Nazi Social Policies towards the Churches Flashcards
Why was integrating the Churches into the Volksgemeinschaft challenging ?
- Germans were divided by faith.
Majority of Germans were Protestant but a significant majority were Roman Catholic. - Religious loyalties was an obstacle in the Nazi aim of making the Fuhrer the focus of loyalty;ty of all Germans
Why was the idea of a Fuhrer challenging for some religions ?
- difficult for some to accept the furrier ad the focus of loyalty in Germany
What was Hitler’s plan towards the Churches ?
Step 1 - gain control over the Churches
Step 2 - weaken their influence
Nazi beliefs towards the Church ?
- Nazi beliefs about the Church differed.
Hitler tried to reassure the Church leaders that they posed no threat whilst other Nazis, notably Robert Ley, were atheists who wanted the Christian Churches with a new Nazi faith
What was the main Protestant Church in Germany ?
- German Evangelical Church
How did the Nazis see the German Evangelical Church ?
- potential nucleus for a single national Church.
Views and beliefs of the German Evangelical Church ?
- politically very conservative
- staunchly nationalist ( saw Germany as a Protestant state )
- anti semitic
- vigorously anti comunist
Were the Nazi ideology and the German Evangelical Church beliefs similar ?
- many points of convergence between Nazi ideology and their views
When did the Nazis coordination of the German Evangelical Church happen ?
- In the spring and summer of 1933
What did the Nazis coordinate the Evangelical Church to ?
- a single, centralised Reich Church
How did the Nazis gain control of coordinating the Evangelical Church ?
- Church elections of July 1933, German Christians won a sweeping victory and were now a position to ‘ Nazify ‘ the Church.
How did the Nazis coordinate the Evangelical Church into a Reich Church ?
- Ludwig Müller appointed Reich Bishop. Took over administrative headquarters of the Evangelical Church
- Muller abolished all elected bodies within the Church and reorganised it on the leadership of the principle of
- As a state institution, Reich Church was forced to adapt so called ‘ Aryan paragraph ‘ and 18 pastors, mostly men converted to Christianity from judaism were dismissed.
Who led and established the Pasors’ Emergency League ?
- Martin Niemöller and Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Why was the Paris’ Emergency League established ?
- not all protestant pastors were willing to support these developments within the Church.
What did the Pastors’ Emergency League evolve into ?
- a breakaway Church known as the Confessional Church
What was the Confessional Church ?
- a breakaway Church
How much support did the Confessional Church have ?
- support of about 5000 pastors
What was the theology of the Confessional Church based on ?
- based on purely the bible
Why was the Confessional Church established ?
- to resist State interference in the Church
Which Nazi policy was the Confessional Church established in defiance of ?
- Nazi policy of Gleichschaltung
What did the Confessional Church show about Nazi attempts to coordinate the Protestant Church ?
- Nazi attempts to coordinate the Protestant Church were a failure
How did Nazi policy change towards the Protestant Churches in 1935 ?
- The regime switched to a policy repression to try to weaken the influence of the Confessional Church
- Exploit the divisions within it
Key administrative changes within the Reich Church in 1935 ?
- In 1935, new Ministry of Church Affairs was created
- Reich Bishop Müller was marginalised
How did the regime also try to marginalise Christianity ?
- reduce the influence of the Churches over young people
How did the regime reduce the influence of Churches over young people ?
- through the abolition of Church schools in the late 1930s
- pressure on young people to join the Hitler Youth.
- Church Secession Campaign
Why did the regime launch the Church Secession Campaign ?
- to persuade party members to renounce their Church membership
What successes were there of the Church Secession Campaign ?
- By 1939, 5% of the population who were listed as ‘ god believers ‘ had renounced formal membership of the Christian Churches.
- Party members were not allowed to hold any office in the protestant or Catholic Churches
- Priest and Pastors were forbidden from playing any part In the nazi Party
- Pressure to renounce their faith was put on those who employment relied on the regime; teachers, and civil servants
Why did the Catholic Church present an obstacle to the Nazi policy of the Gleichschaltung and the Fuhrer ?
- took their lead in religious matters from the pope.
Was the Catholic Church susceptible to Nazi ideology ?
- Catholic Church was less susceptible to Nazi ideology than the wholly German Evangelical Church
How did the Nazis view the fact that that the Catholic Church demanded obedience to the pope from German Catholics ?
- undermined Germany’s unity as a nation
Did Catholic voters were for Hitler ?
- Catholic voters were among the least likely people to vote for the Nazi Party
Why were the Catholic Church willing to compromise after Hitler came to power ?
- Catholics were a group who were keen to be seen and accepted as part of the German nation.
What points of convergence was there between the Catholics and Nazism ?
- Catholic Church regarded communism as a greater evil than Nazism
- Many within the Church shared the Nazis’ anti - Semitism
What was the concordant ?
- an agreement between the regime and the Vatican
when was the concordant agreed ?
- Concordant was agreed in July 1933
What were the terms of the Concordant ?
- the Vatican recognised the Nazi regime and promised that the Catholic Church would not interfere with politics
- the regime promised that it would not interfere in the Catholic Church and that the Church would keep control of its schools, youth organisations and lay groups
How did the Nazi regime break the terms of the concordant ?
- In the summer of 1933, began to seizee the property of Catholic organisations and forced them to close
- Catholic newspapers were ordered to drop the word ‘ Catholic ‘ from their names
- Gestapo and SS put Catholic priests under surveillance
- In the Night of the long Knives, a number of leading Catholics were executed by the SS
How did the Catholic Church react to the breaking of the concordant through mounted repression and blatant illegality ?
- Catholic Church hierachy made no protest, believing that declarations of support for the regime would be the best way to protect the Catholic Church
When did Catholic priests begin to challenge and speak out against the dangers of Nazi religious ideas ?
- in 1935 - 36
How did the regime react to Catholic priests speaking out against their ideas ?
- regime increased the pressure on the Catholic Church.
How did the regime increase pressure and repression against the Catholic Church in 1935 - 36 ?
- Permission to hold public meeting was severely restricted
- Catholic newspapers were heavily newspapers were heavily censored
- Goebbels launched a propaganda campaign against financial corruption against Catholic lay organisations. Many had their funds seized and their offices closed by the SA
- Membership of the Hitler Youth Group was made compulsory, limiting the influence of Catholic youth organisations.
Why did regime increase pressure again in 1937 ?
- Pope Pius XI issued an encyclical entitled ‘ With Burning Grief ‘
How did the regime increase pressure and repression against the Catholic Church in 1937 ?
- Gestapo and SS agents were placed inside Catholic Church organisations
- Tightening of restrictions of Catholic press
- Pilgrimages and processions were restricted and Catholic youth groups were banned
- Many monasteries were closed down and their assets were seized
- Goebbels publicise many sex scandals involving Catholic priests, attempting to portray the Church as corrupt. Around 200 priests were arrested and tried on sex charges
- Nazis began a campaign to close Church schools. By the summer of 1939, all Church schools had been converted into community schools