NEG Chapter 5 (MQC And Long) Flashcards


• Strategic Issues concerning motivational style


o The myth of the hard bargainer
♣ Effectiveness drops
• Irritating, stubborn and unethical negotiators
♣ When both negotiators have a cooperative orientation, they can be more effective in terms of maximizing the pie
♣ Highly cooperative negotiators use more integrative strategies
♣ Individualistically motivated negotiators are at the table, distributive strategies increase
o Do not lose sight of your own interests
♣ Individualists don’t lose sight of their interests
♣ Co-operators and competitors do lose sight of their interests
♣ Co-operators: lose-lose agreements often fail to make interests known
♣ Competitors want to beat the other party and don’t pay attention to own interests
♣ Unmitigated communion
• Make large concessions to accommodate the other and reap less profit
o Social comparison can cause breakdowns in negotiation
♣ Relations we have with the other party can affect our own motivational orientation
♣ Co-operators increase size of pie and prefer equitable division of pie in comparison to individualists and competitors
♣ Cooperation strongly relates to reciprocity: Relative to individualists and competitors, co-operators are more likely to engage in the same level of cooperation as their opponent
o Use reinforcement to shape behaviour
♣ Important to reinforce the behaviour immediately after it occurs
♣ One of the fastest ways to extinguish a behaviour is simply not to respond
o The power of reciprocity
♣ Integrative and distributive behaviours tend to be reciprocated
♣ If you want to discourage a competitive motivational orientation in the counterparty, then don’t reciprocate
o Anticipate motivational clashes at the bargaining table
♣ Cooperative players behave competitively when paired with competitive component
♣ Competitive players do not change
♣ When a cooperative person negotiates with an individualistic negotiator, both experience significantly more positive negotiation processes and outcomes than do purely individualistic dyads
o Motivational convergence
♣ People strategies change in response to how they view the other party and situation
♣ Co-operator is the one to change
♣ Less likely to occur at the bargaining table
o Epistemic motivation
♣ Person needs to understand his or her world
Cooperative orientation understands the t

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