NBME 9 Flashcards
s/p transplant MRI shows mass: biopsy shows: proliferation of monocolonal B lymphocytes
Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD)
in transplant pts on high doses of immunosuppressives
EBV reactivation of virus that evaded T lymphocytes (usually causes mononucleoisis)
tx: decrease immunosuppressives
bone pain, anemia, hypercalcemia, kidney dysfunction, and lytic bone lesions
Multiple Myeloma
**Monoclonal B-lymphocytes **
B-lymphocytes are precursors to plasma cells: neoplastic proliferation of single plasma cells clone: –monoclonal immunoglobulin spike on protein electrophoresis Gamma– M-protein spike
diagnosis confirmed: Bone marrow biopsy with at least 10% plasma cells
2 weeks of jaundice hepatosplenomegaly, hematocrit 20% and reticulocyte 10%
increased: Biliverdin, Indirect Bili, LDH, reticulocytes
hemolysis occuring
either intravascular: release of free hemoglobin into circulation
extravascular: within spleen adn reticuloendothelial system through macrophages
erythrocyte turnover lysis:
free hemoglobin broken down –> iron and heme
heme broken down –> biliverdin and indirect bilirubin (increased)
also LDH inside erythrocytes so hemolysis –> increase lDH
hemolysis leads to anemia –> induces bone marrow to increase production of erythrocytes –> making more immature erythrocytes (reticulocytes)
torticollis (head tilted to the side and down), retrocollis (head tilted back), opisthotonos (arching of the back), and oculogyric crisis (deviation of the eyes)
D2 Antagonist: haloperidol, fluphenazine
dopaminergic-cholinergic pathways of the basal ganglia
– Risk factors for development include male sex, young age, recent cocaine use, and hx of previous dystonia.
tx: diphendyramine or benztropine: anticholinergics
should exclude neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Specific phobia criteria:
more than 6 months
distress or social/occupational impairement
anxiety with exposure or anticipation of stimulus
tx: long term CBT
short term benzos
bipolar depression meds:
lamotrigine, quetiapine, lurasidone
lithium carbonate
If pt previously taking med – just restart them on previous meds (if they stopped for no reason)
emotional !ability, disinhibition, sedation, slurred speech, and ataxia, normally reactive pupils
chronic: slow respirations, hypoglycemia and ketoacidosis
alcohol intoxication
(also called ethanol)
tx: repleating vitamins and electrolytes, IV fluids, supportive
can lead to coma so intubation
floppy baby
Botulism: NMJ clostridium botulinism
gram positive spore-forming obligate anaerobe
cleaves SNARE proteins preventing release of Acetylcholine
infants: raw honey, canned foods, pork, or SOIL DUST SPORES inhale
dx: reptitive nerve stimulation study electromyography (improves with stimulation
tx: immunoglobulin, supportive care, mechanical ventilation
pt with afib has storke
what would prevent a stroke?
anticoagulation: WARFARIN
w/ recent use of antibiotics ear infection
diaper rash
red macerated thin plaques with satellite papules – vs dermatitis
oral: thick white plaques on the tongue or buccal mucosa that can be scraped off with a tongue blade
risk factor: recent use of antibitiocs
tx : topical nystatin
comedomal and papular acne
first line: mild/mod acne
topical retinoid
apply over entire involved area to prevent new comedones instead of spot treatment on existing lesions
septic arthritis
painful swollen right telbow with fever
under age 16: joint pain
can also have: uveitis, lymphadenopathy, rash
positive ANA
negative RH
Juvenile rheumatoid(idiopathic) arthritis
oligoarticular disease: few than five joints (usually knee) + ANA positive
polyarticular: more than five joints (interphalangeal joints) + nevative ANA
so do slit lamb examination
tx; NSAIDS, methotrexate
uveitis: cataract surgery
tumor in metacarpals and fingers, painless
multiple in one extremity
multiple with soft tissue angiomas
Ollier disease
Maffucci syndrome
observation benign
spiculated lung lesion + fractured femur with radiolucent defect with focal breaching of cortex laterally
metastasis (spiculation) to bone
right groin pain, flexion and extension limited ROM, xray: lytic and sclerotic lesions of femoral head
avascular necrosis
painful degeneration
associted with alcohol use, fractures/dislocation, corticosteroids use, sickle cell disease, bisphophonates, gaucher disease
idiopathic osteonecrosis: Legg-calve perthes: children 4-10
gold standard dx: MRI
tx: surgery and PT
chronic venous insufficiency
reddish-brown hyperpigmentation below the knee
post-phlebitic syndrome post-thrombotic syndrome
occurs usually after DVT
new head, neck, mandibular angle mass
greater than 2 weeks
fixed mobility
firm texture
hx of prior cancer or immunocompromised
next step?
