NBME Flashcards
partial collapse of lung
septic pelvic thrombophlebitis
sequela of endometritis that can lead to local invasion and infection of the pelvic walls causing intimal damage and thrombosis
symptoms: pelvic pain, fever, persistently febrile despite antibiotic treatment for endometritis
In pregnancy TBG is _______, and HCG also _________
TBG is increased, creating increased circulations of T4 and T3, Hcg also stimulate the thyroid gland acting like TSH
In pregnancy some one with hyperthyroidism should be evaluated with which lab?
Free thyroxine (T4) NOT triioodothyronine (T3)
1rst trimester propylthiouracil (PR for Pre, given 1rst)
2nd/3rd trimester methimazole
Betablockers until thyroid hormone syn is controlled with propylthiouravcil or methimazole
Treatment for DIC
fresh frozen plasma
ecclampsia during pregnancy treatment
- stabilize with mg and induce for labor if at least 34wks GA
- <34weeks C-section
PCOS Pathophysiology
what hormone is measured/ elevated?
GrRh pulsatility increases, causing more LH to be produced in respect to FSH
- ovulation does not occur due to lack of follicle maturity
- LH triggers more androgen production from theca lutein cells
- lack of progesterone from lack of ovulation,corpus luteum formation causes uninhibited LH release
- estrone production from adipose production further suppresses FSH
- See insulin resistance and hyperandrogenism
-measure testosterone ( elevated)
-LH:FSH ratio is increased but levels themseleves can be normal
the baby with this fetal heart tracing is most likely experiencing
metabolic acidosis form hypoxemia as seen by later decelerations
- babies in utero can’t breath so they cannot develop a respiratory acid-base disorder
verruca plantaris is
a plantar wart
when instestines herniate through the pelvic floor and impress upon the vaginal canal
bladder prolapses through the anterior vaginal wall
PE: bulge on anterior vaginal wall, urethral hypermobility, stress urinary incontince, urinary retention of incomplete bladder emptying
indirect inguinal hernia
loop of bowel or omentum exits the the inguinal ring
femoral hernia
portion of intestin or imentum proturudes through the femoral ring
prolapse of urethra into the anterior wall of the vagina
common cause of stress urinary incontinence
baby who is constipated, lethargy, hoarse cry, hypotonia, large fontanelle, dry skin, poor feeding most likely has , screeneed with
congenital hypothyroidism , routine newborn screening
ureteral calculus
colicky unilateral flank pain radiating to the groin, with gross microscopic hematuria
NO fever, dysuria or pyuria (WBC in urine)
UA: RBC without casts
osteoperosis risk is high in ( race/ gender)
- risk is lowered by use of (meds)
white women
antihypertensive meds ie beta blockers
ureteral transection (cut)
urine leaking into abdominal cavity resulting in nausea,, vomiting, fever, abscess formation, and sepsis
complication of surgery that presents as anuria, oliguria, abdominal pain, difficulty urinating, feeling of incomplete bladder emptying, and palpable suprapubic mass
urinary retention
glucose tolerance test is performed when in pregnancy?
at 24-28 weeks
fetal fibronectin
glues amniotic sac to uterus wall
- positive test means increase risk for preterm labor
What initial evaluation should be conducted in pregnant patient that has complaints about fluid leaking from her vagina
sterile speculum examination of the vagina
partial or total separation of approximated wound edges
- can see serosanguinous drainage
-treatmentL operative exploration of the wound site
internal abdominopelvic organs are expelled from the surgical site
surgical emergency!