Helwig Practice Exam Flashcards
- Which of the following captures the essence of informed consent?
A. Having members sign a contract before joining a group.
B. Telling members in some detail about the nature and purpose of the group.
C. Having members decide upon all the activities of the group.
D. Making sure that groups will always be composed of voluntary members.
Telling members in some detail about the nature and purpose of the group.
Several principles may underlie an ethical decision made by a counselor. Which of the following is NOT one of those principles?
A. Autonomy.
B. Nonmaleficience.
C. Pro bono.
D. Fidelity.
Pro bono.
Maria, a 25-year-old Latina woman, is in career counseling. In reviewing her background, the counselor determines that she has followed the rules‘ and expectations of her close-knit family. She now finds herself in a position needing to support her family on her own and can‘t decide between three different occupational
possibilities which she has heard about. Maria may be characterized as
A. career inefficacious.
B. career undecided.
C. needing more schooling.
D. career indecisive.
career undecided.
- Client: I wrote some more in my journal yesterday. I wrote about the strong urge to eat after I visited my mother. I almost went to the store for junk food but I didn‘t.
Counselor: The urge to eat was connected with your mother.
A long silence follows. The probable cause for the client‘s silence was
A. boredom.
B. hostility toward the counselor.
C. emotional or cognitive integration.
D. waiting for the counselor to lead.
emotional or cognitive integration.
- Individuals of European ancestry often enjoy benefits, without their awareness, that people of color do not. This phenomenon is referred to as
A. ethnocentrism.
B. double standard.
C. acculturation.
white privilege.
- On a college campus, a group of students of color has been protesting their treatment alluding to harassing comments by whites and what they believe to be discrimination in the grading system by their professors. Eleven of these students have come to the campus counseling center and want to begin a group experience to arrive at some answers and find solutions. The most appropriate theoretical orientation of the counselor assigned to lead the group is
A. behavioral.
B. psychoanalytic.
C. gestalt.
D. person-centered.
- The science of neurobiology is growing in importance to the field of counseling and psychotherapy. One part of neurobiology is neurotransmitters. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Neurotransmitters affect various cognitive, emotional, and psychological reactions.
B. Neurotransmitters are found primarily in the liver.
C. Neurotransmitters are unrelated to diet and nutrition.
D. Neurotransmitters are unimportant to physically healthy individuals.
Neurotransmitters affect various cognitive, emotional, and psychological reactions.
- An employment counselor uses the Ability Profiler (General Aptitude Test Battery) which measures nine aptitudes important for different jobs. His clients are typically uneducated. Because the counselor is concerned how his clients‘ scores stack up against others and how they would perceive their aptitudes, he interprets the scores to each of his clients
A. ipsatively.
B. using national norms.
C. using local norms.
D. in relationship to other tests.
- Jobs and careers of individuals have been changing over the years. Some newer conceptualizations of the world of work have been noted. For example, when a retired person chooses to or must re-enter the workforce, such work or career is often called
A. compensatory.
B. portfolio.
C. encore.
D. life-career.
- A licensed professional counselor in private practice is also trained in career counseling and occasionally sees a client for career work. Generally, the counselor receives insurance reimbursement for services she provides for her career clients who are often experiencing anxiety and work-related stress. The counselor assigns a DSM code to these clients even though the insurance companies policies indicate that payment for career services is not reimbursable. Which of the following statements is most accurate?
A. The counselor is okay because she is concerned about the general health and welfare of the client as the ethical code expects.
B. The counselor is not okay because career counseling problems are not reimbursable and this is insurance fraud.
C. The counselor is okay because the experts in the literature agree that career counseling is personal counseling.
D. The counselor knows other counselors who have received reimbursement for similar client problems.
The counselor is not okay because career counseling problems are not reimbursable and this is insurance fraud.
11.Practicing positive or reinforcing self-statements has been called stress inoculation. Who is the behaviorally oriented theorist who proposed this concept?
A. Bandura.
B. Wolpe.
C. Allport.
D. Meichenbaum.
- A school counselor is interested in determining whether seniors who have jobs receive lower grades and national test scores than those who do not work. Let‘s assume that in May of the school year he finds that approximately 250 seniors worked this past school year and 250 did not. He compares their GPA, class rank information and ACT scores. If all these indicators were lower for the seniors who worked, the counselor would be tempted to say that having a job causes the lower
indicators. He may be wrong to say that because this study is
A. a post hoc investigation.
B. an experiment.
C. a survey.
D. a descriptive study.
a post hoc investigation.
- Historically, there were many influences on the development of the testing movement. Which one of the following was NOT an early influence?
A. Civil rights movement.
B. Compulsory school attendance.
C. World War I.
D. Advances in statistical methodology.
Civil rights movement.
- Gender role socialization occurs in most cultures and includes the development of role stereotypes which may be rigid and fixed. Imitation and identification with a same-sex model facilitates the learning of gender roles. Gender role socialization
A. is primarily based on heredity.
B. seldom occurs within the family.
C. becomes a basic component of our self-concept.
D. is usually complete by six years of age.
becomes a basic component of our self-concept.
- Jason, the sole source of income in the family, suffers unemployment unexpectedly. As the unemployment continues, a variety of consequences are likely to ensue for him, his wife, and their children. Research suggests that.
A. the next job Jason finds will probably be better than the last one.
B. the children should not be told of their father‘s unemployment in order to reduce their anxiety.
C. it is unlikely that Jason will experience the grief cycle.
D. as unemployment continues, his wife will slowly pull away from her circle of friends.
as unemployment continues, his wife will slowly pull away from her circle of friends.
- In a behavioral group context, which of the following are key terms?
A. Self-monitoring and contracts.
B. Here and now‘ and blocks to energy.
C. Value judgment and positive addiction.
D. Catharsis and ego integrity.
Self-monitoring and contracts.
- A number of counseling approaches see mindfulness as an important component. Which of the following statements appears most true?
A. Internal sensations, emotions and thoughts are not important to mindfulness.
B. Relationship-oriented therapies are more effective than cognitively based ones in using mindfulness.
C. Mindfulness is a mental discipline with a focus on the here and now.
D. So far, it appears that mindfulness techniques work best with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder clients.
Mindfulness is a mental discipline with a focus on the here and now.
- A counselor performs pre-marital counseling in conjunction with a church whose pastor refers couples to her. Ordinarily, the counselor sees the couple together twice, two times individually, and twice together again for a total of six sessions. In her second individual session with Tom, the counselor learns that he has not broken off an affair with another woman not his prospective marriage partner. An appropriate counselor response is to
A. insist Tom tell his future wife.
B. remind Tom of their agreement there would be no secrets.
C. refer the couple to a more experienced pre-marital counselor.
D. decide to provide Tom more individual counseling sessions.
remind Tom of their agreement there would be no secrets.
- A counselor educator at a large university studied different counseling modalities for students who came to the counseling center with relationship/self-esteem problems. There was a waiting list to accommodate all the students. As a researcher, he was curious whether men or women gained self-esteem differentially whether they were seen in individual counseling, group counseling, or small psychoeducational class (18 to 20 students). There was also a possibility of an interaction between gender and the kind of service they received. The appropriate statistical technique to use in this situation was
A. one-way analysis of variance.
B. factorial analysis of variance.
C. t-test.
D. multivariate analysis of variance.
factorial analysis of variance.
- A 45-year-old woman is returning to the labor market after an absence of nearly 20 years. She does not know what work she should apply for because she claims she has no skills. Besides dealing with self-concept and confidence issues, the career counselor will attempt to help the woman identify
A. obsolescence factors.
B. “empty nest” issues.
C. a mentor.
D. transferable skills.
transferable skills.
- Accreditation of counselor training programs requires that counseling theories are taught followed by a developmental process of skill building and application in practica and internships. A key component of accreditation is evaluation of this skill development. The body which accredits more counselor training programs than any other is
A. Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education
B. Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs
C. American Psychological Association
D. North Central Association of Schools and Colleges
Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs
- In terms of psychological dysfunction, the concept of “incidence” most nearly means
A. there are biological and social domains causing a disorder.
B. there may be more than one disorder at the same time.
C. the cultural context of the counselee must be identified.
D. the number of new cases which appear in any given time period.
the number of new cases which appear in any given time period.
- Linda, an applicant for a graduate program in business, is a client of a mental health counselor. One day the counselor receives a call from the university where Linda is applying and asks for a recommendation for her. She listed the counselor as a reference on her graduate school application. An appropriate response by the counselor is
A. tell the university that she will encourage Linda to share everything she wants with the university directly.
B. knowing Linda is very excited to enroll in that program, tell the university she would be an excellent student.
C. tell the university what questions they might ask Linda if they interview her.
D. tell the university Linda must sign a release of information agreement before any information can be provided.
tell the university Linda must sign a release of information agreement before any information can be provided.
