Nazi Opposion Flashcards
Why did Nazis not want Germans to be Christian’s
It would mean that they would prefer their Christian beliefs over their Nazi beliefs so the Nazis set out to control the churches
What did the Catholic Church sign in July 1933
A concordat which agreed that Catholic Church would stay out of politics and in return it would run its own youth groups and schools
What did the Nazis do to anger the Catholic Church
Break the concordat and closed down church youth groups. This angered pope Pius who criticised them
What were the Protestants called that supported the Nazis and who w@s their leader
Some German Protestants supported the Nazis. They were called the German Christian’s and their leader was called Ludwig muller
How did the German Christian’s show their support
They had a cross with a swastika at its centre
Bible had no reference to Jews
What did Protestants who opposed the Nazis do
Set up the “confessional” church and it was led by Pastor Niemoller. He w@s arrested by the Nazis and put in the Dachau concentration camp
What was the German faith movement
The Nazis tried to set up their own pagan church and Hitler hoped that Germans would leave their churches to join it, but it was never popular with only 200,000 members
What was swing youth
Mostly middle class young aryans who listens to banned jazz music and refused to wear German traditional dress. They did NOT do what the Nazis expected of young aryan Germans
Who were the edelweiss pirat3s
More working class young Aryan Germans. They refused to join the Hitler youth and set up their own groups and wore their own uniforms
Who were the leipzig hounds
Young Germans who were communists and listened to banned Moscow radio
What did the edelweiss pirates do during the war years
Distributed propaganda leaflets that had been dropped by the RAF. 12 members were hanged in public in cologne in 1944
What was the white rose group
Set up by Munich university students HANS AND SOPHIE SCHOLL in 1943
handed out leaflets criticising Nazis and describing Nazi atrocities in Europe.
University caretaker caught them and reported them to the Gestapo and they got executed
What did the confessional church do in wartime
Bonhoffer who helped set up the church passed secrets to the allies and was also involved in attempts to kill Hitler
Executed in 1945
What did some catholics do in WW2
Hid Jews during the holocaust
How did Jews oppose Nazis
-Jews living in the Warsaw ghetto rebelled against the Nazis in 1943. 300 Germans were killed but 13000 Jews died
- In auschwitz Jewish prisoners blew up a crematorium in 1944
- some Jewish families hid from the Nazis
- Jewish children were sent to kinder transport to other countries like Britain
What did the army do to oppose the Nazis
-early years of war oath of loyalty stopped them from. Rebelling
-after defeat at Stalingrad some army officers tried to kill Hitler. 7 assassination attempts took place in 1943 and 3 more in 1944
Who were the 3 main plotters of operation Valkyrie
General Von Stauffenberg, general Beck and the politician Goerdeler
What was the plan of operation Valkyrie
Staffenburg to plant a bomb in a suitcase at a meeting attended by Hitler at his military base the wolfs lair
What happened in operationvalkyrie
July 1944 stauffenberg Left the bomb at the meeting and returned to Berlin. However the case was moved and exploded and Hitler survived. Over 5000 were executed by the Nazis after the plot was uncovered