NCMHCE - disorders Flashcards
addiction - how is it defined by ASAM?
- treatable, chronic medical disease of reward pathway, motivation, memory across genetics/environment/experiences
Acute Stress Disorder - time frame
- persist for 3 days to 1 month
Oppositional Defiant Disorder - age range
- children and teens
Oppositional Defiant Disorder - criteria
- angry/irritable, argumentative/defiant, and vindictive
Oppositional Defiant Disorder - time frame
- lasting at least 6 months
body dysmorphic disorder - age range
- adults
body dysmorphic disorder - criteria and when not diagnosed
- preoccupation with perceived physical flaws; repetitive behavior; not diagnosed for obesity or eating disorders
ADHD age range
- developed before age 12
ADHD criteria
- inattention and/or hyperactivity/impulsivity in 2 or more settings
schizophreniform time frame
- lasts between 1-6 months
Schizophreniform criteria
- similar to schizophrenia; mood symptoms are minor or not present
cyclothymic disorder time frame (adults vs child)
- 2+ years vs 1+ years
cyclothymic disorder criteria
- bipolar 2 but not meeting full criteria for hypomania or depression
OCD criteria
- upsetting intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors to reduce anxious distress; time-consuming and unrealistic
body dysmorphic disorder criteria
- preoccupation with perceived flaws and repetitive appearance-related behaviors
reactive attachment disorder criteria
- minimal emotions and comfort-seeking in the context of neglect
ODD time frame
- lasts at least 6 months
ODD age range related to symptom frequency
- younger than 5 must have symptoms most days, over 5 have symptoms at least 1x/week
ODD criteria
- anger, arguing, defiance, vindictiveness
intermittent explosive disorder time frame
- aggression twice weekly for three months, three outbursts in 12 months
intermittent explosive disorder age range
- 6 years or older
intermittent explosive disorder criteria
- impulsive aggression and outbursts
conduct disorder age range
- usually manifests in childhood or teen years
conduct disorder criteria
property damage,
rule violations
adjustment disorder time frame
- start within three months of onset of stressor
- resolve within six months of end of stressor
adjustment disorder criteria
- marked and out-of-proportion reaction to a stressor and clinically significant impairment
hypomania time frame
- at least four days
anorexia vs bulimia
- both can have binging/purging behaviors; anorexia includes fear of getting fat and bulimia includes feeling lack of control over amount eaten
autism spectrum criteria
- deficits in social and communication abilities, restricted/repetitive behaviors, sensory sensitivity
autism spectrum age range
- first manifest during early childhood
gender dysphoria timeframe
- at least six months
reactive attachment disorder age range
- evident before age 5
reactive attachment disorder criteria
- inhibited behavior, social/emotional impairment, history of neglect or parental figure issues
panic disorder timeframe
- at least one month
dysthymia criteria
- depressed mood and 2+ symptoms of depression
dysthymia time frame
- 2 years for adults, 1 year for kids
alcohol withdrawal symptoms
- nausea, sweating, seizures
- anxiety, restless/fidgety, fast heartbeat
- insomnia
- hallucinations
addiction disorders criteria
- physical: tolerance, withdrawal, cravings
- risk: take more than intended, hazardous use
- control: attempts to stop, continue despite insight
- impairment: social problems, loss of interest in activities
schizotypal pd
ideas of reference, magical thinking, perceptual experiences, suspicious/paranoid, odd affect and behaviors, lack of friends, social anxiety
schizoid pd
solitary loner, no enjoyment in life, emotionally cold or flat
paranoid pd
suspicious, doubts loyalty, fears info used against them, bears grudges, quick to anger
antisocial pd criteria
- impulsive and irresponsible
- lying or conning
- aggression and lack of remorse
- reckless disregard for safety
- conduct disorder before 15 must be present
borderline pd
abandonment, intensity, sense of self, impulsive/reckless, parasuicidal and suicidal, affective instability, emptiness, anger; paranoid ideation only briefly when stressed
histrionic pd
shallow/shifting emotions,
considers relationships to be more intimate than they are
narcissistic pd
- self-important, entitled
- arrogant and envious
- obsessed with power/success
- exploitative, lacks empathy
avoidant pd
feels inferior and inadequate;
avoids getting involved with people unless certain of being liked;
avoids situations that could lead to criticism, rejection, or embarrassment;
dependent pd
fears being left alone to care for self;
needs to be in a relationship;
difficulty disagreeing;
difficulty with decisions, responsibilities, initiative;
Antisocial PD age range
over 18
difference between OCD and OCPD
OCD has obsessions and compulsions, OCPD has rigidity and perfectionism