- A variety of studies have investigated the qualities of effective counselors. Although not definitive, some of these qualities appear to be
A. tolerance for ambiguity and middle age.
B. interest in people and eclecticism.
C. high intelligence and global awareness.
D. awareness of individual differences and caring.
awareness of individual differences and caring.
- To establish its validity, a new test was administered to the same group which took a well-established test. The correlation coefficient between the two tests was .70. The amount of variance common to both instruments was
A. less than 50 percent.
B. 50 to 60 percent.
C. 61 to 70 percent.
D. more than 70 percent.
less than 50 percent.
- Client: ―I just can‘t stand the thought of letting him back into the house.
Counselor: ―Where is he now?”
In general, counselor responses may be characterized as additive, interchangeable, or subtractive. This counselor‘s response would warrant a ___ on a five-point scale measuring empathy.
A. 5
B. 2
C. 1
D. 4
- In the statement, Birds of a feather flock together, ‘ the dependent variable is
A. birds.
B. feather.
C. together.
D. flock.
- A part-time clerical staff person has been hired for a private counseling agency. The professional staff has heard that this worker has been perusing computer files of active clients. There is no evidence that this worker has told anyone else of this confidential material. In this situation, the responsibility of the professional staff is to
A. impress the staff person of the gravity of confidentiality of counseling information and train her in appropriate clerical duties.
B. find out if the clerical worker has shared any confidential information with anyone outside of the office.
C. dismiss the clerical worker.
D. suggest that the clerical worker read the code of ethics.
impress the staff person of the gravity of confidentiality of counseling information and train her in appropriate clerical duties.
- Of various counselor characteristics, which one of the following has the most impact upon counseling success?
A. Counselor gender.
B. Counselor race.
C. Counselor age.
D. Counselor expertness.
Counselor expertness.
- Counselor: “You’re wondering whether or not I believe you.”
Client: “ That’s the same thing that would happen with my old man when I was a kid.” This interaction between the client and counselor suggests that the following psychodynamic mechanism may be operating.
A. Displacement.
B. Transference.
C. Resistance.
D. Countertransference.
- A doctoral student is curious about how bilingual kindergarten children interact verbally with monolingual children of a different racial group. She decides to study this for her doctoral research. A research method which may be most appropriate to consider is
A. ethnographic.
B. experimental.
C. analogue.
D. survey.
32.The counselor determines that the client can more easily discuss painful material as part of a story or vignette. She decides to administer the Thematic Apperception Test to help the client in this process. This counselor is likely to be practicing from a ____ perspective.
A. Gestalt therapy
B. rational-emotive therapy
C. client-centered therapy
D. psychoanalytic therapy
psychoanalytic therapy
- Which of the following statements about consultation is NOT true?
A. Consultation uses the same kind of skills as counseling, but the context, role, and function are different.
B. Since there is no strong theory or model of consultation, an eclectic approach is best.
C. The consultation may focus on content or process or both.
D. The need for consultation may occur in most any agency or business.
Since there is no strong theory or model of consultation, an eclectic approach is best.
- Therapeutic interventions such as the ‘exception question’, ‘miracle question’, and ‘scaling questions ‘, are most typically evident in
A. narrative therapy.
B. solution-focused brief therapy.
C. reality therapy.
D. multi-modal therapy.
solution-focused brief therapy.
- Corey, Corey and Corey identified five stages that groups go through. The first stage is highly leader oriented and includes group formation and planning. Which stage follows this one?
A. Initial.
B. Working.
C. Transition.
D. Consolidation and termination.
- A school counselor notices what appear to be bruises on a sixth-grade girl in counseling. The counselor recalls seeing the girl in the hallway a month earlier and she had a black eye. In response to the counselor ‘s questions, the girl is evasive. Upon continued questioning, she says she hurt herself falling down while skateboarding. The counselor
A. dismisses the matter.
B. schedules another appointment.
C. notifies the appropriate authorities of suspected child abuse.
D. sends the girl to skateboarding lessons.
notifies the appropriate authorities of suspected child abuse.
- According to Adler and others, birth order tends to result in unique psychological traits and social development. In counseling, birth order can help explain clients ‘traits and behaviors. Individuals who are carefree, outgoing, and not rule oriented and those individuals who are early maturers, high achievers and “never dethrone” are probably
A. secondborns and only children.
B. firstborns and youngest children.
C. middle and only children.
D. secondborns and middle children.
secondborns and only children.
- A high school career counselor had 24 seniors sign up for a three-session job seeking skills workshop. He randomly assigned 12 students to the job seeking group and 12 to a control group. The counselor developed some new materials and techniques to be used by the experimental ‘group. In designing this study, the counselor was also concerned about.
A. providing a placebo experience to the control group.
B. the Hawthorne effect.
C. confidentiality.
D. the halo effect.
providing a placebo experience to the control group.
- People of similar cultural background occasionally believe that their group is the center of everything—that it sets the standard for other groups to follow. This belief is called
A. racism.
B. prejudice.
C. cultural awareness.
D. ethnocentrism.
- According to Piaget, when a child is egocentric and unable to take the viewpoint of other people, he or she is in the stage called
A. concrete operations.
B. preoperational thought.
C. sensorimotor.
D. formal operations.
preoperational thought.
- A middle school principal is curious whether different math-teaching techniques result in different (and better) math learning. She has three classrooms of fourth grade math students and assigns different math-teaching techniques to the three teachers to use for the school year. All students completed the same math exam in September as a pretest and will posttest in May. Upon examining math pretest scores, the principal finds that the Classroom A mean math score is 72, Classroom B mean is 88, and Classroom C mean is 73. In May, after posttest data are collected, an appropriate statistical procedure for the principal to apply first is
A. multiple regression.
B. analysis of covariance.
C. t-test.
D. analysis of variance.
analysis of covariance.
- Which of the following statements characterizes the termination stage of a group?
A. This is the easiest stage for a counselor to handle.
B. Group members are excited about leaving and going their own way.
C. There is seldom any unfinished business.
D. Members need to make decisions regarding what they have learned and what they will implement.
Members need to make decisions regarding what they have learned and what they will implement.
- An underlying goal of psychoanalytic therapy is to identify and work through the transference the client experiences. Two therapeutic techniques which may assist in this process are
A. experiential learning and role playing.
B. goal setting and identifying reinforcers.
C. free association and hypnosis.
D. paradoxical intention and thought stopping.
free association and hypnosis.
- Shortly after Christmas, a third-grade teacher realized that several students in her class had not established any friendships with other children although they did classroom activities together when she put them in groups. The teacher could clearly identify some leaders, some loners and others. She decided to formally examine the social structure in her classroom and chose __________ as her method for doing this.
A. sociometry
B. case study
C. personality testing
D. the interview
- Following receipt of a bachelor ‘s degree in sociology, Yolanda joined the Peace Corps. Now, at 25 years of age, she is reviewing her employment options by examining her personal needs and goals, interests, abilities, and opportunities and has made a tentative occupational choice. In light of Super ‘s developmental stages, Yolanda is
A. in exactly the right stage.
B. ahead of expectations.
C. behind expectations.
D. not in any of Super‘s stages.
behind expectations.
- In a person-centered approach to groups, which of the following dynamics or process patterns is NOT likely to occur?
A. Expression of negative feelings.
B. Confrontation.
C. Cracking of facades.
D. Practicing disputing.
Practicing disputing.
- Defense mechanisms help control anxiety by protecting the ego from demands made by the id and superego. Which of the following is a defense mechanism?
A. Reaction formation.
B. Dependence.
C. Transference.
D. Diffusion.
Reaction formation.
- In a private mental health agency, your supervisor asks you to take an individual into counseling who has been her acquaintance for some years. After seeing the acquaintance ‘three times, the supervisor asks to see your file since she made the referral to you to begin with. You
A. give your supervisor a skeleton ‘file.
B. stop seeing the client and refer the client elsewhere.
C. ask the client for written permission so you can talk to your supervisor if she has a legitimate need to know.
D. report your supervisor to an ethics grievance committee.
ask the client for written permission so you can talk to your supervisor if she has a legitimate need to know.
- With the pressure for accountability, many mental health agencies ask their clients to complete evaluation forms following counseling. In assessing this self-report data, it is important to be aware of
A. scale deficiencies.
B. halo ‘effect.
C. normative comparisons.
D. interrater reliability.
halo ‘effect.
