NCMHCE - standardized assessments Flashcards
Rapid Alcohol Problem Screen: RAPS
(what it measures, time frame, age range, where used)
Assesses alcohol dependence during the past year; adults only; primarily used for patients in the ER and primary care
Adult Substance Use Survey: ASUS
(what it assesses, what it’s used for)
- assesses perceived use and gets information for emotion/mood disorder diagnosing
Brief Screener for Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drugs: BSTAD
Assesses tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana use over the past year to identify risky use; used specifically with adolescents
Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test: MAST/BMAST
Detect hazardous drinking and/or alcohol dependence with “have you ever” type questions
Beck anxiety inventory: BAI
(what it measures, time frame, age range)
Assesses anxiety severity over the past month; used for adults and adolescents.
State-trait anxiety inventory: STAI
Used to diagnose anxiety, distinguish it from depressive syndromes, and assess caregiver distress.
Hamilton anxiety rating scale: HARS
(what it measures, who is target population)
Clinician rating of severity of anxiety symptoms in already diagnosed clients.
Depression anxiety stress scale: DASS
(what it measures, time frame, age range)
Assesses symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress over the past week; suitable for adolescents and adults.
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test: AUDIT
- screens for unhealthy, risky, or hazardous consumption of alcohol; used to develop insight into consumption and compare to disordered behavior
Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire: SADQ-C
(what it measures, target population)
- measure the severity of dependence once alcohol dependence has already been identified
grief intensity scale: GIS
Assesses intensity of reaction to the loss and risk of developing prolonged grief disorder after loss of loved one
brief symptom inventory: BSI
(what does it cover, when is it used)
Assesses a variety of psychological problems; used at intake and to measure patient progress, as well as for clinic outcomes measurement.
quality of death and dying: QODD
Assesses the quality of dying and death; administered by the interviewer to a significant other of a patient who died in an outpatient or hospice setting.
Minnesota-Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2: MMPI-2
(what does it assess, what is it used for)
Lengthy assessment of personality traits and psychopathology; used to construct a differential diagnosis and initiate appropriate treatment; clients can also reflect upon their issues and improve personal understanding of their psychology.
Beck Depression Inventory II: BDI-II
- measures severity of depression over the past two weeks; establish baseline as well as tracking over multiple sessions; used for adolescents and adults; is not a diagnostic tool.
personality assessment inventory: PAI
(what does it assess, where is it used)
- assesses personality and psychopathology; used in a variety of contexts including psychotherapy, crisis, medical, forensic, and child custody.
Adult Self Report (ASR) and Adult Behavior CheckList (ABCL)
Reports ADL functioning, DSM5 symptoms/problems, and substance use; ASR for self-report and ABCL for clinician assessment; especially helpful for parents of child clients.
NEO Personality Inventory
assessment of normal adult personality traits and domains (OCEAN); helps people learn about their personality and also used for career planning
Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale
(what does it measure, what is it used for)
- measures functioning in various domains such as cognitive functioning and issues at school, home and the community; used for making treatment eligibility decisions and documenting outcomes
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales
- used to diagnose intellectual and developmental disabilities; also gives information for developing educational and treatment plans, and monitoring growth over time; appropriate for all ages
Conners Rating Scale
Used to identify ADHD symptoms and their severity, and how they affect things like grades, job, home life, and relationships.
Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)
- measures emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactivity, peer relationship problems and prosocial behavior (ages 3-16)
Child Behavior CheckList (CBCL)
Caregiver report identifying problematic behaviors in children
Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS)
measures involuntary body movements
Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS)
rate signs/symptoms of opiate withdrawal and track over time
NIDA quick screen
(National institute of drug abuse)
Assesses use of tobacco, alcohol, misused prescription drugs, and illicit drugs over the past year
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)
Assess severity of substance use; increase insight/motivation; refer to specialty care