NCE Exam Prep Practice Exam 5/31 Flashcards
Your client is a lady who is afraid of flying. “So where would you go if you weren‘t afraid of flying?” “I‘d go visit my sister in Wyoming!” Flying to Wyoming becomes the major goal. Using Operant Conditioning, you work out a list of goals with her and a schedule of reinforcements for each achieved goal. Each time she meets a goal she gets to buy something for her travel wardrobe or a piece of new luggage. Likewise, you work out a list of agreed to punishments. She completes Step #1 of her treatment plan of buying an airplane magazine. Next week you ask, “How‘d it go? Did buying the magazine create any anxiety?” “No.” “Did you look through it?” “Yes.” “Any anxiety?” “No.” “OK - For next week, create a collage of airplanes and place yourself somewhere in that collage.” Having accomplished step #1, she gets to go buy her first piece of new luggage. When she comes in with the completed collage she gets to go buy her 2nd piece of luggage. However, since she couldn‘t bring herself to walk through an airport terminal (Step #8), the agreed to punishment takes place: She has to return all of the luggage. Which of the following answers most closely describes the process of you going with your client to the airport, getting on a plane, putting a seat-belt one, and having the pilot rev the engines?
Implosive Therapy
Thought Stopping
a form of exposure therapy where the client is exposed to the most anxiety-inducing stimulus or situation all at once, rather than gradually. In this case, taking the client to the airport, getting on a plane, and experiencing the sounds and sensations of flying would be considered flooding.
Beck’s Hopelessness Scale correlates
hopelessness to suicide.
The last step to consultation from a behavioral perspective is
designing a plan
interdepartmental consultation
identifying environmental factors
the process of assessing the outcome of an intervention or plan. In the context of a behavioral consultation, this means determining whether the desired behavioral changes have been realized. It’s a critical step because it allows for adjustments to be made if the intervention isn’t working as intended.
Bem purports that people will function more effectively as androgynous individuals. Which of the following answers best describes the term androgyny?
Women are encouraged to develop masculine sex roles
Males and Females focus on developing feminine sex roles
Men are encouraged to develop feminine sex roles
Males and Females are allowed to develop both masculine and feminine sex roles
Males and Females are allowed to develop both masculine and feminine sex roles.
The group you have been leading has proven to be especially effective. You now wonder why you were apprehensive about leading this group; yet it was your first foray into group leadership. As the group leader, you knew that your responsibilities include all of the following EXCEPT:
Clearly delineating the goals of the group
Keeping members in the dark about an experiment you are performing with the group so as to not bias their responses
Keeping members informed about the totally voluntary nature of the group participation
Keeping a clear understanding of your role as leader of the group
Keeping members “in the dark” about an experiment you are performing with the group so as to not bias their responses.
The goal of therapy in transactional analysis is to
Develop behavioral patterns for implementing games
Effectively manage ego states when involved in game playing:
redefine one’s life script, develop autonomy, and become game free.
redefine one’s life script, develop autonomy, and become game free.
Which of the following words denotes the emotion that results when a feeling of fear is not understood by the person experiencing it?
The group stages of orientation, conflict, cohesiveness, and termination were identified by
Group therapy that focuses on understanding, being, forming relationships, and that considers sharing more valuable than techniques is
person-centered group therapy
Adlerian group therapy
Reality therapy
Psychoanalytic group therapy
person-centered group therapy.
As the client, you express your fear of delving too deeply into your feelings because you believe you won‘t be able to get out. As a therapist, applying Gestalt techniques, which of the following is most appropriate?
Explore the meaning of the client‘s resistance
Suggest that the two of you role-play the ambivalence between head and heart
Explore how the stuckness is serving the client
Offer feedback to show how you, the counselor, have gotten unstuck before
Suggest that the two of you role-play the ambivalence between head and heart.
Which of the following stages in the development of the homosexual lifestyle would occur first?
Identity comparison
Identity confusion
Identity acceptance
Identity synthesis
Identity confusion
As a counselor, you refer Warren, a seriously depressed individual, for both psychotherapy and drug therapy. Regarding your recommendation, another counselor would advise Warren to
reject the psychotherapy as it is ineffective with serious depressions
accept both treatments as they seem to make independent contributions to the treatment of depression
accept one or the other treatment but not both, since using both would be redundant
reject the drug therapy because of the serious side effects associated with antidepressant drugs
accept both treatments as they seem to make independent contributions to the treatment of depression.
Remediation, treatment, and cognizant personality reconstruction are the focus points of
counseling groups
therapy groups
Cognizant personality reconstruction
therapy groups.
When Mike and Mary break up, Mary cries for days. She stops crying and feels happy once again when she tells herself that she is better off without Mike. Such action is an example of which defense mechanism?
Since different types of groups encompass different basic principles, the phrase —”What happens in the group stays in the group”— would be considered to be an underlying assumption of
Professional care
Privileged communication
According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, physiological needs are
the easiest needs to meet
the strongest needs.
the weakest needs to meet
the most difficult to meet
the strongest needs.
Leah‘s continued smoking of cigarettes even though she knows the health risks is, according to her, necessary for her to maintain her weight (and not gain). Which defense mechanism is Leah employing?
Reaction formation
Propinquity, as it relates to sociology, is a concept demonstrated by
the feelings of acceptance one minority holds for another minority.
the reduction of racial prejudice when Caucasian Americans reside next to people from a minority group.
