis/obstruction of the lumen
endarteritis obliterans
______________ inflammation of the inner layer of a vein
__________ a suppurative or non healing lesion on a surface such as skin, mucous membrane or cornea
_______________ involves multiple organs and is usually associated with autoimmune disorders; examples include: vasculitic syndromes; rheumatoid arthritis (RA); systemic lupus erytematosus (SLE), progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS), tuberculosis (TB), sarcoidosis
Systemic inflammation
______________ is inflammation of blood vessel walls
vasculitic syndromes
____________ is affecting the synovial tissue, extraarticular rheumatoid nodules, serositis, chronic immune stimulation
rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
_____________________ is affecting prevalently cardiovascular, renal or neurologic systems
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
_____________________ is fibrotic, degenerative and inflammatory changes throughout the body
progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS)
____________ is caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis, formation of granulomas, primary site: lungs
tuberculosis (TB)
____________ is formation of granulomas in lungs, liver, bones, eyes, or skin
____________________ proliferation of endothelial cells to establish a vascular network; parenchymal cells can only regenerate when they can undergo mitosis; cells that are able to regenerate are labile cells and stable cells; TISSUE REGENERATION is the MOST DESIRABLE OUTCOME, it is the REPLACEMENT of dead parenchymal cells by new cells
proliferation and migration of cells