Axial Skeleton (Bony Anatomy Flashcards
There are 22 bones in two categories The cranial bones (8 in total) have direct contact with the brain. The facial bones (14 in total) do not have direct contact with the brain.
The cranial bones form the top, sides, and back of the head.
Protect brain
Provide attachment for jaw, head and neck muscles
The facial bones form the cheeks, jaws, and the bridge of nose.
Protect entry/exit to digestive and respiratory system
Provide attachment site for facial muscles
Foramen magnum: passage for spinal cord, brain junction
Occipital condyle: area that the skull articulates with the C1 vertebrae of the spine
Occipital protuberance: attachment site for muscles
occipital bone
Frontal sinus: 2 air filled sacs
forms the roof of the nasal cavity, orbits, and forehead.
frontal bone
(2) form the sides of cranium roof.
Bordered by sutures including the sagittal, cronoal, lamboid, and squamous suture
parietal bones
(2) are located on both sides of the cranium, and forms the inferior lateral walls and part of the cranium floor.
Mastoid process: contains air spaces & muscular attachment site
External acoustis meatus
Zygomatic process: anterolateral projection that unites with the zygomatic bone
temporal bones
contacins a greater and lesser wing. Together, the shape of this bone resembles a butterfly.
sphenoid bone
forms ther anteromedial floor of the cranium, roof of the nasal cavity, medial wall of each orbit, and superior nasal septum
Perpendicular plate: forms nasal septum Cristal gali: Attachment site of the duta mater Cribiform plate: Roof over smell receptors Cribiform olfactory foramen: passage ways for CN 1 (Olfactory)
ethmoid bone
forms the upper jaw, anterior hard palate, and the floor of orbits. The maxilla also forms part of the nasal cavity.
form the bridge of the nose. It is actually two paired bones. The lateral portion of this bone articulates with the maxilla.
nasal bones
creates the inferior portion of the nasal septum.
forms the medial orbit. This is a paired (2 bones) structure in the face.
lacrimal bones
are two, small, L-shaped bones. The palatine forms the hard palate posterior to maxilla and nasal cavity.
palatine bones
(2 bones) form the nasal cavity. The nasal conchae serves a purpose in creating turbulence in inhaled air. The nasal conchae contain a superior, middle, and inferior portion.
nasal conchae
form the cheek prominences and the floor of the orbits
zygomatic bones
forms the lower jaw. body angle ramus mandibular condyle: forms the temperomandibular joint
Located between frontal and parietal
Coronal Suture
Located between occipital and parietal
Lambdoid Suture
Located between parietals
Sagittal Suture
Located between temporal and pariteal
Squamous Suture