The tolerance of differences between differing minority groups
None of the Above
the reduction of racial prejudice when Caucasian Americans reside next to people from a minority group.
Lori, a group member, saw herself as unlovable. She received feedback from other members indicating that they really cared for her. Now Lori is experiencing ____________________, defined as the gap created between her self-perception and the warm feelings generated in receiving the feedback.
Intrapsychic disunity
Social anchorage
the Hawthorne effect
cognitive dissonance
cognitive dissonance
Horney developed all of the following concepts EXCEPT:
Neurotic needs
Adjustment patterns
Unfinished business
Feminine psychology
Unfinished business
Brian is undergoing treatment for his fear of flying. His counselor is having him imagine fearful situations. The counselor coaches him and supplies much hype. Brian is experiencing
Which of the following answers represents the most important considerations on the part of a group leader regarding self-disclosure?
honesty and openness
timing and content
timing and content
It is truly stated that confidentiality as it pertains to the group setting is
Something that members can be guaranteed
limited by state laws
A legal right of every member
An absolute that can never be broken for any reason
limited by state laws
Which of the following answers most closely correlates with the number one cause of death for young people between the ages of 16 and 24?
Various forms of cancer
Alcohol-related vehicular accidents
Alcohol-related vehicular accidents
The goal of psychoanalysis is to
To repress conscious conflicts
Uncover the significance behind dreams
to bring unconscious conflicts to conscious awareness
Discover problems from early childhood
to bring unconscious conflicts to conscious awareness.
Awareness of the psychological type of an individual, whether it is quiet and introverted or sociable and outgoing, would be a factor in
Cognitive theory
trait theory
psychodynamic theory
behavioral theory
trait theory.
The primary focus of Reality Therapy is
Essential being
Jungian analysis portrays personality development as most defining in
early childhood
middle adulthood
middle adulthood
Which of the following is a competency skill for a support group leader?
Ability to lead a workshop on the issue
Experience with group process
Teaching small groups
Experience with an addiction
Experience with group process
A child reaches for a hot stove and is burned slightly. The child now associates the stove with the pain of being burned, so the child avoids the stove to avoid the burn. As time goes on and the child is able to keep from being burned, behavior to avoid the stove increases. In this scenario, the action of touching a hot stove and being burned is an example of
classical conditioning
operant conditioning
Learned helplessness
Drive-reduction theory
operant conditioning
A counselor who uses psychodrama would consider which of the following statements to be true?
Unless a problem is solved, the psychodrama is a failure
Members of the group can benefit in vicarious ways by observing the work of others.
Members of the group can profit only if they are directly involved in reenacting an event
Members will change their behavior only if they develop a contract that specifies homework assignments
Members of the group can benefit in vicarious ways by observing the work of others.
John’s counselor notices that he prefers direct eye contact for speaking, has demonstrative behavior, speaks loyally of family, has flexible orientation to time, remains silent with confrontation and deals directly with issues. He is most characteristic of which minority group?
Asian Americans
Black Americans
Black Americans
In behavioral theory, emphasis is on the
Environmental effect on past overt behavior
environmental effect on present, overt behavior
Environmental effect on present, covert behavior
Environmental effect on past behavior
environmental effect on present, overt behavior
The ABC’s of REBT were developed by
Albert Ellis.
Albert Ellis.
Transactions are a series of stimulus-response connections between two individuals’ ego states. The best described purpose of transactions is for
ego equilibrium
Game playing
Which of the following best describes a deterministic theory where freedom is limited by unconscious elements?
Humanistic theory
Behavioral theory
Experiential theory
The period of transition and growth according to Yalom‘s group stages occurs in the
Orientation Stage
cohesiveness stage
Conflict Stage
Termination Stage
cohesiveness stage
Jung spoke of life in terms of polarities. When he spoke of introversion-extroversion, Jung was referring to
thinking autonomously vs. socially
turning inwardly or outwardly for energy/pleasure
turning inwardly or outwardly for energy/pleasure.
A counselor who assesses her clients through a/an ___________________ view believes that the environment should change to fit the client.
Life span
Psychoanalysis is a theory of personality as well as a form of therapy. The person who developed this theory is
Harry Stack Sullivan
Jean Piaget
The demonstration of which of the following skills helps members devise alternative courses of thinking and action?
Giving feedback
Jane is a single-parent mother with two teenage children. Two years ago she asked two divorced women to live with her family. Then, just last year, Jane remodeled the garage to enable a single women with a new baby to move in also. Which of the following answers correctly describes this household?
Famous behaviorists include all of the following EXCEPT:
E.L. Thorndike
Gordon Allport
Ivan Pavlov
John Watson
Gordon Allport
The Martins have come to you for family therapy. They have lived in the area for eight years and are active in church and neighborhood activities. David is a hard working, loving father and husband. Mary is everything a wife and mother should be. Paul is busy being a typical, happy third grader. They all agree that sixth-grade Sherry is not happy. Sherry is the IP: the family member who
is labeled by the family as the one with the problem.
During an initial interview with a new client, Matt looks for discrepancies in the individual‘s verbal and nonverbal cues. The communication skill most descriptive of Matt‘s behavior is
Essential factors for growth in the person-centered therapeutic process are not the specific methods and techniques but the
motivation and drive of the client
supportive relationship and climate of the process.