- A counselor is about to begin a short-term group for whom generating insight is NOT an issue. The counselor is most likely to choose
A. psychoanalytical or TA approaches.
B. behavioral or reality approaches.
C. client-centered or Gestalt approaches.
D. Adlerian or cognitive approaches.
behavioral or reality approaches.
- A change in the forces in one part of a closed system affects the entire system. This can be accurately applied to
A. the Holland hexagon.
B. a support group.
C. force-field analysis.
D. Johari window.
Johari window.
- Which of the following statements is NOT accurate?
A. Some counselor behaviors may be specified in an ethical code but not in a legal code.
B. Some counselor behaviors may be specified in a legal code but not in an ethical code.
C. Some counselor behaviors may be specified in neither the legal nor ethical codes.
D. A good code of ethics covers all counselor behaviors.
A good code of ethics covers all counselor behaviors.
- In her career development theory, Linda Gottfredson identified four stages of development experienced by children. During the second stage, children begin to rule out some jobs as not appropriate for them. This stage is characterized by an orientation of children to
A. sex roles.
B. internal, unique characteristics of self.
C. size and power.
D. social valuation.
sex roles.
- Jaime, a sixteen-year-old sophomore, has developed a pattern of skipping classes. His homework is seldom completed and when it is, it does not represent his ability level. His parents have begun to look for an appropriate counselor for him. Although they don ‘t know all the approaches available, Jaime might be helped best with a counselor using theoretical concepts from
A. behavioral and existential.
B. person-centered and rational emotive behavior.
C. Adlerian and psychoanalytic.
D. Gestalt and reality.
Gestalt and reality.
- A sixth grader has lost interest in schoolwork. Her attitude is evident in her statement, ―What‘s the use? It doesn‘t matter what I do, I still get bad grades. Her attitude may reflect
A. external locus of control.
B. internal locus of control.
C. academic deficiencies.
D. cognitive dissonance.
external locus of control.
- William Perry devised a scheme to represent the cognitive developmental stages through which individual intellectual and ethical development occurred. In his scheme, dualism was followed by
A. determinism.
B. commitment.
C. symbolism.
D. relativism.
- In general, women earn about 82% of what men earn for a variety of reasons including their entry/re-entry pattern in the labor market, discrimination, and because the types of jobs most of them hold pay less. Which of the following statements is most accurate?
A. The glass ceiling is more of a barrier now than in the past.
B. The percentage of the labor force composed of women continues to increase dramatically.
C. There are fewer women than men in service-related occupations.
D. In terms of income, younger women compare more favorably with younger men than do older women compared to older men.
In terms of income, younger women compare more favorably with younger men than do older women compared to older men.
- Which of the following statements about Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is most accurate?
A. DBT should only be used with adults.
B. DBT can usually be applied successfully as a short-term intervention.
C. DBT is now used widely with a variety of disorders such as borderline personality, mood and eating disorders.
D. DBT doesn ‘t adapt well to a group setting.
DBT is now used widely with a variety of disorders such as borderline personality, mood and eating disorders.
- At a treatment center for delinquent girls, one of Carmen ‘s clients express rage toward her probation officer for ―putting me in this place. The girl has a plan to harm the probation officer when she gets an opportunity. Carmen believes she is justified in breaking confidence and warning the probation officer because of the
A. Buckley amendment.
B. 72-hour hold law.
C. mandatory disclosure rule.
D. Tarasoff case.
Tarasoff case.
- An elementary school counselor is designing a career development program to be implemented during the next school year. One of the student competencies the counselor would like to address at the elementary school level is
A. skills in making career transitions.
B. deciding on a career.
C. knowledge of the importance of the self-concept.
D. skills to locate and interpret career information.
knowledge of the importance of the self-concept.
- Before writing an article for publication in a specific journal, the researcher should
A. examine copies of that journal before writing the manuscript.
B. identify at least two additional journals for simultaneous submission.
C. find a co-author.
D. contact the journal editor.
examine copies of that journal before writing the manuscript.
- Cognitive therapy for the treatment of depression has been in existence for many years. As he performed psychotherapy, Aaron Beck, the principal architect of cognitive therapy, identified “automatic thoughts” his clients exhibited. He did not believe that these negative automatic thoughts “caused depression.” Beck
A. suggested a negative cognitive shift occurred in the individual’s thinking.
B. capitalized on the concepts developed by Albert Ellis in developing his cognitive therapy.
C. believed that depression seldom occurred because of interpersonal factors.
D. developed a theory of reciprocal inhibition.
suggested a negative cognitive shift occurred in the individual’s thinking.
- The use of distance counseling technology and social media in counseling continues to grow. Which of the following statements is most accurate?
A. Counselors who do distance counseling are subject to their state ‘s laws and regulations but probably not to the state where their client lives.
B. If the counselor has a Facebook account, a professional and a personal profile account should be established.
C. Because of the distance involved, creating and maintaining professional boundaries across state lines are less important than face-to-face counseling.
D. To increase their knowledge of their clients ‘issues, counselors should routinely access clients ‘social media sites.
If the counselor has a Facebook account, a professional and a personal profile account should be established.
- Jenna is beginning her junior year in high school and is college bound. Her ability for success in college is excellent but she is still uncertain as to what her college major should be. Given this information about Jenna, the counselor would recommend
A. aptitude assessment.
B. ability testing.
C. interest assessment.
D. intelligence testing.
interest assessment.
- For each of eight stages, Erikson believed that a balance between the polarities was typically the outcome. For example, in his stage of Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt, self-control is fostered. Conflict between Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt may lead to hostile or benign expectations. This Erikson stage is equivalent to Freud’s
A. anal stage.
B. phallic stage.
C. oral stage.
D. genital stage.
anal stage.
- At an initial session, counselors are expected to share with clients information about counseling goals, techniques, counselor qualifications, and counseling limitations. This information is called
A. duty to warn.
B. release of information.
C. professional liability statement.
D. statement of disclosure.
statement of disclosure.
- A counseling group begins with ten individuals. By the end of the third session, two members have dropped. One of the remaining members knows of an individual who would like to join the group. The member asks the group leader if this is possible, and he tells her no. It is likely that this is a _____ group.
A. closed
B. homogeneous
C. working
D. structured
- Awareness by career counselors of the cultural values and environment of minority group members they counsel will make such counseling more effective. Which of the following is generally NOT true in regard to ethnic groups in this country?
A. Minority group members are likely to experience discrimination and prejudice in employment.
B. The concept of last hired, first fired ‘often applies to minority group members.
C. The absence of role models encourages minority group members to accept non-traditional employment.
D. There is a sense of wariness and distrust by minority group members of new employment and training programs.
The absence of role models encourages minority group members to accept non-traditional employment.
- In its growth and development, a human organism
A. is influenced primarily by heredity.
B. is always influenced by both heredity and environment.
C. is influenced primarily by environment.
D. Is sometimes influenced by heredity and sometimes by environment.
is always influenced by both heredity and environment.
- Eliminating the need for counseling intervention through prevention activities is an important community function. Primary prevention typically occurs with
A. a population under some stress.
B. a normal population.
C. elementary school population.
D. a dysfunctional population.
a normal population.
- National studies suggest that many clients seeking career counseling have a history of trauma in their lives. Which one of the following items is NOT true?
A. Career goal formation may be influenced by a client‘s trauma history.
B. Counselors should treat all clients similarly whether they have a trauma history or not.
C. Perceptions of career clients with trauma history may impact their view of their skills and abilities.
D. Career clients with trauma history may short-change their suitability for a job or a promotion.
Counselors should treat all clients similarly whether they have a trauma history or not.
- Twelve-year-old Teddy is brought to counseling by her mother at the suggestion of her middle school counselor. She seems depressed and her academic work is suffering. Teddy is one of three children and although her parents are recently separated, both have custodial rights. After a few sessions, the school counselor calls and asks Teddy ‘s counselor to provide her some information. Teddy ‘s counselor must
A. obtain a release of information form signed by Teddy.
B. obtain a release of information signed by the mother since she brought Teddy to counseling.
C. obtain a release of information signed by both parents since both are custodial parents.
D. obtain a release signed by a court-appointed guardian.
obtain a release of information signed by both parents since both are custodial parents.
- As the middle child in the family, Ingrid felt her older brother always got the breaks ‘from their mother and father. Her younger sister was daddy ‘s girl‘ and could do no wrong as far as he was concerned. In family counseling, Ingrid was asked to sculpt the family. It is likely that she
A. had her four family members hold hands in a circle with her inside.
B. had a line of family members with her brother between the parents, sister by father and she a few paces from the line.
