NDT Tx Peds Flashcards
NDT basic rationale
Normal mvmt is dependent on a normal postural reflex mechanism
Basic premise of NDT
Acquisition of motor skills occurs in a certain progression
NDT tx concepts: progression of control (3)
- Hold position before assume position
- Provide controlled sensory experience of mvmt before ct moves ind.
- Specific techniques to enhance sensory experience: handling
NDT tx concepts: progression of tx (5)
- Symmetrical weight shift
- Asymmetrical weight shift
- Righting reactions
- Rotation
- Equilibrium reactions
Concepts of handling (4)
- Focus on energetic conservation to improve the efficiency of mvmt during functional tasks
- Handling support & guides the body part for a functional task
- Wherever you place your hands you are fostering improved efficiency of mvmt
- Wherever you do not place your hands your ct needs to control that body part or you provide external support
Facilitatory handling (3) & ct pathology
- Light intermittent placement & use of hands
- Compression greater then body wt
- Fast mvmt through positions
Ct: ataxia, athetosis
Inhibitory handling (3) & ct pathology
- Firm placement & use of hands
- Slow mvmt thru positions
- Compressions less than body wt
Ct: spasticity
Rhythmic mvmt is for
Children with fluctuating tone/disorganized mvmts
Arhythmic (irregular) mvmt is beneficial for…
Children with spasticity
NDT tapping..
- Used with weakness - produces increase in tone & contractability of muscles
- Do not use with hypertonicity
- Repetition builds up tone so ct may hold position
To decrease tone (6)
- Passive mvmt
- Stretch
- Weight-bearing/weight shifts
- Traction
- Alignment
- Rotation in trunk
To increase tone (6)
- Biomechanical alignment
- Active mvmt in all planes - challenge balance reactions
- Compression
- Tapping
- Resistance
- Weight-bearing/weight shifts thru small ranges
Athetoid vs ataxic
Enjoys mvmt, fluctuations of tone, difficult to get normal tone in tx, spasticity more in UE & toward extension
Hypotonic - use RR/ER to get more normal tone, spasticity in LE & toward flexion
Tx for ataxia (4)
- Increase mvmt thru trunk
- Move in wider ranges & on more movable surfaces
- Tapping - heavier & more hands off
- Compressions - with lg range of mvmt
Tx for athetoid (4)
- Increase trunk control
- Move in smaller ranges using less movable surface
- Tapping - light, don’t take off body much
- Pressure tapping w/o mvmt