Unconditional positive regard
supportive relationship and climate of the process.
The term that best describes a person’s life plan as it is played out in everyday living patterns as transactions is
In the classic research by Ivan Pavlov on the conditioned reflex in dogs, he presents food to a dog and the dog salivates. He then presents a tone just before the food, and the dog once again salivates. After repeated pairings of the tone and food, the dog salivates at the sound of the tone without the food being presented. In this study, the salivation that occurred with the tone only is a
conditioned response
Emily, a 35-year-old professional, is dealing with work-related stress and burnout. What treatment approach is most appropriate for Emily?
Cognitive-behavioral therapy to develop coping skills
Jolie has been seeing you weekly for counseling for two years. During the time Jolie has shown marked improvement in terms of depression and ineffective decision-making. Case notes for the last six months reflect a pattern of Jolie updating you on her work and dating relationships. Then, the two of you discuss various decisions, actions that she is considering. Jolie signals no intent to terminate counseling. In terms of the issue of termination, Jolie‘s case suggests
Treating the client benignly
client dependence
Countertransference in the form of mirroring
client dependence
Matthew, a 55-year-old man, is diagnosed with major depressive disorder and struggles with low energy and anhedonia. What is a key component of his treatment plan?
Administering antidepressant medication
Daniel, a 32-year-old man, is struggling with alcohol addiction. What is a primary focus in his treatment plan?
Immediate detoxification
What is the role of the client in the treatment planning process?
To collaborate with the therapist in setting goals and selecting interventions.
Building a relationship, assessing reason for counseling, setting goals, identifying interventions, and preparing client for termination and follow-up are stages of counseling according to
Cormier and Hackney
Cormier and Hackney.
Lisa, a 30-year-old woman, presents with symptoms of bulimia nervosa. What should be an initial step in her treatment plan?
Identifying and challenging distorted thoughts about body image.
Administering medication to reduce binge-purge cycles.
Identifying and challenging distorted thoughts about body image.
As clients seek counseling for their many and varied reasons, they make their choices between individual and group counseling as well. One particular advantage of using group counseling versus individual counseling is
Less paperwork
cheaper in time and money for the client.
Session time is longer
Insurance companies are more apt to pay
cheaper in time and money for the client.
Lloyd has come to you for vocational counseling. You discuss with him your probable use of which of the following instruments for such clients?
WAIS-III (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - 3rd Edition)
General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB)
Primary Mental Abilities Test
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale - 5th Edition
General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB)
Which of the following terms defines the leader‘s attempt to prepare members to assimilate, integrate, and apply in-group learning to everyday life?
Jan is married to a 38-year-old man who has just recently been promoted to a prominent national position within an international corporation. She explains to her group that she wants her marriage to work but that she is unhappy. In which of the following stages will the focus in Jan‘s group be on applying what she has learned in the group and putting it to use in her everyday life?
David, a 28-year-old man, is experiencing severe social anxiety, making it challenging for him to maintain employment. What should be a priority in his treatment plan?
Medication to reduce anxiety symptoms.
Cognitive restructuring to challenge irrational thoughts.
Cognitive restructuring to challenge irrational thoughts.
According to Tiedeman, which of the following answers is the term used to encompass the steps of exploration, crystallization, choice, and clarification?
Stages of the counseling process that include (1) identification and clarification of problems and opportunities, (2) setting goals, and (3) acting to achieve the goals are part of whose systematic model?
Jessie, a 55-year-old widow, is exploring the basis of her depression. She asks you the question, “Why would God do this to me. I‘ve always tried to be a good Christian?” In an attempt to integrate spirituality into your practice, you respond,
“Perhaps I can help you reconnect with God so you won‘t feel as alone.”
“This is a big question that you ask. It seems hard to know what these powerful life events mean.”
“I know it’s hard not to be angry with God. But do you think he would do this to you?”
“If you were God, would you create depression?”
“This is a big question that you ask. It seems hard to know what these powerful life events mean.”
Identifying problems, setting goals, and acting to reach those goals are stages of counseling according to
Rogers’ Person-Centered Therapy
Gerald Egan
Ivey’s Developmental Counseling and Therapy
Cormier and Hackney’s Client-Centered Therapy for Adolescents
Gerald Egan
Which state was the first state to license counselors?
Which of the following would best describe the role of a school counselor in group guidance
Special teacher
Psychological education
Group therapist
Problem-oriented group counselor
Psychological education
The belief that environmental factors greatly influence the development of personality, can best be described by which theoretical perspective?
Psychodynamic perspective
Cognitive perspective
Parten‘s six categories of social play refer to play with little or no rules but interactive as
associative play.
Regarding Cattell‘s Culture Fair Intelligence Test, which of the following is NOT true?
Black children of low socioeconomic level did much better on this test than they did on the Stanford-Binet.
Ruby is the parent of a disruptive nine-year-old. She is in a treatment program that focuses on using parents as change agents. This kind of program
Used primarily with parents who have had their children removed from them
focuses on helping parents understand the child‘s behavior disorder.
Has not been found to be successful
Is helpful, but is usually not important since children’s problems are not related to family interactions
focuses on helping parents understand the child‘s behavior disorder.
This man first used the term mental test in his 1890 publication.
Wilhelm Wundt
James M. Cattell
Charles W. Elliott
Frank Parsons
James M. Cattell
Which of the following usually exclusively integrates various assessment tools?