C. had her four family members hold hands in a circle with her standing outside
D. had the three children stand together facing mother and father who stood side-by-side.
had a line of family members with her brother between the parents, sister by father and she a few paces from the line.
- A _________occurs when all the members of some set of individuals have an equal chance of being selected.
A. population
B. collection
C. sample of convenience
D. random sample
random sample
- Occasionally, a counselor may have a conflict of their core value system with the values of a potential or existing client. Which of the following statements is most accurate?
A. The ACA Code of Ethics does not allow counselors to refuse to see a client with differing values.
B. Counselor education students have successfully sued universities in their right to refuse to see a client.
C. Several states have ruled that counselors may legally refuse to see certain clients.
D. Different sexual orientations is the only legitimate counselor/client value difference allowing counselors to refuse services.
The ACA Code of Ethics does not allow counselors to refuse to see a client with differing values.
- There have been many positive steps taken in regard to the LGBTQ population in recent years. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Over 90 percent of Fortune 500 companies protect workers based on sexual orientation.
B. No states have yet allowed marriage between LGBTQ couples.
C. The number of openly LGBTQ elected officials is growing each year.
D. Many countries around the world have legalized same-sex marriages.
No states have yet allowed marriage between LGBTQ couples.
- An Asian American sophomore in high school was referred to the counselor by the teacher. Although her academic work was fine, Minh was usually left out of class activities and social events. The counselor knew that Minh was first-generation American so early in the counseling session he tried to determine her
A. level of English language facility.
B. family composition.
C. level of acculturation.
D. attitude toward education.
level of acculturation.
- A group of individuals completed two assessment devices. The correlation between the two sets of scores was .81. An accurate interpretation of that correlation coefficient is
A. the higher the individuals scored on one test, the lower they scored on the other.
B. the individuals scored high on both tests, or they scored low on both tests.
C. scoring high on one test caused the high score on the other test.
D. an accurate interpretation cannot be made.
the individuals scored high on both tests, or they scored low on both tests.
- In applying the principles of Adlerian family counseling, which of the following is NOT accurate?
A. All children are expected to participate in family counseling.
B. The basic counseling goal is to improve parent/child and other relationships in the family.
C. Action techniques such as role playing are not used.
D. The family constellation is addressed during the initial interview.
Action techniques such as role playing are not used.
- A mental health counselor had data on three personality tests for over 300 former clients. The tests measured over 30 variables and the counselor was interested to see if these tests might be measuring some common factors. To do this, she conducted a
A. factor analysis.
B. content analysis.
C. factorial analysis of variance.
D. item analysis.
factor analysis.
- Counselors with which one of the following theoretical orientations are apt to use tests and inventories?
A. Adlerian.
B. Client-centered.
C. Trait-factor.
D. Gestalt.
- Groups may be designed and structured for different purposes including information sharing, skill building, and problem resolution. Unlike guidance, structured, or self-help groups, counseling groups are unique in their focus upon
A. conveying information.
B. skill training in groups.
C. the attitudes, emotions, choices, and values involved in interpersonal relationships.
D. psychotic behaviors.
the attitudes, emotions, choices, and values involved in interpersonal relationships.
- A collectivistic, group-oriented value system is most likely to explain career behavior of
A. young European immigrants.
B. older Native American and Asian American workers.
C. middle-aged white males.
D. young and professionally trained white women.
older Native American and Asian American workers.
- A personnel director of a medium-sized manufacturing firm was instructed to increase the percentage of hires who could successfully perform the delicate and complex jobs requiring finger dexterity. The personnel director was reluctant to add a test because the hiring procedures were already extensive. In reviewing possible tests to use in employee selection, the personnel director was most concerned about
A. standard error of measurement.
B. stability reliability.
C. face validity.
D. the norm group
face validity.
- A random sample of 100 students from each class at a large university was sent a computer message by the Division of Student Services. The message title simply said ―Important Message from Student Services and asked for acknowledgment of receipt. The number of hours it took the students to respond during the next seven days was measured for each of the four samples. An appropriate statistical analysis of the differences between the four classes was
A. one-way analysis of variance.
B. t-test for groups.
C. multivariate analysis of variance.
D. analysis of covariance.
one-way analysis of variance.
- A high school counselor specializes in assisting graduating seniors to get into their college of choice with the best possible chance for financial aid. Which of the following counselor activities is NOT unethical?
A. Providing old copies of standardized tests.
B. Outlining essays which students will send to colleges.
C. Calling college financial aid officers on behalf of students.
D. Suggesting parents’ doctor ‘tax statements to increase financial aid eligibility.
Calling college financial aid officers on behalf of students.
- Self-efficacy is a central concept in social learning theory developed by Albert Bandura. This social learning model has been applied to a variety of activities including the _______ process.
A. consultation
B. accountability
C. play therapy
D. leadership
- Which of the following is NOT part of the DSM-5?
A. Dimensional assessments.
B. Focus on pathophysiological origins of the disorder.
C. V codes.
D. Global Assessment of Functioning Scale.
Global Assessment of Functioning Scale.
- David, a gifted and talented fourth grader, completed an achievement test. His score on the math portion was two standard deviations above the mean. David ‘s score was higher than _______ of others taking the same test.
A. 64 percent
B. 97 percent
C. 95 percent
D. 68 percent
97 percent
- A counselor educator gave the same final exam to two classes studying human growth and development. In Class A, the final exam scores were normally distributed and in Class B there was a definite negative skew in exam results. The counselor educator would be correct in making the following statement.
A. More students mastered the material in Class A than Class B.
B. The mean, median, and mode are the same for Class A students.
C. Over 50% of students in Class A scored higher than the mean.
D. A different final exam should be used in each class.
The mean, median, and mode are the same for Class A students.
91.As a family counselor, Jody is very active in the process. Using her own self-awareness and what she experiences, she reflects this back to the family. In addition to her suggestions, she challenges current family ways of thinking and behaving. This family counseling approach is often called
A. psychodynamic.
B. interactional.
C. experiential.
D. structural.
- Boundary and professional relationship issues are complex as presented in the ACA Code of Ethics. Which of the following statements is LEAST accurate?
A. When professional boundaries are extended, counselors use informed consent.
B. Attending a commitment ceremony of a gay couple who are in counseling can occur with the proper precautions.
C. A counselor may establish and engage in a personal virtual (social or other media) relationship with a client.
D. Counselors obtain informed consent and allow the client the right to refuse the switching of counselor roles such as going from family to individual counseling.
A counselor may establish and engage in a personal virtual (social or other media) relationship with a client.
- Midlife stress
A. may be more common in those who had adjustment problems in adolescence.
B. is almost always the result of the empty-nest syndrome.
C. is experienced earlier by men than women.
D. is more a fiction than fact.
may be more common in those who had adjustment problems in adolescence.
- Many individuals have both female and male characteristics, although one is usually dominant and visible. Counselors who focus in this area are said to be doing __________counseling.
A. sexual orientation
B. androgynous
C. developmental
D. re-education
- Two counselors at a mental health center are asked to begin co-facilitating groups which will meet no more than six times. The principal reason the counselors are reluctant to co-facilitate is because
A. one has group experience and the other has none.
B. one practices REBT and the other cognitive-behavioral.
C. one is comfortable with the six-session limit and the other is not.
D. one is client-centered, and the other is behavioral in orientation.
one is client-centered, and the other is behavioral in orientation.
- By the end of the first counseling session, a DSM diagnosis has been made and counseling goals established. There is also a belief that the client will return regularly to counseling after this series of sessions. It is likely that this counseling is
A. insight oriented and long term.
B. stopgap and less effective.
C. brief therapy focused and intermittent.
D. relationship and counselor oriented.
brief therapy focused and intermittent.
- Given: Test Z Mean = 100 SD = 12 SE Meas. = 4
A student obtained a score of 112. An equivalent form of Test Z was administered to him. We could expect his score on the second test to fall into which range of scores about two-thirds of the time?
A. 96-104.
B. 108-116.
C. 104-120.
D. 88-112.
- Goals of counseling may include changing a lifestyle, confronting superiority, and cultivating social interests. These are typical goals in
A. transactional analysis.
B. gestalt therapy.
C. rational-emotive therapy.
D. Adlerian therapy.
Adlerian therapy.
- Parsons developed a career counseling approach which consisted of studying the individual, surveying occupations, and matching the person with an occupation. This approach became known as
A. field and level.
B. process and content.
C. data and prediction.
D. trait and factor.
trait and factor.
