Neck 1-3 Flashcards
Functions of Neck (4)
- Supporting + moves head, moves VC
- Move + support larynx for swallowing/speaking,
- Connect upper + lower respiratory digestive tract via pharynx + larynx w/esophagus + trachea
- Communication – sounds from larynx -> pharynx + oral cavity = speech
Neck Superior Boundary (2)
- inferior mandible, skull base, MP, trap attachments
- Post neck higher than ant neck to connect cervical viscera w/post opening of nasal + oral cavities
Neck Inferior boundary (base of neck) (1)
top of sternum, spine of scapula + clavicle, to SP C7 + adjacent acromion
Superior thoracic aperature (2)
- thoracic inlet or outlet: Space btwn T1 + rib 1 (all that travels to/from thorax)
- transitional area btwn thorax + neck
Traits of CV (1)
Transverse foramen, Bifid SPs, Square VB, triangular vertebral foramen, sloped APs
Joints of Cervical Column (4)
- AO – synovial condyloid
- AA – synovial (2 Articular facet – plane, 1 dens – pivot)
- ZP – synovial plane
- IV disc – secondary cartilaginous
Superficial Cervical Fascia (3)
- subcutaneous CT;
- superficial fatty layer + deep thin fibrous layer
- superficial nerves, vessels, lymph nodes and platysma muscle
Investing fascia (2)
- tube (cont across midline), whole body, surrounds SCM+ traps in neck
- fuses w/periosteum at tendon
Infrahyoid fascia (3)
- sheet, continuous across midline
- begins at hyoid bone, forms investing fascia for infrahyoid (strap) muscles (attach to hyoid bone)
- superficial + deep layers due to diff muscle layers
Pretracheal fascia (3)
- tube, continuous across midline, posterior to infrahyoid muscles
- surrounds viscera in neck (thyroid gland, trachea, pharynx, esophagus), + vocal cords
- Pre-tracheal + Buccopharyngeal
Prevertebral Fascia (4)
- tube, attaches to skull base
- in front of vert, encloses deep prevertebral + back muscles
- specializations: alar fascia, axillary sheath and Sibson’s fascia
- Wraps around VC/SPs + muscles attached to it (lateral cervical muscles)
Carotid Sheath (6)
tube that wraps common + internal carotid arteries, cervical lymph nodes, IJV, vagus nerve, superior root of ansa cervicalis
Fascial Layers
BIG PICTURE: spaces btwn layers = spread of infection, etc. Some contained, some large + spread out.
Platysma (4)
- thin muscle, over mandible, down neck past clavicle, limited connection to bone, mostly to superficial fascia
- Changes tension of skin in neck, depresses mandible (makes sad face)
- innervated by CN VII (facial nerve)
- Gap in btwn platysma muscle on left + right side of neck
Investing Fascia Attachments (4)
- Follows attachments for/surrounds traps
- Superiorly to external occipital protuberance + superior nuchal line
- Laterally to MP and zygomastic arch
- Inferiorly to spine of scapula, acromion, clavicle, manubrium of sternum
Vessels + Nerves that pierce investing fascia (2)
- vessels = external and anterior jugular veins
- nerves = lesser occipital, great auricular, transverse cervical, and supraclavicular nerves (all branches of cervical plexus)
Pre-tracheal proper of Pre-tracheal Fascia
- in front of airway – attaches to hyoid bone above + fibrous pericardium (upper thoracic cavtiy) below
Buccopharyngeal layer of Pre-tracheal fascia (3)
- behind pharynx, separates it from prevert layer, attaches to skull base
- covers buccinator and pharyngeal constrictors
- fuses w/pre-tracheal + CT of esophagus
Sibson’s Fascia (2)
- from prevertebral fascia, deep to subclavian artery, closes superior aperature of lung -> Forms CT roof
- protects lung apex in subclavian puncture (if go through it = pneumothorax)
Axillary Sheath (2)
- from pre-vertebral fascia
- follows nerves + vessels to upper limb (brachial plexus, subclavian artery, etc)
Digastric Muscle (3)
- down to hyoid
- tendon in middle where sling changes muscle direction
- anterior + posterior belly
omohyoid muscle (3)
- 2 bellied, deep to SCM
- scapula -> neck -> hyoid
- tendon in middle where sling fascia loop changes muscle direction, angles it back to hyoid bone
Infection btwn investing/infrahyoid fascia + pretracheal fasica (2)
- spread inferiorly to pericardium (superior mediastinum)
- up to hyoid bone (neck to thorax)
Deep to prevertebral layer (space) infection (2)
- infection contained by prevertebral layer
- extend laterally, bulge out in neck by posterior border of SCM
Infection in space btwn buccopharygeal fascia and alar fascia (2)
- go up to skull base
- down to lower neck/cervical areas since alar fascia blends w/buccopharyngeal fascia
Infection in space btwn alar/buccopharyngeal fascia and prevertebral layer (3)
- up to skull base thru posterior mediastinum down to diaphragm
- most imp, wide open space for spreading infection
- air from ruptured airway/esophagus = pneumomediastinum via fascial space
SCM (3)
- Attachment = MP, sternum, clavicle
- action = contralateral rotation of head (opp side)
- innervation = spinal accessory CN XI, C3 + C4(sensory)
Trapezius (3)
- attachment = spine of scapula, clavicle, acromion, SP C7-T12, ligamentum nuchae
- Action = elevates/retract scapula, abduction of humerus above shoulder
- Innervation = spinal accessory CN XI, C3 + C4 (sensory)
Congenital Torticollis (4)
- SCM scarred + shortened (act like its contracted)
- damaged during birth (no mastoid process)
- head always tilted to side of damage
- spasmodic - from disease in basal nuclei
Suprahyoid (2)
- above hyoid bone, connections to skull + mandible
- actions = swallowing
Suprahyoid Innervations (3)
- Stylohyoid + Post digastric = CN VII
- Ant digastric + mylohyoid = CN V
- geniohyoid = cervical plexus
Infrahyoid (3)
- strap muscles
- actions = stabilize hyoid bone + larynx, reposition after swallowing
- omohyoid, sternohyoid (most anterior), sternothyroid (middle), thyrohyoid (deepest)
Scalene triangle (2)
- btwn anterior + middle scalene, base = rib 1
- subclavian art + nerves of brachial plexus pass thru triangle