Divided Germany 1949-1963: Political and Social Stability Achieved? Flashcards
Besides the economy, what major areas of change occurred in the FRG?
- Social Policies
- Education
- Women
- Social Changes
What social policies were introduced in the FRG?
- Equalisation of Burdens Law 1953
- 131 Law 1951
- Wiedergutmachung 1952
- German Federation of Trade Unions
- Co-Determination Law 1951
- Works Constitution Law 1952
- Welfare State
- State supported Housing
What and when was equalisation of the Burdens Law?
- Property levy on money and estate not impacted by War. 143 billion DM redistributed in 30 years
What and when was the 131 Law?
- Employment and pension rights restored for former civil servants
What and when was Wiedergutmachung?
- Offered compensation to Nazi victims.
What was the German Federation of Trade Unions?
Simplified TU system with 16 Unions.
What and when was the Co-determination Law?
Workers in coal, iron and steel had representatives. Appeased workers who wanted nationalisation of property
What and when was the Works Constitution Law?
- Work council for all employers over 500. TUs stepped back and fewer strikes.
What were features of the welfare state?
- Unemployment benefits
- Sickness insurance
- Pension reform 1957 means pension was 60% of earnings
- 6 million new flats, 50% were council housing
What changes were made to education by the FRG?
- Reform focused on democratic principles
- Common education policy with GDR
- Traditional school system retained
What were the problems with FRG education?
- Lack of resources and staff
- Teachers were unqualified
- Curriculum returned to Weimar, no consensus
- Traditional Weimar approach was problematic
- Responsibility was passed to Lander, who couldn’t agree
What positives happened to women under the FRG?
- Equal rights by constitution
- Law of the Equality of the Sexes 1957 gave right to seek employment and own property after marriage
What negatives were there for women in the FRG?
- Paid 40% less than men
- Women made up 19% of higher education 1950, 30% in 1968
- Conservative views promoted by church
- 3 Ks still relevant
What was the proportion of women in higher education in the FRG?
- 19% in 1950
- 30% in 1968
When was the Law of the Equality of the Sexes?
What area of practical social change occurred?
- Living standards
- Without Me movement
- US influences
What changes were there to living standards in the FRG?
- Impacts of miracle not seen until 1962
- Working week reduced to 40 hours
- 38% owned a car
- Consumerism took off
What percentage owned a car in the FRG in 1962?
What was the “without me” movement?
- German mentality of focusing on home, work and family
- Focus was not on politics but on material achievements
What were the US influences?
- Traditional culture declined
- Mass media expanded, US TV introduced
- Increasing youth protest