- A mother and her two children have arranged for family therapy. The husband refuses to attend. The counselor is concerned with this development because a number of her beliefs about family counseling are not being met. Which of the following is NOT likely to be one of her beliefs?
A. The family is a system.
B. The traditional focus is the family.
C. Each family member is a unique emotional unit.
D. Pathology is family centered.
Each family member is a unique emotional unit.
- During high school and for two years after, Juan has been employed in many jobs. However, eventually something happens, and he is terminated by the employer. Although his attendance and work habits are poor, Juan believes that he is being discriminated against. In seeking a career counselor, Juan might benefit most from one who approaches clients from a
A. trait-factor perspective.
B. developmental perspective.
C. needs-based perspective.
D. social-learning perspective.
social-learning perspective.
- During the first session with a client, the counselor conducts an intake evaluation. When the questions focus on potential problem areas, the client says, ―I know what my problem is. My psychologist says I have posttraumatic stress an appropriate next step for the counselor is
A. stop the evaluation and start talking about the posttraumatic stress.
B. continue the evaluation ignoring the information about the psychologist and diagnosis
C. Ask the client if he has taken any psychological tests.
D. Determine who the psychologist is and obtain permission to contact him or her.
Determine who the psychologist is and obtain permission to contact him or her.
- The supervisor of interns at a counseling agency informs the three new interns of the standardized assessment instruments used there. All interns are expected to use them and derive diagnostic information from them. One of the interns has received no training in one of the instruments. She should
A. tell the supervisor immediately and ask for training.
B. administer the instrument but do not use the information for diagnosis until she has been trained.
C. complain to her university professor about the lack of training for this test.
D. sit in with the other interns when they use the instrument to learn about it.
tell the supervisor immediately and ask for training.
- There are three truck driving schools in the metropolitan area and each uses a different curriculum. A state accrediting agency plans to examine the effectiveness of the three curricula used for training drivers. The dependent variable in this investigation is
A. the methods of instruction.
B. the instructors used.
C. the dropout rate.
D. the sample size.
the dropout rate.
- Grandma lives with the nuclear family of four which includes two children who are four and seven years old. Grandma is the father ‘s mother and baby-sits the children while the parents’ work. The parents find the children more and more uncooperative and disrespectful. To help them better understand family dynamics and learn parenting skills, the four begin family counseling. Grandma refuses to attend insisting she was ―too old for that nonsense. The family counselor believes subsystems within a family are highly influential. Perhaps the most important family subsystem not in counseling is
A. parents and grandma (three adults).
B. grandma and the children.
C. mother ‘s parents.
D. father and his mother (grandma).
grandma and the children.
- Assume you have a normal distribution of raw scores. Which of the following standard scores is farthest from the mean?
A. T-score = 35.
B. Stanine = 6.
C. z = -2.0.
D. Deviation IQ = 120.
z = -2.0.
- A counseling procedure pairing anxiety-producing stimuli and relaxation exercises is
A. paradoxical intention.
B. systematic desensitization.
C. implosive therapy.
D. confrontation.
systematic desensitization.
- Research indicates that hiring older workers has advantages over their younger counterparts. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. There is minimal difference in output between older and younger workers.
B. Oder workers take less frequent days off because of illness than do younger workers.
C. Older workers tend to leave their jobs sooner than younger workers.
D. The ability to learn many tasks at age 50 is about equal to that of age 16.
Older workers tend to leave their jobs sooner than younger workers.
- __________ occurs as the result of the development of multiple cognitive deficits that include memory impairment and one or more cognitive disturbances. Impairment in occupational or social functioning is present.
A. post-traumatic stress disorder
B. Dementia
C. Hypochondriasis
D. Agoraphobia
- Regarding neurobiology and psychotherapy, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. So far, the production of positive neurotransmitters appears to occur as a result of talk therapy but not other integrative therapies.
B. Different environmental conditions and events promote re-mapping of different areas of the brain.
C. Neuroplasticity is the brain ‘s ability to produce new neurons.
D. CACREP standards include requirements regarding understanding neurological behaviors.
So far, the production of positive neurotransmitters appears to occur as a result of talk therapy but not other integrative therapies.
- The developers of many psychological tests assume that the traits they are measuring can be parceled out in equal amounts up and down the scale, i.e., the numbers representing the variable have the same quantity. This is an example of _______ measurement.
A. ordinal
B. nominal
C. ratio
D. interval
- Occasionally some group members select another on whom they vent their anger and blame for events occurring in the group. This is called
A. blocking.
B. storytelling.
C. scapegoating.
D. catharsis
- In career counseling, many clients have misconceptions about the purpose of assessment, such as: tests will tell them what to be ‘or what to do. ‘Which of the following statements is most accurate?
A. Assessment should move from a trait-factor square-peg ‘approach to increasing personal information to support decision-making using all information.
B. Inventories should be used primarily to clear up differences between interests and abilities.
C. Vocational inventories ‘validities and reliabilities are not important as long as the tests encourage exploration on the part of the client.
D. Inventories of career maturity are commonly used to supplement the information gained through the use of other career tests.
Assessment should move from a trait-factor square-peg ‘approach to increasing personal information to support decision-making using all information.
- Employing a mixed-method research design means
A. doing a meta-analysis.
B. using evidence-based inquiry.
C. combining quantitative and qualitative methods.
D. doing an experiment.
combining quantitative and qualitative methods.
- Relational-cultural theory is gaining impetus in the conduct of therapy. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Relational-cultural theory applies to women but not men.
B. Connections to others are central and powerful.
C. Relational-cultural theory believes connections also facilitate changes in the brain.
D. Counseling issues may include privilege, power and marginalization.
Relational-cultural theory applies to women but not men.
- Changes in technology in the world of work have been increasing during the past twenty years and will continue. The results of this technological change have not always been positive and have resulted in the dislocation of many workers. This phenomenon has become known as
A. third world ascendancy.
B. worker job obsolescence.
C. economic recession.
D. temp labor force market.
worker job obsolescence.
- A family counselor decides to visit the family home and observe the behavior of one of the children who appears seriously disturbed. In setting up the visitation schedule, the counselor is concerned about all of the following EXCEPT
A. time sampling.
B. observing in approximately uniform periods each day.
C. making sure that the family members who are at home do not change on every visit.
D. making sure all family members are present every time.
making sure all family members are present every time.
- More and more counselors move into supervision and counseling program management positions. In developing a new counseling program, identify the steps or processes which are in the proper order.
A. Assess needs, implementation, develop a plan, evaluation.
B. Develop a plan, evaluation, assess needs, implementation.
C. Evaluation, develop a plan, assess needs, implementation.
D. Assess needs, develop a plan, implementation, evaluation.
Assess needs, develop a plan, implementation, evaluation.
- Asymmetry of roles ‘and identity tension line ‘refer to
A. dual-career couples.
B. displaced homemakers.
C. dropouts.
D. midlife crisis
dual-career couples.
- Jane is a new mental health counselor with little experience in multicultural counseling. She is uncomfortable with Juanita, a Latina client, who asks her questions about her family and other personal matters. Juanita ‘s behavior is best explained as
A. limited acculturation.
B. needing to know boundaries and ethics of counseling.
C. needing to know the counselor as a person.
D. familism, a strong attachment to her family.
needing to know the counselor as a person.
- A high school principal asks the lead teacher in the English Department to design an exam to assess English usage and writing skills to be administered to tenth graders. After the teacher designs the exam, she gives copies to all the other English teachers and asks them to review it and judge its appropriateness, clarity, accuracy, and fairness. By going through this process, she is determining _________ validity.
A. predictive
B. concurrent
C. discriminant
D. content
- A recently discharged military veteran has been assigned to a young female counselor at the VA Hospital. He is experiencing symptoms of PTSD. During the second session with his new counselor, the client gets frustrated and angry and says, ―I‘m not getting any help here! This is just getting worse. What are you writing down about me? I want to see my records. The counselor
A. deflects the client ‘s request for the records and focuses on the anger.
B. tells the client that the agency ‘s policy is to not release records to clients.
C. can ethically deny records to clients if they may be harmed by the contents.
D. can ethically provide sanitized ‘summaries to the client.
can ethically deny records to clients if they may be harmed by the contents.
- A counselor at a mental health agency noticed that the clients who complained of anxiety also tended to introversion. As part of the agency’s intake process, test scores were collected from all clients on these two, as well as other, variables. The counselor decided to examine the relationship between these two variables and her statistic of choice was a
A. t-test.
B. canonical correlation.
C. multivariate correlation coefficient.
D. bivariate correlation.
bivariate correlation.