Clinicians in individual private practices
A school counselor in a junior high school
A social worker within a hospital setting
A psychiatrist within a clinic setting
A school counselor in a junior high school
Which of the following has a high likelihood of being involved in the treatment of sexual dysfunctions?
High levels of partner participation
Techniques designed to uncover repressed memories in the unconscious
Indirect methods designed to approach the dysfunction in a nonconfrontive manner
High levels of partner participation
The term that best describes cognitive impairment with no recognition of objects but with intact sensory functioning is
This man administered the first group intelligence test.
James Cattell
Robert M. Yerkes
Alfred Binet
George A. Merrill
Robert M. Yerkes
Which of the following answers most closely describes the belief that change occurs in an orderly, building-block process?
The process of grasping the deeper meanings of problems, being open-minded regarding varying approaches/perspectives, and practicing reflective thinking as opposed to accepting statements at face value is called
Critical Thinking
Cognitive Monitoring
Metacognitive Knowledge
critical thinking
One definition of growth is that growth is physical changes that
result from experience.
are primarily quantitative.
is the total process of human adaptation
dependent primarily upon the child’s environment
are primarily quantitative.
Client: I am about to lose my job and I won‘t be able to pay my bills. I don‘t know if I can stand it or not. Counselor: Your job has been good for you hasn‘t it? Client: Well, uh, I guess I‘ll really miss this job more than just the money. Counselor: I would feel the same way. In terms of Carkhuff‘s 5-point Scale for Assessing Facilitative Interpersonal Counseling, how would you rate the above counselor‘s response?
1 point
3 points
5 points
4 points
1 point
Which of the following is NOT an attitude of a healthy couple?
People are basically neutral.
Perceptions are infallible.
Perceptions are infallible.
The examination of the skull would be germane to
Dysfunction in social organization is considered by many to have great influence upon the individual. Some theorists believe that abnormal, individual behavior is directly connected to social psychopathology. Concepts considered by many to be relevant to social disorganization include all of the following EXCEPT:
Unilateral interpretations
Behavioral sink
Unilateral interpretations
Which of the following theorists provided the theory of tabula rasa?
John LaRock
John Locke
P.H. Mussen
Richard Louv
John Locke
In the person-centered group process, the initial stage is known as
milling around
basic encounter
milling around.
What could be accurately said about the use of assessment by psychological testing when it is compared to medical assessment?
It is more dependent on laboratory findings
It is irrelevant
It is an ongoing process that proceeds along with treatment efforts.
It is more precise
It is an ongoing process that proceeds along with treatment efforts.
Which of the following theorists believed that boundaries are inconspicuous emotional demarcations that both protect and enhance the integrity of a system?
Gregory Bateson
Salvador Minuchin
Michael Nichols
Reality therapy regards goals as
Left to the cognitive-behavior domain
in the hands of the client
In the hands of the therapist
in the hands of the client.
Kitchener defines justice as
Promoting self-determination in others
treating others fairly and without discrimination
Serving others with well-meaning intentions
Not taking advantage of or harming others
treating others fairly and without discrimination
Problematic questioning is key to the counseling methods of
Holmes and Rahe developed the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) to measure stress according to rank-ordered stressful life events. Point values are assigned to the events and
the higher the score within a two year period the greater the risk
Carlos was hit in the head by a line drive in a baseball game and rendered unconscious. He can expect to
pass through stages of stupor and confusion prior to recovering clear consciousness
What term describes the cultural messages that either empower or subjugate a person?
Dominant reality
Dominate discourse
Dominate language
Dominant story
Dominate discourse
What is a boy experiencing when he is looking in a funhouse mirror and sees himself as distorted and misshapen?
A visual hallucination
An illusion
An illusion
Which of the following theorists believed that boundaries determine the amount of contact between members within a system and between systems?
Salvador Minuchin
Michael Nichols
Gregory Bateson
Jay Haley
Maslow, Carkhuff, Rogers, and others have assembled lists of those attributes they feel are necessary for the counselor‘s self to be effective and in proper operating condition. Which quality below is NOT one of these?
Which of the following places would you look if you wanted to find precise guidelines for writing a professional paper that you wish to publish?
Licensed Professional Counselor Act
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
Methods in the Laboratory by Morril
Make Your Research Talk by Willey
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
You have been asked to counsel a man who has been unemployed for over a year. He has recently had several interviews which have gone well until he was asked to tell how he had spent the last year and what he had achieved in that timeframe. He would then begin to blush and stammer. You help him script several positive responses to such questions and he rehearses them with you until he feels successful and confident. You assume that the man will interview more successfully in the future. Your assumption is based on the principle of
transfer of learning
Classical conditioning
transfer of learning
Research regarding the effectiveness of psychotherapy indicates that generally
Emotionally disturbed individuals do not improve in time without psychotherapy
about 80 percent of individuals who receive therapy experience significant improvement
The largest gains in therapy come after the client has been in therapy for over one year
Eysenck’s initial view that psychotherapy is no better than being placed on a waiting list has been confirmed
about 80 percent of individuals who receive therapy experience significant improvement
Meta-analysis is a term used in research that refers to
producing many studies before deciding an outcome
Using small numbers of subjects from many clusters in a study
Using extremely large numbers of subjects in an analytical study
statistically combining the results of numerous studies
statistically combining the results of numerous studies
In an attempt to prompt clients to unravel neurotic patterns of behavior, which of the following answers correctly encompasses the concepts of reiteration of interpretations and the conquering of resistance?
