flash card sheetfeb6
Gonadal dysgenesis
ovaries are replaced by tissue called gonadal streak, no produciton of ovarian steroids ie estrogen, so no breasts, but internal and extern al gentialia are phenotypically female FSH LH elevted due to lack of negative feedback,
arrest of active labor / management
6cm dialted and no change after 6 hours of inadquate contractions or 4 hours with contraction s( at least 200 montevideo units over 10 minutes); c-section
Vasa Previa
fetal vessels lie over cervix, immediate delivery/ c-section if any sign of bleeding or 34-35 wks gestation
endometrial ablation
treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding/ for pts with low risk of endometrial cancer (normal BMI) and no plans of future fertility
polyhydramnios; oligohyramnios
AFI >/=24 cm; AFI =5 cm
how do you treat epithelial ovarian carcinoma?>
surgical laparatomy
post epidural hypotension moa
epidural anesthesia blocks sympathetic nerve repsonsible for vasular tone in lower extremities causing vasodialtion ad decreased venous return, inmprove by 1) turn patien to the left, iv fluid bolus, vasopressor)
physioogic pregnancy change of GFR and effect on SCr
renal blood flow increases so SCr increases
fetal sleep cycle can last
40 min
Placenta previa rf
Maternal age>35yo, prior c-section, prior placenta previa, multiple gestation
Sinusoidal pattern on fetal heart tracing means
Fetal anemia from fetal exsanguination
Fetal fobronectin assessed
When there are contractions for concerns of ore term delivery
Cervican nucleic amplification assessment test , is for
Detection of gonorrhea chlamydia
Amniotic fluid embolism)
Resp compromise (dyspnea), cardiovascular compromise(hypotension), dic causes bleeding from all orifices
Surgery is indicated in pregnancy for mothers with ____ tumor, which is typically a _________ ovarian mass
Sertoli leydig, unilateral
Diffuse rash in pregnant woman affecting palms and soles
Secondary syphillis
pre-ecclampsia without severe features when do yu deliver?
37 weeks
pre-eecclampsiw with severe featrues, HELLP, ecclampsia
control BP, if stable deliver at 34 weeks, immediately if they are not