- Of the major counseling theories, some are more conducive to measuring the effectiveness with clients than are others. All may be effective as applied by some counselors with certain clients who have certain problems. In general, however, the two theoretical approaches showing most effectiveness through research are
A. reality and gestalt.
B. behavioral/cognitive behavioral and rational emotive.
C. person-centered and behavioral/cognitive behavioral.
D. Adlerian and rational emotive.
behavioral/cognitive behavioral and rational emotive.
- A counselor is asked to do group counseling with several young adult males who are court-referred because of violent tendencies. During the first few weekly sessions the counselor is determined NOT to provide which of the following sets of group counseling conditions
A. high emotional stimulation (confrontation and challenge) and low executive management (structure) of the group.
B. high caring (warmth and acceptance) and consistent use of meaning attribution (providing understanding and clarification).
C. high executive management (structure) of the group and low emotional stimulation (confrontation and challenge).
D. Low emotional stimulation and a high caring approach.
high emotional stimulation (confrontation and challenge) and low executive management (structure) of the group.
- Each year the Director of Counseling at a small liberal arts college in a Midwestern state collects data on the Alcohol and Drug Awareness Scale (ADAS) from the freshmen class. This year the director found that the students’ results on the scale reached the 70th percentile of state norms. They were at the 40th percentile of national norms. He can accurately conclude
A. his students score higher than national students on the ADAS.
B. national students score lower on the ADAS than state students.
C. his students score higher than state students on the ADAS.
D. not enough data is available to make valid comparisons.
his students score higher than state students on the ADAS.
- In a training session on ethical and legal issues, the trainer discussed a number of professional issues of which counselors should be aware. At one point, he asked the participants this question: ―Name a professional counselor activity that doesn ‘t require the passage of a state law? The trainer took responses from the audience. Jackson said, ―Involuntary commitment. Marcia responded with, ―Licensure. Naomi suggested, ―Accreditation. Phil said, ―Privileged communication. The correct response came from
A. Naomi.
B. Phil.
C. Jackson.
D. Marcia.
- Twelve-year old Heather is very close to her mother. After school she cannot wait to share what happened during her day. Her mother enjoys this closeness and considers Heather her ―best friend and takes her on many outings and activities. The father is beginning to resent the time his wife spends with their daughter but is glad Heather has a guiding hand during these critical years of her development. One theory of family counseling would suggest
A. the boundary between mother and daughter may be too diffuse.
B. the mother may be putting the daughter in a double bind.
C. all members of the family appear to be equally differentiated.
D. in family counseling, the father is the identified patient.
the boundary between mother and daughter may be too diffuse.
- Working with adults, a career counselor believes that clients will be more satisfied on the job if their personality type is similar to the personality ‘type of the work environment. According to Holland, this phenomenon is called
A. differentiation.
B. congruence.
C. calculus.
D. consistency.
- A counselor working in a juvenile group home designed an inventory of social skills which each resident takes. The purpose of this inventory is to substitute for other ways of estimating the social skills level of the residents. Since the purpose of this inventory is to substitute for other methods of measurement, the most appropriate type of validity we are concerned with here is
A. construct.
B. concurrent.
C. content.
D. face.
- A key provision of the Individuals With Disabilities Act is
A. inclusion of the child in all regular classes and activities.
B. identify high school students for vocational training.
C. develop new intelligence tests.
D. institutionalize the mentally retarded.
inclusion of the child in all regular classes and activities.
- Antonio is investigating the differences in social skills between homeless veterans and a sample of veterans who are not homeless. As he gets to the point of data collection, he realizes that he will be limited to assessing only those veterans of each group who volunteer to participate. Because of that, when it comes time for data analysis, Antonio will probably have to use
A. regression statistics.
B. nonparametric statistics.
C. parametric statistics.
D. factor analysis.
nonparametric statistics.
- A client of a community agency counselor reveals he has the HIV virus but no symptoms of AIDS. The client has not told his gay partner and refuses to do so because he (the client) may never actually get AIDS. After further counseling and continued refusal by the client to tell his partner, the counselor ethically believes she must
A. refer the client to a specialized AIDS counseling service.
B. tell the client’s partner after telling the client she would do so.
C. contact the state public health officer.
D. terminate the relationship.
Tell the client’s partner after telling the client she would do so.
- In psychodrama, a variety of roles may be assigned to group members. The protagonist is
A. the group facilitator.
B. an imaginary figure.
C. one of the group members.
D. someone from the audience.
one of the group members.
- The use of opioids beyond legitimate medical reasons, is said to be at a crisis level. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Psychological trauma is the primary reason individuals start using opioids.
B. Physician groups are recommending changes in opioid prescription protocols.
C. National legislation is making some attempts in dealing with the opioid crisis.
D. Injuries and illnesses and the consequent pain can lead to the increased use of opioids.
Psychological trauma is the primary reason individuals start using opioids.
136.With privileged communication, counselor-client communications are confidential. Which of the following is NOT an exception to privileged communication?
A. A lawsuit filed against you.
B. The client requests release of his or her records.
C. The client is a danger to others.
D. The client ‘s employer requests information.
The client ‘s employer requests information.
- Older adults experience a number of developmental demands. Many of these demands relate to transitions they experience such as those related to changing physical capacities, family and social relationships, and social roles. One successful counseling approach with older adults is to
A. identify the obsolescence the older adult represents and help him or her face it.
B. encourage older adults to transition themselves into appropriate nursing homes.
C. use a problem-solving approach focusing on specific and immediate problems.
D. review their past life in considerable detail.
use a problem-solving approach focusing on specific and immediate problems.
- A counselor has set up an elaborate experimental study which includes gathering pretest and posttest data. However, she is concerned that the pretest itself might influence or interact with the experimental treatment. To deal with this contingency, she decided to use
A. a chi-square design.
B. multiple regression.
C. Duncan‘s multiple range test.
D. Solomon four-group design.
Solomon four-group design.
- The mother of a junior high school student who has been suspended asks to see her son‘s school file. She has the right to see the file because of
A. PL 94-142.
B. the state ‘s counselor certification law.
C. the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
D. the state ‘s law for reporting abuse.
the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
- Li and May took the same test of academic ability. The mean of the test is 100 and the test‘s standard deviation is 10. Li‘s score is equivalent to a z score of –1.0 and May‘s score is equivalent to a T score of 45. On the test
A. Li ‘s score was 90 and May ‘s was 95.
B. Li ‘s score was 99 and May ‘s was 90.
C. i‘s score was 95 and May ‘s was 140.
D. There is not enough data to make the calculation.
Li ‘s score was 90 and May ‘s was 95.
- A college counselor works with many students in the process of changing majors. Some information which is important to this process is occupational trends and projections. On a national level, the document providing such information is
A. Occupational Outlook Handbook.
B. Dictionary of Occupational Titles.
C. Journal of Employment Counseling.
D. Guide for Occupational Exploration.
Occupational Outlook Handbook.
- A holistic approach to therapy is identified with Arnold Lazarus. His approach addresses several modalities and may be summarized using the acronym
- The American Counseling Association performs many functions and services on behalf of its members EXCEPT
A. represent counseling on legislative issues.
B. print and publish numerous journals and books for counselors.
C. sponsor and co-sponsor conferences in this and other countries.
D. require state branch members to be ACA members as well.
require state branch members to be ACA members as well.
- In object relations theory, interpersonal relationships are important in shaping an individual ‘s interactions with others both in reality and fantasy. In the developmental process, the individual passes through four stages according to this theory. The third stage is
A. reintegration.
B. separation/individuation.
C. assimilation.
D. symbiosis.
- Each week several individuals meet to discuss their feelings about their weight and their efforts at weight loss. Often, their work situations and job stress are discussed. At least once a month, a guest expert joins the group to talk about nutrition, exercise, etc. This group could be accurately called a
A. counseling group.
B. guidance group.
C. task group.
D. self-help group.
self-help group.
- A career counselor beginning practice in a new community is designing a brochure describing his qualifications and services. Which of the following is inappropriate for the publication?
A. Master of Science Degree.
B. A complete range of career counseling services available.
C. Various interest and aptitude tests available.
D. Selection of a more satisfying career guaranteed.
Selection of a more satisfying career guaranteed.
- Jefferson High School implemented a School-to-Work program which is now in its sixth year. As a condition for continued funding, the school must submit an evaluation as to the program ‘s impact and whether the program ‘s goals and objectives have been met. This is an example of
A. experimental research.
B. formative evaluation.
C. parametric research.
D. summative evaluation.
summative evaluation.
