NCE Exam Prep Practice Exam 7/18 Flashcards
The demonstration of unconditional positive regard is most likely seen as being a result of which of the following?
(Unconditional positive regard, which is a core component of person-centered therapy developed by Carl Rogers, is most closely associated with genuineness. It involves the counselor being authentic, real, and sincere in their interactions with the client. This creates an environment where the client feels accepted and valued for who they are.)
For a person-centered group, which of the following is considered to be the critical determining factor in the outcome of the group?
The member’s willingness to think rationally.
The leader’s relationship with the members of the group.
The leader’s relationship with the members of the group.
(Person-centered therapy is a humanistic approach to therapy that emphasizes the importance of the therapeutic relationship. Person-centered therapists believe that clients have the innate potential to grow and develop into their full potential. It is the therapist’s role to create a safe and supportive environment where clients can explore themselves and make their own choices.)
Kottler‘s research into counselor burnout and boredom led him to include all but one of the following characteristics as a symptom of counselor burnout. Which symptom did he NOT find in his subjects?
Cynical thoughts and words
Work overload
Reluctance to receive or return messages
Feeling relief over cancellations
Work overload
The term that best describes serving others with well-meaning is
(the ethical principle of doing good and promoting the well-being of others. It involves actions taken to benefit or enhance the welfare of individuals, often with well-meaning intentions.)
Counselors who follow the beliefs of Ellis see passivity on the part of the counselor
as encouraging clients to talk out their problems.
as encouraging clients to take advantage of the counselor and to avoid facing and working on problems.
as encouraging clients to take advantage of the counselor and to avoid facing and working on problems.
(Albert Ellis, the founder of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), believed that counselors should be active and engaged in the therapeutic process. He believed that it is important for counselors to challenge clients’ irrational beliefs and to help them develop more realistic and helpful ways of thinking.)
In a study, patients were given a brochure telling them about the experimental treatment they were to receive. The brochure called the treatment “experimental but highly promising.” The control group was not given a brochure. If the experimental group reports greater improvement than the control group because of the brochure rather than the treatment, which answer describes the type of error depicted?
Hawthorne effect
Halo effect
Halo effect
(occurs when a single favorable or unfavorable trait of a person, in this case, the description of the treatment as “experimental but highly promising” in the brochure, influences our overall judgment of that person. In this scenario, the positive description in the brochure creates a positive impression about the treatment in the minds of the experimental group patients. As a result, they might report greater improvement not necessarily due to the actual treatment but because they have a positive bias based on the brochure’s description. This bias is a form of the Halo effect, where one positive aspect influences overall perception.)
Daniel took a reading test and scored 1180. The test has a mean of 1000 and a SD of 100 on a normal distribution. Which of the answers below most closely describes Daniel‘s score when converted to a T-score?
Researcher A is doing a study to determine whether or not there is a correlation between the age of students who attend counseling oriented programs and those who attend therapy oriented programs. She has a well designed study. She sets her level of significance at .01. Researcher B is conducting a study to determine if there is a correlation between parents‘ degree of education and their variation in disciplinary techniques. She has a well designed study and sets her level of significance at .05. Which of the following answers most closely corresponds with a correct statement?
Theoretically, researcher A has a better likelihood of getting significant results than does researcher B.
Theoretically, researcher B is less likely to make a Type I error than researcher A
Theoretically, researcher B is less likely to make a Type I error than researcher A
(researcher B is less likely to make a Type I error because she has a higher tolerance for false positives compared to researcher A. This does not necessarily mean that one researcher’s results are more significant than the other’s; it primarily relates to their willingness to accept the risk of Type I errors.)
In random sampling, when the population is divided into layers or parts, and subjects have an equal chance of being selected from each layer, the kind of random sampling is
systematic sampling
stratified sampling
Simple random sampling
Clustered sampling
(Stratified sampling involves dividing the population into non-overlapping subgroups or strata based on certain characteristics that are important to the research. Then, within each stratum, a random sampling method (such as simple random sampling) is employed to select a subset of individuals. The key characteristic of stratified sampling is that it ensures representation from each subgroup, allowing for more accurate estimates and analysis.)
The primary responsibility of counselors as cited in Ethics Code A.1.a. Is
Disclose personal information to a client
Be a good listener
Recognize one‘s own impairment and limitations
Respect the dignity and promote the welfare of clients.
Respect the dignity and promote the welfare of clients.
(This means prioritizing the client‘s well-being, safeguarding their rights, and working toward their best interest, while maintaining a professional relationship. The counselor’s actions, suggestions, and behavior should align with promoting mental health and well-being of the client.)
Boszormenyi-Nagy developed a family therapy that includes the concepts of legacy, unsettled accounts, family ledger, and trust. His approach is called
contextual therapy.
open-systems approach.
contextual therapy.
( type of family therapy that focuses on the relationships between family members and the impact that these relationships have on the individual family members. Contextual therapists believe that family problems are often caused by unresolved issues from the past, such as trauma, loss, or abuse.)
The computer-based instrument designed by Katz for the purpose of values clarification in career development is known as
System of Interactive Guidance and Information (SIGI)
National Vocational Guidance Association (NVGA)
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MVP)
Beckett Interest Inventory (BGT)
System of Interactive Guidance and Information (SIGI)
(a valuable tool for people who are making career decisions, exploring different career options, or changing careers.)
