Neo-marxism Flashcards
What are the two types of neo-marxists
Humanistic and Structuralist
What is Neo-Marxism
More recent adaptation of Marxism
They have developed and interpreted the theory in their own way
Who is a humanistic neo-marxist
Who is a structuralist neo-marxist
How does the humanistic neo-marxist Gramsci say capitalism is maintained
Through society accepting the ruling classes hegemony it avoids a revolution even when economic conditions are poor (eg mass poverty)
What is the definintion of hegemony
Ruling class ideas and values that prevent a revolution by winning the consent of large sections of the population
How does Humanistic neo-marxism differ from traditional marxism
They believe that social change (communism) will not come about through the downfall of the economy alone. It also requires individuals’ action, ideas and beliefs
How will a revolution actually occur according to Humanistic neo-marxists (Gramsci)
Through a counter-hegemony
What is a counter-hegemony
A small group of class-conscious workers (organic intellectuals) organise themselves into a political party who are able to offer an alternative view of how society could be run (creating a counter hegemony)
Shows that a revolution will not occur without human action - combining action and structure
What are the two main evaluation point for humanistic neo-marxism (Gramsci)
Overemphasizes the role of action and under-emphasises structural factors: even if workers see through ruling class ideology and wish to overthrow capitalism they may not try because of economic structures (fear of unemployment) or political structures (fear repression from the government)
Althusser: Free will is an illusion
How does structural neo-marxism (Althusser) differ from traditional marxism with the base superstructure model
Traditional marxism: Economy drives everything and it is a one-way causalty
Structural neo-marxists: The political and ideological systems are not entirely controlled by the economy and can influence what happens to the economy - two-way causalty
How does Althusser say capitalism is maintained
Through the Ideological state apparatus (through institutions such as education and the workplace)
And through the Repressive state apparatus (through forces such as the criminal justice system)
How does Althusser say that change will occur that differs from traditional marxism
Will occur through contradictions of the three structures (political, economic and ideological) resulting in a collapse of the whole system
Rather than traditional marxists saying it will occur through decreasing economic state causing class consciousness and a revolution
What are the two main criticism of Althussers structural theory
Overemphasis on structure - sees society as more powerful than individual and ignores the way that the active struggles of individuals can change society
How is Neo-marxism useful for understanding society
Useful In answering many of the criticisms made of traditional Marxism
How could it be seen that the additional neo-marxism theories do not help us to understand society
However, this has meant Marxism has become more complex and arguably less powerful