- A standard technique often used by family counselors who are interested in determining intergenerational influences is
A. sculpting.
B. structural map.
C. determining coalitions.
D. genogram.
- A special education child has considerable difficulty writing words because of physical limitations. Periodically, the teacher reinforces the child with a smile and an encouraging word. This is an example of ______________ reinforcement
A. variable interval
B. variable ratio
C. fixed interval
D. fixed ratio
variable interval
- Career counseling with culturally diverse clients argues for certain awareness on the part of the White counselor. Which of the following is NOT an issue of concern?
A. The client ‘s sense of being a part of an individualistic vs. collectivistic culture.
B. Perceptions of power, work, time, and value of counseling vary cross cultures.
C. Understanding the historical and socio-political environment is not particularly helpful with the career client.
D. Level of client acculturation and language skills will influence assessments used.
Understanding the historical and socio-political environment is not particularly helpful with the career client.
- Experts in substance abuse counseling report the widespread existence of one or more codependents in the family of the substance abuser. Core issues in treating substance abuse include
A. age, education, and social class.
B. dual diagnosis, denial, and motivation.
C. family, support group, and extended family.
D. faith, spirituality and belief in God.
dual diagnosis, denial, and motivation.
- One of Annika ‘s clients is a high school sophomore referred by an assistant principal for truancy and disruptive behavior. During their second session, the student inadvertently tells Annika that he earns spending money selling oxycodone pills to other students. At this point in the session, Annika lets the student know she will need to tell the principal about this activity. The student gets angry and accuses her of being a snitch. Annika reminds the student that
A. the student handbook forbids drugs on campus.
B. oxycodone is a seriously addictive drug.
C. he signed a disclosure form when counseling began indicating the counselor‘s need to report.
D. students who purchased pills from this client are at risk for expulsion.
he signed a disclosure form when counseling began indicating the counselor ‘s need to report.
- In conducting a group, both content and process are important. During each session, one can designate a warm-up, action, and closure portions. In general, one would want the following combination of content/process and warm-up/action/closure.
A. More content in warm-up and more process in closure.
B. Equal amounts of content and process in all three portions.
C. More content in warm-up, mostly process in action, and more content in closure.
D. More process in warm-up and action and more content in closure.
Equal amounts of content and process in all three portions.
- Women comprise nearly one-half of the workforce in the United States. This feminization of the workforce ‘is resulting in
A. more women dropping out of school to go to work.
B. more need for day-care and flexible parental leave policies.
C. an increase in family size because larger families are affordable.
D. women workers becoming more concentrated in fewer occupations.
more need for day-care and flexible parental leave policies.
- An elementary school counselor decided to offer parents an opportunity to come together to learn or review parenting skills. Because such a group provides information and skill building, it is appropriately called a
A. support group.
B. counseling group.
C. psychoeducational group.
D. structured group.
psychoeducational group.
- A group of 100 individuals completed two tests. Their scores on both tests are plotted on a chart. If the slope of the regression line (line of best fit) angles from top left to bottom right, the counselor reviewing this data could conclude there is a _________ correlation between the two variables measured.
A. zero
B. positive
C. negative
D. parametric
- A researcher designs an experimental study on a college campus which focuses on sexual harassment and date rape. An experimental and a control group of 50 freshmen were randomly selected. The experimental group spent one hour for each of six weeks in discussion groups in September and October. In April, the researcher designed a survey to measure any differences in knowledge and behavior between the two groups pertaining to sexual harassment and date rape. Unfortunately, many students were not available to complete the instrument. Potential internal validity issues in this study include
A. attrition and instrumentation.
B. selection of subjects and experimenter bias.
C. mortality and maturation.
D. Hawthorne effect and experimenter bias
attrition and instrumentation.
- The largest minority group in the United States is now Hispanic Americans. Which of the following statements is most accurate?
A. Few Hispanic students are acculturated and most speak little English.
B. Hispanics are characterized by high academic interest and low dropout rates.
C. One can find diverse value systems among Hispanics.
D. Most assessment instruments are appropriate for all Hispanic cultures.
One can find diverse value systems among Hispanics.
- A counselor is developing a genogram during the second session in family counseling. As the clients talk of their family backgrounds, the counselor realizes that the wife in counseling is actually her second or third cousin of which the woman is unaware. The counselor decides
A. to ignore this knowledge and not tell the woman.
B. to stop the counseling after this session, not tell the woman, and refer the family to another counselor.
C. to let the client know they are relatives and refer the family after explaining her ethical position.
D. to tell the woman they are relatives, mutually agree not to see each other outside of counseling, and continue counseling.
to let the client know they are relatives and refer the family after explaining her ethical position.
- Privileged communication is a(n) ________ concept.
A. ethical
B. legal
C. both ethical and legal
D. neither ethical nor legal
- Research suggests that television may be an important socializing force on children. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Watching television violence has been shown to increase aggression in viewers.
B. The most effective positive models on television are those who resemble parents and teachers.
C. Television may affect children ‘s world view in such a way that they see the world as mean and scary.
D. Television has little potential to teach children positive, prosocial behaviors.
Television has little potential to teach children positive, prosocial behaviors.
- Piaget contributed many concepts to the notion of cognitive development that occurs through childhood and the early teen years. One of his constructs addresses the mental structure that processes information and experiences. He called this
A. schema.
B. assimilation.
C. adaptation.
D. tabula rasa.
- Jo received her master ‘s degree from a CACREP program and at graduation, became a National Certified Counselor. Soon after, she was hired in her first professional position in a small mental health agency immediately assuming supervisory responsibilities for several counselors only one of whom had a master ‘s degree. Agency clients included individuals, couples, and families. Jo never had a course in supervision and had only one course in marriage and family counseling. After Jo began the job
A. she told the staff she wouldn’t ‘t be much help in supervision for a while.
B. she enrolled in a supervision and in another marriage and family course at the nearest graduate program in counseling.
C. she scheduled experts in supervision and marriage and family to provide in-service training during the next three months.
D. she identified other resources in the agency and the community to help with supervision until she became more skilled.
she identified other resources in the agency and the community to help with supervision until she became more skilled.
- In a dual-career marriage or partnership, dissatisfaction or stress is most likely to occur when
A. the couple or partners hold traditional sex-role attitudes.
B. there is agreement between the couple or partners in regard to attitudes and aspirations.
C. conflicts are expressed and negotiated.
D. financial and emotional resources are shared.
the couple or partners hold traditional sex-role attitudes.
- The feminine therapist views gender as central to the counseling of women. Which of the following is NOT central to feminine therapy?
A. Personal issues have societal and political roots.
B. Mental illness definitions are reformulated.
C. The therapist maintains the expert role.
D. Oppression is viewed in an integrated fashion including privilege and gender expectations.
The therapist maintains the expert role.
- Counselors are encouraged to use counseling interventions that
A. always assume an underlying medical condition.
B. maximize the counselor ‘s self-disclosure.
C. expect that the client has a co-occurring mental disorder.
D. are based on some evidence of effectiveness gathered by themselves or others.
are based on some evidence of effectiveness gathered by themselves or others.
- One of the social learning theories which has relevance to career development and vocational behavior is that of Albert Bandura who is associated with the concept of self-efficacy. Whether or not a person expects to be successful in certain behaviors is based on four sources of information available to him or her. Which of the following is NOT one of those sources?
A. Verbal persuasion which includes encouragement and support from others.
B. Emotional arousal which includes tuning in to physiological states such as anxiety.
C. Vicarious experiences which might include modeling and role playing.
D. Positive uncertainty which means that a person is open to unpredictability and randomness in career development.
Positive uncertainty which means that a person is open to unpredictability and randomness in career development.
- Murray Bowen is often referred to as the creator of the systems theory of family counseling. He believed studying more than one generation of a family was important. Of the following theoretical concepts, which is NOT associated with Bowen?
A. Therapeutic double-bind.
B. Triangles.
C. Multigenerational transmission.
D. Family projection process.
Therapeutic double-bind.
- Which one of the following statements about clinical mental health counseling is NOT accurate? Mental health counseling
A. views issues from a positive perspective.
B. sees individuals in their entirety without regard to larger systems.
C. stresses reliance and focus on education and prevention.
D. adopts a wholistic wellness orientation.
sees individuals in their entirety without regard to larger systems.
- In terms of establishing an effective and trusting multicultural group, one of the most important variables may be
A. size.
B. number of languages spoken.
C. experience in previous groups.
D. open vs. closed nature of the group.
open vs. closed nature of the group.
