Neck Anatomy and Physiology Flashcards
Name the borders of the anterior triangle of the neck and its contents
Anterior-anterior midline of neck
Posterior-anterior border of sternocleidomastoid
Contains common, external and internal carotid artery, internal jugular vein, facial artery and vein, glossopharyngeal, vagus, hypoglossal, accessory and laryngeal nerves, submandibular and submental lymph nodes.
Name the borders of the posterior triangle of the neck and its contents
Anterior-posterior border of sternocleidomastoid
Posterior-anterior border of trapezius
Contains external jugular vein, occipital artery, cervical nerve plexus and accessory nerve, lymph nodes.
Name the eight branches of the external carotid artery
Superior thyroid Lingual Maxillary Facial Superficial Temporal Occipital Ascending Pharyngeal Posterior Auricular
Name some indications for a central venous line
Cardiac pacing Fluid Resuscitation Drug Administration Central venous pressure Blood Sampling Haemodialysis IV Nutrition
Where do the lymph nodes in the head and neck drain to?
Thoracic duct
Identify the classes of lymph nodes in the neck
I-Submandibular and Submental II-Posterior Auricular and Anterior Cervical chain III-Deep Cervical Chain IV-Supraclavicular V-Occipital and posterior cervical VI-Tonsillar
What is the thyroid gland and what is its function?
Two lobed (joined by isthmus) exocrine gland that produces thyroid hormones and calcitonin (controls calcium and phosphate levels)
What is a thyroglossal duct cyst?
Remnants of thyroid in neck from formation/ dilatation of duct that can become fluid filled and infected. Common in children. Treated by removal (if other functioning thyroid tissue present) and sometimes hyoid bone needs taken out to prevent reoccurrence.
Moves when swallowing.
Name types of solitary masses related to the thyroid
Adenomas Carcinomas Cysts Lymphomas Diagnose using ultrasound and FNAC but need to biopsy to distinguish between cancer and benign.
Name types of diffuse thyroid masses
Colloid goitre due to gland hyperplasia, iodine deficiency, puberty, pregnancy or lactation.
Grave’s disease/hyperthyroidism
Name causes of multi-nodular goitres
Grave’s Disease
Toxic Goitre
Name some indications for a thyroidectomy
Airway obstruction Malignancy or suspected malignancy Thyrotoxicosis Cosmesis (for cosmetic reasons) Retrosternal extension (thyroid below sternum)
Name some complications of a thyroidectomy
Bleeding-primary or secondary Voice hoarseness Thyroid storm Infection Hypoparathyroidism Hypothyroidism Scar (keloid/ hypertrophic)
Where are the parathyroid glands and what is their function?
Four are located on the posterior aspect of the thyroid gland (poles). They maintain calcium and phosphate levels.
What are some systems affected by parathyroid pathology?
Mental Health