Which of the following answers most closely represents the stage in Erikson‘s theory that correlates with Freud‘s genital stage?
Integrity versus Despair
Initiative versus Guilt
Initiative versus Guilt
(the third stage of Erikson’s theory. It occurs during the preschool years, which is the same time as Freud’s genital stage.)
Boundaries that are impermeable are known as ____________.
The six personal orientations of Holland’s hexagonal model, in order, are
realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, conventional.
(Realistic: Mechanic, carpenter, engineer, farmer, electrician
Investigative: Scientist, doctor, lawyer, researcher, teacher
Artistic: Writer, painter, actor, musician, dancer
Social: Counselor, teacher, nurse, social worker, therapist
Enterprising: Salesperson, business owner, politician, entrepreneur, leader
Conventional: Accountant, secretary, administrator, manager, banker)
Cybernetics is the study of
feedback loops.
feedback loops.
The three types of response to aggression as measured by the Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Study are
obstacle-dominance, need persistence, and action-suppression.
action-suppression, ego-defense, and need persistence.
obstacle-dominance, action-suppression, and ego-defense.
obstacle-dominance, ego-defense, and need persistence.
obstacle-dominance, ego-defense, and need persistence.
(Obstacle-dominance: Focusing on the source of frustration or the obstacle.
Ego-defense: Managing the ego or self-esteem by deflecting the sense of failure or frustration.
Need-persistence: Persisting in the effort to satisfy the need or achieve the goal, despite the frustration.)
Holmes and Rahe developed the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) to measure stress according to rank-ordered stressful life events. Point values are assigned to the events and
the higher the score within a two year period the greater the risk.
the higher the score within a two year period the greater the risk.
Which of the following was NOT included by Coyne in his “group work grid” intervention levels?
(The group work grid is a model developed by R.K. Coyne to illustrate the four levels of intervention in group work: individual, interpersonal, organization, and community population)
Blackboard Jungle, the seminal 1955 juvenile delinquency film,
introduced the enduring concept of high schoolers as “wild animals.”
gave a visual representation to the 1952 study that stated that 57 percent of people surveyed said they believed young people had as strong a sense of right and wrong as they had at the turn of the century.
introduced the enduring concept of high schoolers as “wild animals.”
(known for its portrayal of the challenges faced by an idealistic teacher in an inner-city high school, where the students are depicted as unruly and difficult to manage. The film conveyed the idea that some high school students, particularly those in urban settings, could be challenging and rebellious, leading to the enduring concept of high schoolers as “wild animals.)
Which of the following theorists provided the theory of tabula rasa?
Richard Louv
John LaRock
P.H. Mussen
John Locke
John Locke
(a Latin phrase that means “blank slate.” It is a theory that suggests that humans are born with no innate knowledge or ideas, and that all knowledge is acquired through experience. Locke believed that the mind is like a blank slate, and that our experiences write upon it.)
AARP provides social services to individuals who are
Age 70+
Age 75+:
age 60+.
age 50+.
age 50+.
Counselors who espouse an Adlerian view would describe the therapeutic relationship with which of the following statements?
The therapist should always maintain objectivity as a way of
fostering transference.
The therapist is seen as a behavioral engineer
The therapist is considered the expert.
The therapeutic relationship is one between equals.
The therapeutic relationship is one between equals.
(emphasizes equality in the therapeutic relationship. The therapist and client work collaboratively and on equal footing, in a relationship characterized by mutual respect and understanding. It‘s an encouraging, positive, and solution-focused approach where the therapist engages in dialogue as a consultant rather than an authoritative figure.)
The group therapeutic factor (Yalom) that describes helping each other is
Social technique
(act of helping others without expecting anything in return. In group therapy, altruism can be seen when group members help each other to understand their problems, to develop coping skills, and to achieve their goals.)
When in public, individuals wear masks for societal roles. The public face is called what in Jungian theory?
The theorist who developed an approach to therapy that is sometimes called self-theory, a non-directive and person-centered approach, is
(humanistic psychologist who developed client-centered therapy, which is a non-directive approach that focuses on the client’s own self-actualizing tendency. Rogers believed that people have an innate tendency to grow and develop towards their full potential, and that the therapist’s role is to create an environment in which the client can do this.)
Behavioral therapy techniques based on principles of operant conditioning include all of the following EXCEPT:
Time out.
Ulterior transactions.
Contingency contract
Stimulus satiation
Ulterior transactions.
(a concept from transactional analysis that refers to communication that has two levels of meaning: a surface meaning and a hidden meaning. This concept is not typically used in behavioral therapy.)
Dollard and Miller combined concepts from psychoanalysis, behavioral, and social-cultural theory to arrive at their eclectic perspective. As a part of their theory, they identified conflict underlying neurosis as being all of the following EXCEPT:
Avoidance error
Avoidance error
Which researcher is known for findings related to social learning theory of aggression?
Play therapy allows children to express their feelings and problems through the natural medium of play. Major approaches include
self play, others play, controlled play, uncontrolled play.
psychodynamic, release, relationship, and non-directive.
psychodynamic, release, relationship, and non-directive.