- Laura was applying to a doctoral program in counselor education. Along with her application, she submitted the following three test scores: GRE Verbal: 450; a tolerance for ambiguity test score at T-score 45; and a z-score of -.5 on a test of trait anxiety. The professor reviewing her file characterized all her scores at the following stanine
A. 3.2.
B. 4.0.
C. 5.2.
D. 6.0.
- A counselor works at a hospital which allows a maximum of eight group counseling sessions on an outpatient basis. The counselor is to begin a new group consisting primarily of recovering alcoholics. Under these circumstances, because the counselor is flexible in the theoretical approach she can use, she decides that the best approach would be
A. transactional analysis.
B. client centered.
C. psychoanalytical.
D. existential.
transactional analysis.
- A behavioral counselor is working with a client who complains of anxiety. Together the counselor and the client examine both the antecedents and consequences of the behavior (anxiety). Understanding the nature of operant conditioning, the counselor and the client decide to eliminate the unwanted behavior through extinction by
A. aversive counterconditioning.
B. implosion or flooding.
C. punishment.
D. thought stopping.
implosion or flooding.
- Antidepressants are used to treat a variety of ―affective disorders. Lithium could be one drug prescribed for those who have been diagnosed as
A. schizophrenic.
B. phobic.
C. alcoholic.
D. bipolar depressive.
bipolar depressive.
- Joshua is meeting with his career client for the first time. In establishing the relationship and learning about the client, he focuses on events in the client ‘s life, the social meaning of the events to the client, and how the client organizes and gets meaning from what has happened. It is safe to say that the career theory Joshua uses has been strongly influenced by
A. a value-based model of career choice.
B. person-environment fit theory.
C. social constructionism.
D. Tiedeman ‘s decision making model.
social constructionism.
- A number of core skills have been identified for group counselors. Which of the following is NOT one of them?
A. Model effective behavior.
B. Encourage members to meet socially outside group.
C. Ask open-ended questions.
D. Impart information in the group when necessary.
Encourage members to meet socially outside group.
- Client: ―I don‘t know if this is doing any good. I still get real anxious when I get to the office.
Counselor: ―The anxiety is still there when you get to work so you ‘re wondering if this counseling is working.
The counselor ‘s response is an example of a(n)
A. interpretation.
B. reflection.
C. confrontation.
D. restatement.
- Josie is a counselor at a day treatment center. One of her clients is an aggressive seven-year-old boy who is physically active but verbally shy in session. Josie may find that her most effective play therapy technique to stimulate the boy to share is
A. puppets.
B. sand tray.
C. competitive board games.
D. drawing.
competitive board games.
- Which one of the following concepts is NOT associated with H.B. Gelatt?
A. Planned happenstance.
B. Decision-making process.
C. Two-by-four process (attitudes and factors)
D. Positive uncertainty.
Planned happenstance.
- In deciding to use parametric statistics such as t-test or analysis of variance, data from which one of the following samples would appear to be appropriate?
A. Random sample.
B. Sample of convenience.
C. Skewed sample.
D. Sample with a bi-modal distribution.
Random sample.
- Which of the following statements about licensure of professional counselors is true?
A. With a doctorate, you can become licensed automatically.
B. Most states make up their own exam for licensure.
C. Some states have title-control ‘laws which means anyone can counsel legally.
D. Some states ‘licensure laws allow 36-credit hour master ‘s degree for licensure.
Some states have title-control‘ laws which means anyone can counsel legally.
- In terms of counseling men and counseling women, in general,
A. men are more likely to initiate counseling.
B. women more readily share affective material.
C. men are less likely to focus on cognitive material.
D. women are less likely to experience conflicts because of multiple roles.
women more readily share affective material.
- Li has been forced out of a military career after 12 years because his military occupational specialty‘ will no longer be available. Working with a career counselor, Li has found a civilian occupation that appeals to him that would make use of some of his military training and experience. The counselor believes that the next step for Li should be
A. take an aptitude test.
B. cold call ‘employers.
C. apply for evening school courses.
D. develop a resume.
develop a resume.
- Convergent and discriminant are concepts associated with which of the following validities?
A. Predictive.
B. Content.
C. Concurrent.
D. Construct.
- In a counseling relationship, both the client and counselor have worldviews. The worldview for some counselors is to see ―all of us in this together. We are all more similar than we are different. This worldview has sometimes been referred to as a(n) ______ perspective.
A. etic
B. encapsulating
C. emic
D. pluralistic
- Social modeling, contracting, direct training, and reinforcement are most likely to be counseling strategies based in
A. rational emotive behavior therapy.
B. existential therapy.
C. client-centered counseling.
D. cognitive and behavioral counseling.
cognitive and behavioral counseling.
- Legislative language which bans sex discrimination in academics and sports in schools is found in
A. Title IX of the educational amendments.
B. Buckley amendment.
C. Americans with Disabilities Act.
D. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
Title IX of the educational amendments.
- In his first counseling session, Rudy shares a brief account of his problems with an emphasis on how these problems have influenced his life in the past and continue to do so. Working from a social constructionist point of view, the counselor is likely to use the following techniques
A. deconstruction and reauthoring.
B. social modeling and problem-solving.
C. empowering techniques and gender-role analysis.
D. homework assignment and two-chair techniques.
deconstruction and reauthoring.
- A researcher was investigating the possibility of attitude changes toward HIV positive individuals. To conduct this study, he had pairs of students discuss certain topics with one of the students being a researcher confederate who claimed to have the HIV virus. The researcher believed that deception in this experiment was necessary. Ethically,
A. the researcher should have found enough HIV positive individuals to serve as confederates.
B. the researcher should debrief the unaware subjects and provide an opportunity for them to desensitize if they revealed troubling attitudes or behaviors.
C. the researcher should be reported to the appropriate ethical standards committee.
D. the Human Subjects Committee should not have approved the research.
the researcher should debrief the unaware subjects and provide an opportunity for them to desensitize if they revealed troubling attitudes or behaviors.
- The Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP) program is based on the theoretical concepts of
A. Rogers.
B. Haley.
C. Adler.
D. Glasser.
- After a counseling program has been developed and implemented, a key step to assure its successful operation is
A. designing goals and objectives.
B. doing a needs assessment.
C. conducting a pilot study.
D. conducting an evaluation.
conducting an evaluation.
- Mark Savickas‘ approach has been labeled both postmodern and constructionist. Which of the following statements regarding career counseling is he likely to agree with?
A. The client ‘s story ‘is not useful.
B. The use of standardized objective instruments is necessary.
C. Fitting the person to the environment is a critical task.
D. Helping the client identify strengths, resources, and coping abilities is important.
Helping the client identify strengths, resources, and coping abilities is important.
- The therapist who is closely associated with structural family therapy is
A. Framo.
B. Whitaker.
C. Satir.
D. Minuchin.
- Which of the following names are NOT associated with the reliability of tests?
A. Kaufman.
B. Spearman-Brown.
C. Cronbach.
D. Kuder-Richardson.
- A career counselor with experience working in business is asked to provide organizational development consultation to a large company. As the consultation proceeds over a few weeks‘ time, it becomes clear that some of the workers in the company would benefit from therapy. The company asks the consultant to provide this counseling since they know him and believe he is doing a good job. The most appropriate reason for the counselor to decline is
A. it has been years since he did personal counseling.
B. that would conflict with his role in the company as a consultant.
C. he would rather do career counseling.
D. he has good friends who could do the counseling.
that would conflict with his role in the company as a consultant.
- A school counselor is assisting an eighth grader in determining which specialized high school she should attend next fall. The counselor might be LEAST concerned with
A. maximal performance tests.
B. sociometric assessments
C. grade equivalent scores
D. age equivalent scores
sociometric assessments
- Portability is a current and important issue within the field of professional counseling. To have portability means
A. you can practice counseling in more than one state.
B. you will never need more graduate credits no matter what state you move to.
C. a degree in a non-related field will be acceptable along with extensive experience.
D. the process of becoming licensed in another state will be expedited.
the process of becoming licensed in another state will be expedited.
- A newspaper opinion writer hopes to sway readers of her article about the high cost of homes in a community. Although she has several measures of central tendency of house values, she chooses to use the ___________ of house values.
A. mode
B. median
C. mean
D. range
- There are a number of confounding variables which threaten the internal and external validity of an experiment. Which of the following is a threat to just one kind of validity?
A. Instrumentation.
B. Ecological validity.
C. Selection of subjects.
D. Experimenter bias.
Ecological validity.
- To demonstrate a cause-and-effect relationship in research, an experiment must be conducted. A true experiment ‘must have all of the following EXCEPT
A. random assignment of subjects.
B. sample sizes of at least 50.
C. experimental group.
D. control group.
sample sizes of at least 50.