Nazi economic policies Flashcards
What economic problems did Hitler face when he came into power ?
- debt to America
- huge rates of unemployment
- food supply
- welfare payments
- living standards/ conditions
What were some Nazi economic policies ?
- project labelled the ‘ battle for work’
- the ‘ New plan ‘ of 1934
- use of Mefo bills
- Big businesses
What was the - battle for work’ project ?
large sums of money spent on the building of roads and public buildings and increased industrial production which was stimulated through loans and tax relief to private companies
impact of the ‘battle for work ‘ project ?
- measures undoubtedly helped to reduce unemployment faster
What was the Reich labour Service ?
- introduced in 1935 under which young unemployment men had to do is months labour in farming or construction.
- helped create jobs
What was the ‘ New Plan ‘ of 1934 ?
- Schact placed controls on imports and access to foreign currency
- He also initiated a series of trade agreements Wirth foreign countries, especially states in the Balkans and South America
Impact of the ‘ new plan ‘
Germany was supplied with food and raw materials, which were paid with German Reichsmarks and the supplying countries could then only use this money to buy German goods
What was the use of mefo bills ?
- scheme where the government paid for its military equipment using credit notes or mefo bills
- these bills could be exchanged for cash at the Reichsbank, thereby ensuring private companies they would get their money. Companies were given an incentive to defer asking for payment by the offer of 4 % per annum interest on the bills if they kept them for the full five year term
Why did the Nazis use mefo bills ?
In order to finance the rearmament programme in 1935 without the government having the funds to finance
What process was Schacht’s economic policies part of ?
the recovery process
Relationship between the big businesses and the Nazi regime ?
In general, the Nazi regime were able to enlist cooperation and expertise of big businesses in the implementation of its economic policies
How were big businesses involved in the four year plan ?
there were many opportunities to make profit through involvement in the rearmament programme.
Example of a big business benefitting from the four year plan
- large chemical company , I.G. Farben which was involved in the research and production of synthetic materials. I.G. Farben held a key post in the administration in the four year plan ,profits increased from 74 million - 240 million in 1935 - 1939
What happened to Schact in 1936 ?
- Schact was sacked by Hitler as Schact started to become concerned by the vast amounts of public spending
what happened in the years 1936 - 1939 ?
Rearmament programme
Who replaced Schact ?
- Goering took over
- became in charge of the four year plan
What was the four year plan ?
- this plan aimed at making Germany ready for war in 4 years
- Germany also had to become self sufficient in this time, known as policy of autarky.
Aims of the four year plan ?
- aimed to achieve autarky ( self sufficiency ) in food production and vital raw materials.
Autarky in the Nazi ideology ?
- Autarky with its links to national sovereignty and its embodiment of national pride and independence fitted well with Nazi ideological aims
- effort to increase production was presented as a battle in which the whole people’s community had to help ( Volksgemeinschaft )
how successful was the policy of autarky ?
- German industry, despite massive investment, did not meet the targets set by the regime
- in 1939 Germany still imported one third of its raw materials
- in food production, there were similar feelings
overall success of the policy of autarky ?
- the reality was that the German economy did not have the resources to achieve all of the regime’s aims
- to maintain the levels of consumption and avoid the risk of alienating people, labour and capital had to be diverted from war industries
What was the Guns Vs Butter debate ?
- the argument of that the Nazis had to promise the economy
Guns ( Major rearmament )
Butter ( Consumer goods, imports and exports, limited rearmament, links with other countries )
Degree of economic recovery achieved by 1939 ?
Propaganda exaggerated the successes and covered up the failures in Nazi economic policies
The role of propaganda in the perception of Nazi economic policies and the economy ?
- ’ battle for work ‘ was not mentioned after 1936, reflecting the success of propaganda in convincing people that unemployment was no longer a problem
- advertising campaigns for products like the ‘ people’s car ‘ and for cruise ship holidays gave the impression that Germans were experiencing an unprecedented rise in their living standards as a result of the regime’s polices
- military parades showing off latest equipment and patriotic campaigns to persuade Germans to buy only German goods were used to show that Germany was achieving autarky and was ready for war
Benefits of Nazi rule for the elite and big businesses ?
- relations between Nazi government and economic elite was good
- Industrialists benefitted from the smashing of the independence labour movement and the government’s expansion of the economy to help rearmament
- Major landowners benefited from the growing demand of food
- private ownership of businesses was not threatened provided firms conformed to requirements and some firms benefited considerably from the regime
Drawbacks of Nazi rule to the elite and big businesses
- In 1937, government threatened some industrialists with a charge if sabotage if they did not conform with self sufficiency
- relations with coal firms were generally hostile
- some industrialists were critical of the degree of state control.
Benefits of Nazi rule for the Mittlestand ?
- Nazi theorists like Gottfried Feder and Otto Wagener advocated policies to protect the interests of the German Mittlestand.
- Initially appeared to be favoured by the Law to Protect Retail Trade in 1933 which placed special taxes on large stores and banned new department stores.Small businesses benefited from the economic recovery and from autarky
- The May 1933 Entitled Farm Law was designed to protect traditional small farms ( 18 - 50 acres ), about 35 % of all acres.These family farms could not be sold or mortgaged but had to be passed on to one person
Limitations of Nazi rule for the Mittlestands ?
- Factors such as tight credit, influence of big businesses and the slowness of official agencies meant that many went bankrupt and their overall role in the economy declined
- The number of independent artisans declined ( skilled craftsmen ) fell from 1,645,000 to 1,500,000 in the period of 1936-39.Many went bankrupt as a result of increased costs and through finding it difficult to compete with big firms
- Peasants suffered from labour shortages and came to resent the government. Life on farmsremianed hard with long hours and poor facilities. Rural population fell from 21 % to 18% despite Nazis claiming that it was the backbone of the country
Who was Hjalmer Schact ?
- Economic Minister from August 1934
How did Schacht stimulate economic recovery ?
- pumping money into the economy to build homes and Autobahns
- stimulating consumer demand by giving tax concessions and grants to take on more workers
- putting controls on wages and prices to control inflation
How was the rearmament programme funded ?
- The Mefo bill