Immunities from Tort Liability Flashcards
What is Immunity ?
Immunity is a defense to tort liab.
Family Immunity
two familial immunities were recog. at common law (1) spouses & (2) parent-child.
Most states have abolished these immunities
Governmental Immunity - Common Law
At com. law, there is sovereign immunity ➞ prevents ∏ from bringing suit against the gov’t
Federal Government Immunity
With passage of Fed. Tort Claims Act
- fed. gov’t waived its immunity from tort claims
- but U.S. gov’t is still not liab. for “any claim arising out of assault, battery, false imp., false arrest, malicious prosecution, abuse of process, libel, slander, misrep., deceit, or interference with K rights”
Federal Government Immunity
When is Assult, batter, FI, False Arrest, Abuse of Process or Malicious Prosecution Actionable?
Assault, Battery, False Imp., False Arrest, Abuse of Process or Malicious Pros. will be actionable if committed by investigative or law enforcement officer of fed. gov’t (e.g. FBI agent)
State Government Immunity
Trad. immune to tort liab.
- Most states have waived this immunity to the same extent as the fed. gov’t
Local Government Immunity
(cities, school districts, pub. hospitals)
- have trad. been immune from tort liab. but most states have abolished local gov’t immunity
- No Immunity for Proprietary Functions (functions that could just as well be perf. by priv. corp)
Public Officials - Immunity
(Legislators & Judges)
immune from tort liab. for discretionary acts w/in the broad general scope of their duties
Charitable Immunity
At com. law charit. org. had immunity from tort claims
- Most states have abolished charitable immunity