Nazi Germany 1933-39: German Economy 1933-39 Flashcards
Why were economic problems a Nazi priority?
- Unemployment was at 6.1 million in 1932
- Hitler had promised to solve problems for the maases
- Hitler needed a strong economy to fulfil his policy of “Taking back what was Germany’s”
- Hitler had aimed to prepare Germany for War by 1942
What were Hitler’s economic aims?
- Pull Germany out of the worldwide recession
- Solve unemployment
- Make Germany an “Autarky”
- Transform economy for rearmament and War
Who was Schacht?
President of Reichsbank, responsible for Rentenmark
What was Schacht’s economic policy?
- Lower interest rates and reschedule debts
- Assist farming and small businesses with tariffs and subsidies
- State investment in RAD and public works
What was the RAD?
Reich Labour Service, employed 18-25 year olds who weren’t counted in figures.
What did Schacht’s New Plan consist of financially?
- Bilateral treaties
- Regulation of Reichsmark Currency
- Mefo Bills
What were bilateral treaties?
Promoted trade with southeast Europe via barter agreements
How was the Reichsmark regulated?
Germany traded on condition that Reichsmarks were used to buy back German goods.
What were Mefo Bills?
Government bills were guaranteed, holding for 5 years at 4% interest. This disguised government spending.
What were the impacts of the New Plan?
By 1936
What were the impacts of the New Plan?
- By 1936 unemployment was 1.5 million
- Industrial production increased 60%
- GNP had grown by 40%
What was “guns or butter”?
Schacht was focused on industrial production whereas Hitler and Goring favoured rearmament
What was Goring’s 4-year Plan?
- Regulate imports and exports, focusing on chemicals and metals
- Control labour force
- Increase production of raw materials
- Develop substitutes such as artificial rubber
- Increase agricultural production
- Create wartime economy during peacetime
What were the impacts of the 4 year plan?
Goring came into conflict with Schacht
- Schacht resigns 1939
- Not fully supported by business leaders
- Siemens electrical production
- Daimler-Benz transport production
Was Autarky successful?
- In 1939 Germany still imported 33% of raw materials
- Fewer personal and household goods available
- Caused deficits as limited exports
Was Hitler successful in dragging Germany out of recession?
- Wages rose slightly but still lower in 1938 than 1928
- 1936 GNP up 40% and production up 60%
Was Hitler successful solving unemployment?
- Dropped to 4.8 million 1933, 0.5 million 1939
- These were skewed by RAD and removing women and Jews
Was Hitler Successful in rearmament?
- Schacht resigned, support of businessmen was lost
- Rearmament caused deficits as it limited exports