Neck and Back Flashcards
is comprised of 26 bones.
This includes 24 individual vertebrae in addition to the fused vertebrae that form both the sacrum and the coccyx. Each vertebrae, with the exception of the first and last, articulates with another vertebrae inferiorly and superiorly.
vertebral column
how many vertebrae are in cervical
7 C1-C7
how many vertebrae are in thoracic
12 T1-T12
how many vertebrae are in lumbar
5 L1-L5
What 2 inferior bones are formed after several vertebrae fuse together
Sacrum (S1-S5)
Coccyx (Co1-Co4)
C1-C7, are the most superiorly located vertebrae. They extend from the occipital bone of the skull through the neck and upper thorax region. Cervical vertebrae are characterized by their small, light-weight bodies, unique spinous processes (often bifuricated or split), transverse foramina, and special names for the firt two vertebrae.
cervical vertebrae
Also known as the Atlas
Articulates with the condyles of the occipital bone
Had deep superior articular facets
Lacks a body and spinous processes
Also known as the Axis
Has an odontoid process or dens
Acts as the axis of rotation between the atlas and the skull
Has split (bifid) spinous process
T1-T12, contain articulations for the ribs, called costal facets, and an inferior notch where the spinal nerves emerge. These vertebrae have longer, shaper angled spinous processes. Thoracic vertebrae are said to be shaped like giraffes.
Thoracic APR
thoracic vertebrae
L1-L5, contain the largest bodies and bear the most weight. As a result of bearing more load, they are also more susceptible to injuries. L5 is the most commonly injured vertebrae due to the transfer of weight from the sacrum to the pelvis. Lumbar vertebrae are often thought to resemble a moose, due to their “blunt” spinous processes.
lumbar vertebrae
is an anteriorly curved bone that is shaped like an upside-down triangle
forms the most inferior portion of the vertebral column
Also known as Dowagger's Hump or Hunchback Exaggerated thoracic curvature Can result from Osteoporosis Vertebral compression fracture to anterior vertebrae Osteomalacia Heavy weight lifting during youth Abnormal vertebral growth Chronic muscle contractions
Also known as Sway Back Exaggerated lumbar curvature Can result from: Osteoporosis Vertebral compression fracture to anterior vertebrae Osteomalacia Heavy weight lifting during youth Abnormal vertebral growth Chronic muscle contractions Added abdominal weight from pregnancy or obesity
Also known as S-curve
Abnormal lateral curve of the spine
Can result from:
Failure of vertebral arch/body to form causing a structual problem
Unilateral muscular paralysis or spasm causing a functional problem