Working through
Working through
Which of the following answers correctly contains theorists of the brief solution oriented therapy model?
Berg, Burgess, O‘Hanlon
deShazer, Berg, O‘Hanlon
Weiner-Davis, Carter-McGoldrick, Papp
deShazer, Fisch, Liberman
Steve deShazer, Insoo Kim Berg, Bill O‘Hanlon
When John applies to a substance abuse clinic for a job, he is asked for his credentials. The state in which he lives has issued him a credential that verifies his training and education. In all probability, this credential is a
letter that acknowledges his education in advanced substance abuse clinical work
Letter of approval as a substance abuse counselor
Theories of motivation include
hierarchy of needs.
hierarchy of needs.
According to Kohlberg, at which of the following stages do the statements of “good girl” or “good boy” apply?
Obedience and Punishment Orientation
Interpersonal Concordance Orientation
Instrumental Relativist Orientation
Democratically Accepted Law and Punishment Orientation
Interpersonal Concordance Orientation
Which of the following answers correctly gives Gilligan‘s level at which children are preoccupied with their own needs?
Orientation to individualism
Orientation to individual survival
Orientation to Goodness as Self-Sacrifice
Orientation to Maintaining the Network of Relationships
Orientation to individual survival
A pregnant woman enjoys two alcoholic drinks when celebrating her anniversary. The alcohol is an example of
A critical period
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
A neutralizing chemical
a teratogen
a teratogen
The concept of organizing people along a continuum of psychological separation of intellect and emotions is called
mark of distinction
differentiation of the self
Dialectic metatheory
Deviation amplification
differentiation of the self.
The developmental theory that is known as the multiple approach, considered the most comprehensive of developmental theories, emphasizes self-concept, and uses a life-stage model for career transition was developed by
Robert Havighurst
Donald Super
John Holland
Ann Roe
Donald Super
The theory that job satisfaction and work adjustment result from correspondence between individual and environment is attributed to
Dawis and Lofquist
Robert Hoppock
Dawis and Lofquist
Which of the following is NOT considered a paradoxical directive from the strategic model?
Paradoxical directives
Restraining changes
Devil’s pact
Devil’s pact
According to Holland’s personality theory, a realistic personal orientation would best be described by which personal style?
Intellectual people are interested in ideas and concepts
Conservative people are traditional and cautious.
Sociable people are outgoing and enjoy interacting with others.
According to Freud‘s theory, the eventual resolution of the Oedipus complex signals the transition between what two stages of psychosexual development?
Oral and Genital
Phallic and Latency
Phallic and Latency
In Harlow’s famous study of the effects of maternal deprivation with infant monkeys, he found which of the following to be true?
Need for food took priority over contact comfort.
Contact comfort took priority over need for food.
Nourishment took priority over the wire monkey
Attachment could not occur when the infant monkey was hungry
Contact comfort took priority over need for food.
Which are the correct order of phases of development theorized by the psychodynamic family model?
Differentiation, Rapprochement, Practicing, Object relations constancy
Differentiation, Practicing, Rapprochement, Object relations constancy
Differentiation, Practicing, Rapprochement, Object relations constancy
Krumboltz identified several types of problems that can arise from faulty self-observation, generalizations, or inaccurate interpretation of environmental conditions. All of the following are examples of such a problem EXCEPT:
Persons may adopt inappropriate solutions because of a lack of personality integration.
Which of the following is NOT one of the basic concepts of Human Capital Theory?
The primary economic theory related to career development
An answer to the cognitive vulnerability of decision-making
An endorsement of trait and factor theory
A short-term career solution aid
An answer to the cognitive vulnerability of decision-making
Operant conditioning is associated with which of the following concepts?
Which of the following answers correctly gives the term that represents the sensation Freud associated with four of his five stages?
Which of the following is an important goal in the Cognitive Behavioral family model?
Facilitate growth through enhanced communication
Which of the following answers correctly defines the family type that is typified by family members being emotionally cut off from other family members?
Regarding individuals who attempt suicide, these persons probably
have been tenuously adjusted for some time.
have been tenuously adjusted for some time.
Which of the following answers correctly defines the family type that is typified by family members having extreme feelings of loyalty toward the family?
Expressive families
Enriched families
Dimensions of life style orientation include all of the following EXCEPT:
Educational levels and financial independence
Involvement in community activities and opportunities for leisure
Work done after hours by managers.
Leadership at work
Work done after hours by managers.
The Smith family has a meeting, and members decide to switch their chore responsibilities for a much needed change in routine. Such a change within family structure is called
first-order change
An amplifying loop
Second-order change
first-order change
Which of the following may occur during middle adulthood
Pervasive lack of intolerance
Neurotransmitters are chemical substances that carry impulses from one neuron to another. Which of the following is NOT a neurotransmitter?
Careers are chosen upon what basis, according to Holland?
Variable reliabilities
Which of the following answers represents the most likely cause of Down’s Syndrome
Improper genetic counterconditioning of the bio-psycho-social environment
Improper chromosomal division during gestation resulting in an extra chromosome
A genetic defect in the reticular activating system
Improper chromosomal division during gestation resulting in an extra chromosome
Theories of motivation include
instinct and drive-reduction
Erikson‘s theory attributes development to a/an ________ stemming from a person’s need to adapt to his or her ________ environment.
want; external
conflict; social
conflict; social
Which of the following is NOT a computerized career guidance system?