Fine needle aspiration to see if its cancer
urethral hypermobility
cottin tipped applicator with greater than 30 degrees deviation
stress incontinece
Si also caused by urethrocele or cystocele
appendicitis symtpoms in pt who is prego
next step?
ex lap
usually would need to do CT but since shes prego you cant
chronic dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, dyschezia, and infertility
that are with the hormonal cycle
u/s homogenous internal echoes
endometrial glands and stroma outside of the uterus
Subsequent fibrosis can cause palpable nodularity of the posterior uterus and cul-de-sac along with fixation of the uterus to nearby structures making it immobile
gold-standard for the diagnosis of endometriosis is a diagnostic laparoscopy
vs leiomyomma myoma fibroids – will see solid mass on u/s
diabetic neuropathy foot ulcer
Screening for neuropathy is performed yearly using a monofilament test.
prevention: wear protetctive shoes when moving standing or walking (because they wont notice if they injure themselves)
a metric of overall disease burden, which takes into account not only the years of life lost because of death but also the years of healthy life lost as a result of disability, thus incorporating morbidity and mortality into one metric.
disability-adjusted life years DALY
Years of potential life lost (YPLL) would take into account the increased mortality rate that accompanied the change in legislation but not the impact of increased morbidity in nonlethal traumas.
motorcycle wearing helmet or not
pap smear shows atypical glandular cells
next step?
colposcopy with endocervical curettage
also in age older than 35: endometrial biopsy recommended
Cytologic study of cells collected from the cervix is recommended every 3 years in women aged 21 to 29 years
every 5 years in conjunction with human papillomavirus co-testing (every 3 years if co- testing is not performed) in women aged 30 to 65 years.
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia on cytological study from cervix
next step?
cone biopsy of cervix
(can cause cervical stenosis)
milky chest tube drainage with pleural effusion in newborn
d/t injurty to thoracic duct (trauma during delivery) allows chyle to add up in pleural space
congential: hydrops fetalis, downs, turners, noonan
tx: chest tube and oxygen
2-4 weeks of diarrhea, bloating, weight loss after traveling abroad
ingestion of cysts in water – hand hygiene – untreated waer
usually self limited in 1-2 weeks
for more than that:
dx: stool culture, microscopy, stool antigen testing
tx: oral metronidazole or tinidazole
immobile breast mass with spiculated margins and microcalicfication
invasive ductal cacrinoma
tumor staging with lympoh node involvement #1
Negative prognostic factors include age with both young and elderly patients having higher mortality, African American race, higher tumor stage (including nodal involvement and tumor size) or
histologic grade, and HER2 gene expression, whereas estrogen-receptor and progesterone-receptor expression are associated with
improved outcomes.
BPH in pt with orthostatic hypotension
usually would give -osin alpha blocker
but since othrohypotension
only finasteride 5 alpha reductase
next step
usually due to adrenal adenoma
or b/l adrenal hyperplasai\ia
pt with systemic scleroderma and has non healing ulcer on toe for over one month
next step?
since has scleroderma – wont let it heal properly – turns into osteomyelitis
next step: amputation
migraine prophylaxis
lipophilic 13-adrenergic blocking drugs that cross the blood-brain barrier (eg, propranolol, metoprolol), antidepressants such as tricyclic antidepressants and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, and anticonvulsants such as topiramate or valproate.
aucte: triptans (serotonin 1b/1d agonist) and ergotamine but chornic use can cause migraines too
proteinuria4+ + sickle cell disease, opioid abuse, and HIV infection,
dx: must do renal biopsy
tx: steroids or immunomodulators
yearly DM (glucose) testing for
ages 40-70 who are overweight
bone marrow transplant
agammaglobinemia (burtons) btk IVIG
red streak tender from wrist to elbow
A streptococci, Staphylococcusaureus, Pasteurella multocida, Bartone/la henselae, or Sporothrix schenckii
dx: microspocopy and culture swab
sensorineural hearing loss + vertigo sxms
pressure accumulation in endolymph of inner eat
triad: episodic vertigo, hearing loss, and tinnitus.
tx: lifestyle modificaitons: avoidance of salt, nicotine, alcohol, or stress
antihistaminic meds: meclizine promethazine for the vertigo and nausea
15yo Boy with painful lump on right thigh
An x-ray of the right femur and knee shows evidence of bone destruction with irregular, ragged, radiolucent defects and new bone formation
primary bone cancer in children
cells with enlarged nuclei and a disorganized tissue structure that demonstrates areas of osteoid production (mineralized collagen that provides the structure of bone)
malignancy is locally destructive to bone and can erode through the cortex resulting in a periosteal reaction with elevation of the periosteum along with irregular, ragged borders and areas of disorganized osteogenesis as seen in this case.
metastasis usually to LUNGS
dx: imaging MRI and open biopsy of bone lesion
tx: surgical resection with chemotherapy