Negligence - Defenses to Negligence Flashcards
What are the defenses to Negligence?
- Contributory Negligence
- Comparative Fault
- Assumption of the Risk
- Avoidable Consequences
On the MBE what is the default ? Contib. neg. or Comp. Fault?
Assume pure comparative fault jurisdiction
- Where J&S liability applies
What must be proven for the defense of contributory negligence and comparative fault?
P’s conduct fell below the relevant std. of care and the failure contributed to the P’s injury
What is the contributry negligence rule?
Common Law & Handful of States
- P’s contrib. neg. is a complete bar to recovery
- regardless of the percentage that the P’s own neg. contributed to the harm
- NOT a defense to int. tort, gross neg., recklessness
What is the last clear chance rule?
Abolished in most jurisdictions comparative fault juris
- In contrib. neg. juris.
- P may mitigate legal effect of his own fault if D had the last clear chance to avoid injuring P but didn’t
Last Clear Chance Rule - What is the effect of an inattentive Plaintiff ?
If plaintiff, due to his own contrib. neg. is in peril & he could escape if he were paying attention
- D is liable only if she has actual knowledge of the plaintiff’s inattention
What is the legal impact of the P’s negligence in a pure comparative fault jurisdiction?
P’s recovery is reduced based on the percentahe of the plaintiff’s fault
- Can recover no matter the percentage of their fault
Won’t reduce P’s recovery for intentional torts
What is the legal impact of a plaintiff’s negligence in a modified comparative fault jurisdiction?
If plaintiff’s fault is greater then 50% P is barred from recovery
- If P is less at fault than D, P’s recovery is reduced by his percentage of fault
- If equally at fault
- Majority - P recovers 50% of his total damages
- Minority - P recovers nothing
What is the legal impact of a plaintiff’s negligence in a comparative fault juris. when there are multiple defendants?
D’s are joint & severally liable for the reduced percentage of fault
What is assumption of the risk?
Trad - Unreas. proceeding in the face of known, specific risk bars recovery
Contrib. Neg. Juris. - NO recovery
Compar. Fault Juris. - Reduced recovery
Assumption of the Risk - Exculpatory clauses in contracts
Parties can K to disclaim liability for negligence. BUT Unenforceable if:
- Disclaims liab. for reckless or wanton misconduct or gross negligence
- Gross disparity of bargaining power
- exculpated party offers services of great importance or practical nec. to the public.
- Subject to typical contractual defenses OR
- Against public policy
Generally, who can not disclaim liability for negligence?
- Common Carriers
- Innkeepers
- employers
When does express assumption of the risk usually arise?
Written waivers in recreational activities and sports
When does an express assumption of the risk exist?
When P by written or oral words relieves D of their responsibility to act non-negligently towards the D
Whats is the consequence of a valid express assumption on a tort action?
It bars recovery
What are the elements of a valid express assumptions of risk that will bar recovery ?
- Exp. assumption lang. is clear
- D’s conduct is no more culpable than neg. (can’t be intentional)
- Waiver is not void against pub. policy
When has a Plaintiff impliedly assumed the risk?
- P had knowledge of the danger
- P appreciated the nature of the danger AND
- P vol. chose to expose himself to that risk
From what point of view is assumption of the risk evaluated? Subjective or Objective?
Subjective focus on the mind of the Plaintiff
What is a plaintiff’s duty to avoid cnsequences?
P has no oblig. to take reas. steps after being injured not to increase the injury
What is the impact of a plaintiff not avoiding consequences ?
D is not liable for further damages caused by plaintiff’s failure to avoid consequences
The doctrine of avoidable consequences only applies to bar recovery from?
The defendant for damages that were avoidable to the P