GIS (Geographic Information System)
SIGI (System of Interactive Guidance and Information)
When children between the ages of 8 and 12 months react to strangers by manifesting signs of fear such as crying or clinging to their parents, this reaction is recognized as
avoidant disorder of childhood
stranger anxiety
Startle reflex
Infant autism
stranger anxiety
Jerry‘s family is a high income family consisting of his father, Bill; his mother, Susan; and two twin younger sisters, Janette and Keri. Jerry is 17 and is 7 years older than his sisters. Recently, though its been going on for long time, his parents have been arguing over how Bill is spending (wasting according to Susan) significant dollars on lottery tickets. Jerry has begun to stay away from home more and more to avoid the fighting. His father, though, sees Jerry‘s staying out late as very poor decision making and is continually riding Jerry to come home earlier. Soon after Bill begins this, Susan joins in the attempt to get Jerry to act responsibly. Soon, Bill and Susan are no longer fighting over Bill‘s expenditures on lottery tickets. When this family finally decides to seek therapy because of Jerry‘s behavior, which of the following answers most correctly states the type of thinking a systems oriented therapist would use?
Inter-disconnected causality
Circular causality
Linear causality
Directive causality
Circular causality
Which of the following may occur during middle adulthood?
Pervasive lack of intolerance
Gradual decline in physical ability
Clarity of intermediate ocular vision
Gradual decline in physical ability
Which of the following computer-assisted career guidance systems would be the best choice for comparing an individual‘s values with occupations if the individual is 60 years old?
Super’s work has made valuable contributions to the career development field. One of these important contributions has been
discovering the effects of social institutions on career development.
formulating vocational developmental stages.
Applying psychoanalytic theory to career choice
Applying learning theory to career choice
formulating vocational developmental stages.
The basis for family systems operations are self-governing rules that are formed
when the family members get together to establish behavioral guidelines
when the first triad develops
when the first triad develops
The majority of people who attempt suicide
use methods that are extremely lethal.
have only a temporary desire to kill themselves, even if they really wish to die
do not provide any warning of their intent.
have a terminal illness
have only a temporary desire to kill themselves, even if they really wish to die
Which of the following terms is used by family therapists to characterize family systems with diffuse and unclear boundaries between members?
Erikson believed that an infant should learn which of the following during the first year of life?
Which of the following is a career inventory based on Jung’s topologies?
Kuder Preference Record (KPR)
The Strong Interest Inventory (SII)
The Campbell Interest Inventory (CII)
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
In addition to mapping and enactments, structural family therapists practice thinking through and providing a different, varying interpretation of explanations by clients. This is called practicing the art of
Ginzberg, as developmental theorists, identified three periods in the career development process as
fantasy, exploration, revision
fantasy, tentative, realistic
Exploration, Decision, Revision
Confusion, Awareness, Focused
fantasy, tentative, realistic
During which of the following stages of adult development, according to Havighurst, would an individual start needing to learn to adapt to physical changes?
Later Maturity
Middle Adulthood
Middle Adulthood
Immediate gratification of impulses is to Freud’s _________ stage of psychosexual development as the Oedipus complex is to his ________ stage.
oral; genital
oral; phallic
oral; phallic
Cabral and Salomone contend that in accident theory the effect of chance or career decisions includes all of the following EXCEPT:
Career decisions are rarely purely rational
Chance modifies the individual’s ability to use cognitive methods to modify his or her career path.
Chance modifies the individual’s ability to use cognitive methods to modify his or her career path.
Roe’s classification of occupations includes
service, managerial, education, health, technological, scientific, research, artistic
service, business contact, cultural, technology, outdoors, scientific, organizations, arts and entertainment
service, business contact, cultural, technology, outdoors, scientific, organizations, arts and entertainment
Which of the following answers most accurately describes the behavioral oriented model based on Thorndike’s work?
Operant conditioning
The theorist who emphasizes self-concept to match self to occupation (vocational self-concept) and to integrate life style with stages of development is
A reliability coefficient falls between
-1.00 - +10.00
0.0 - +1.0
0.00 - -1.00
-1.00 - +10.00
0.0 - +1.0.
When a test is advertised as supporting IDEA, it means that
it supports testing using Individual Distribution Evaluation Assessment.
It is funded by the Individuals with Educational Act
It meets assessment requirements of Public Law 94-142.
It is recommended by the Independent Department of Education
it meets assessment requirements of Public Law 94-142.
It is generally true that individuals with delusional disorders, in addition to their delusions
suffer from auditory hallucinations.
often appear perfectly normal.
Have an unkempt and disheveled appearance
Are severely depressed
often appear perfectly normal.
Which of the following answers is the correct range of a Correlation Coefficient?
.10 to +1.10
+1.00 to -1.00
+1.0 to +2.0
0.0 to +1.0
+1.00 to -1.00
Matthew has grown up in “tornado alley.” Through the years, two tornadoes have come through his neighborhood and produced a trauma in his life. Even though it is severe, the trauma lasts usually three to four weeks and is therefore considered to be short lived. If this happens again, Matthew will probably be diagnosed as having
Brief reactive psychosis
Acute stress disorder
Adjustment disorder with anxiety
acute stress disorder.
Assessment measures that are most useful for matching employee interests to the norms of people who are successful in similar positions are called
Aptitude tests
Interest inventories
Personality inventories
Achievement tests
Interest inventories
Which of the following scales of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) describes a person with unusual thoughts as well as peculiar bodily dysfunction?
(Sc - Scale 8) schizotypal/unconventional behaviors
(Pd - Scale 4) Psychopathic Deviate
(Scale 2 D) depression-related symptoms
(Scale 3 Hy) histrionic/attention-seeking behaviors
Psychopathic Deviate (Pd - Scale 4)
When test scores are referenced only as “pass” or “fail,” the test is most likely a
norm-referenced test
criterion-referenced test
Power test
Speed test
criterion-referenced test.
Which of the following scales on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) describes a person with excessive bodily complaints, fatigue, or weakness?
Psychasthenia (Pt - Scale 7)
Hypochondriasis (Hs - Scale 1)
Social Introversion (Si - Scale 0)
Hysteria (Hy - Scale 3)
Hs - Scale 1
Schizophrenics with ____________ experience motor symptoms ranging from exited agitation to immobility.
Excited Agitation
The Personality Research Form (PRF) is based on
The occupational criteria established by the U.S. Employment Service
Cattell‘s factor analysis.
Murray‘s manifest needs system
The 18 scales of the CPI
Murray‘s manifest needs system.
Which of the following criticisms of testing could be answered by more careful training of testers and stricter requirements for the purchase of test materials?
Tests are unfair to minority groups
Tests promote a narrow and rigid classification of people.
Test results are misinterpreted and misused.
Tests are often useless predictors of behavior
Test results are misinterpreted and misused.
To effectively determine the validity of a test a three category framework should be used and all three of the following taken into account EXCEPT:
Criterion validity
Construct validity
Comprehensive validity
Content validity
Comprehensive validity
The popularity of this test was greatly increased because it used the term “intelligence quotient.”
ACT test
Otis test
Army Alpha test
Gloria is a 41-year-old mother of two and a part-time tax accountant. After interviewing her, you conclude that she is symptomatic of having a dependent personality disorder because she
was afraid to be alone.
Which of the following scales of the MMPI-2 measures suspiciousness, complaints of persecution, and being easily hurt?
Hypomania (Ma - Scale 9)
Psychasthenia (Pt - Scale 7)
Paranoid tendencies (Pa - Scale 6)
Psychopathic Deviate (Pd - Scale 4)
Pa - Scale 6
Symptoms that include abnormal, irritated mood for 4 days, less need for sleep, inability to focus, grandiose ideas, change in functioning, but no marked impairment might signal which mood episode?
Mixed episode
Major depressive episode
Manic episode
Hypomanic episode
Hypomanic episode
Which of the following assessment tools is particularly constructed with the individual in mind who is seeking a career that does not require a college degree or advanced technical training?
Kuder Preference Record (KPR)
Self-Directed Search (SDS)
Jackson Vocational Interest Survey (JVIS)
Career Assessment Inventory (CAI)
Career Assessment Inventory
If individuals who scored high on an academic ability test also did well in school, we could say the academic ability test had what kind of validity?
Content Validity
Predictive Validity
The law that mandates all children ages 3+ be identified and evaluated if suspected of a mental or physical disability is
Family Educational Rights to Privacy Act (FERPA)
Equal Employment Opportunity Act (EEO)
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
On a standardized test, a group of students achieved the following raw scores 44, 46, 47, 39, 45, 57, 37, 46, and 65. Which of the following answers most closely represents the modal score?
Researcher Y is concerned that unanticipated outcomes might result from the administration of his experimental treatment. He assigns multiple persons to observe and rate the effect of his treatment. Researcher Y is attempting to control for ___________.
Multiple Treatment Interference
The experimenter effect
The Hawthorne Effect
The Novelty Effect
the experimenter effect
In an experiment designed to determine whether sixth-grade middle-class girls perform better than sixth-grade middle-class boys on tests of language ability, the dependent variable is each child’s
social class
performance on the language test.
Each child’s gender
Grade level in school
performance on the language test.
Professional organizations are non-profit and voluntarily joined and do all of the following EXCEPT:
Enhance public recognition of the efforts of the profession
Promote excellence in practice
Assist in the maintenance of professional skills
Protect only the professional in private practice.
Protect only the professional in private practice.
A standardized test administered to 20 subjects yielded a mean of 50, a standard deviation of 2, and a range of 6. Based on this information, which of the following is most accurate?
The variability is high.
The scores gather close to the mean.
The scores gather close to the mean.
Crisis intervention is ________________, not _____________.
Client-centered; Directive
Psychotherapy; Brief therapy
Support; Psychotherapy
Reality-based; Theoretical
support; psychotherapy
Carkhuff and Egan’s HRD model was based on
Quasi-experimental research
Process research
Correlational research.
The Solomon
correlational research.
Which of the following statements would most likely be spoken by a narrative supervisor?
When you are with this client, what kinds of things do you say to yourself?
In what ways are you treating the client like everyone else in the client’s family?
How does this client help you reflect on your development as a counselor?
Who does the client remind you of?
How does this client help you reflect on your development as a counselor?
Researcher A is doing a study to determine whether or not there is a correlation between the age of students who attend counseling oriented programs and those who attend therapy oriented programs. She has a well designed study. She sets her level of significance at .01. Researcher B is conducting a study to determine if there is a correlation between parents‘ degree of education and their variation in disciplinary techniques. She has a well designed study and sets her level of significance at .05. Which of the following answers most closely corresponds with a correct statement?
Theoretically, researcher B’s results will be more significant than Researcher A’s
Theoretically, researcher A is less likely to make a Type I error.
Theoretically, researcher B will have a wider range of scores than will Researcher A.
Theoretically, researcher B will reach significance first
Theoretically, researcher B will have a wider range of scores than will Researcher A.
A group of 30 non-assertive adolescent girls was divided in half at random. Fifteen received group counseling to learn assertiveness skills and 15 received individual counseling. At the end of the study, the average levels of assertiveness and average gains in number of assertive responses were determined for each group. Identify the independent variable(s) in this study.
Non-assertiveness and assertiveness
Group counseling and individual counseling
Group counseling and individual counseling
The ethical standards of any professional group are meant to
Regulate intergroup (professional to professional) behavior.
Avoid governmental regulation.
Protect professionals against lawsuits.
Protect the public.
protect the public.
A researcher conducted a study to determine the rate of success that counselors had in 2003 in receiving third-party payments for client insurance companies. Data was gathered regarding number of billings, rejections and acceptances of claims, and use of provider numbers. The researcher used the table of random numbers to identify a sample of 100 NCCs from a list of private practitioners and conducted telephone interviews with the 100 subjects followed up by a written questionnaire. This type of research is
The scatterplot is a graphic description of
Frequency distribution.
Standard deviation
One of the major differences between crisis intervention and traditional psychotherapy is
Treatment is reality-based
Treatment is based on early childhood problems
Treatment focuses on addressing a specific issue and attempting to help clients resolve that concern.
Treatment is theoretically based
treatment focuses on addressing a specific issue and attempting to help clients resolve that concern.
Both mandatory and aspirational ethics are included in the ACA ethics code. The mandatory ethics section is known as
Ethical Principles
Standards of Practice
Ethical Rules
Code of Conduct
Standards of Practice
Which type of research attempts to explain behavior in terms of cause and effect relationships
The court case ruling that set the national standard for balancing a counselor‘s duty to clients with the duty for social welfare when the counselor predicts potential violence is likely to occur from the client toward some individual/s is known as
Which of the following answers best describes the distribution represented by the following scores? 23, 18, 48, 50, 15, 60, 19, 71, 66, 65
Bimodal distribution
An inverted distribution
Negatively skewed
Positively skewed
Negatively skewed
When counselors work with emotional infrastructures, release of feelings, and anteing up within families, they are most likely using principles from
Psychodynamic Approach
Structural Theory Approach
An experiential/humanistic approach.
Communications Theory Approach
an experiential/humanistic approach.
The stages of becoming a multiculturally sensitive therapist involve all of the following EXCEPT
Heightened awareness of culture
Unawareness of cultural issues
Movement away from cultural sensitivity
Burden of considering culture
Movement away from cultural sensitivity
Okun’s human relations counseling model describes the most basic element of a helping relationship as being
Counselors and clients sit and stand closer together when they consider themselves to be similar, i.e. having similar factors in terms of such things as social status, age, general appearance, etc. Research in proxemics also shows that an initial negative, distancing reaction is caused when a counselor leans (upper body) forward and the client is
Depressed and crying
Much shorter than the counselor.
A different race from the counselor
Less intelligent than the counselor
a different race from the counselor
Effective counselors, according to Cormier and Hackney, have certain qualities that include all of the following EXCEPT:
Competent appearance and behavior
Interpersonal attractiveness as perceived by clients
None of the Above
Sensitivity to self and others
None of the Above
Joan‘s realness and congruence is counseling clients is best described as
Understanding the client’s world
Unconditional positive regard
Jill was seeing an older female client concerning issues of loss. During the course of therapy, Jill became aware of her need for the client‘s approval. What term describes this projection by the therapist?
Counter transference
Counter transference
The number one factor in determining a minority is
Degree of oppression.
Ethnic dissonance
Skin color
degree of oppression.
Which of the following responses would NOT be a key principle of Transactional Analysis (TA) groups?
Karpman Triangle
Ego state
As Sue researched the general patterns exhibited in minority clients, he found that counselors who lack sensitivity to the needs of minority clients tend to
Discourage minority clients from entering vocational programs in high school
Provide more encouragement to their minority clients
Discourage minority clients from furthering their education by applying to college.
Extend the counseling relationship longer than is necessary or helpful
discourage minority clients from furthering their education by applying to college.
The best description of the therapist’s role in transactional analysis is
Anonymous, Observing, Qualifier
Child, Parent, Adult
Challenging, confronting, equalizing.
Nurturer, teacher, supporter, friend
nurturer, teacher, supporter, friend
The later writings of Carl Rogers reveal his belief that the most important of the therapist attributes is
Unconditional positive regard
Accurate empathy
Congruence or genuineness.
congruence or genuineness.
A lack of counselor self-awareness can lead to what hazard for the counselor?
Counselor becomes a nurturer
Unrecognized cultural influences
Working on his/her own issues
Identification with the client
Working on his/her own issues