Nazi foreign policy - Influence of history Flashcards
What were the most recent events that may have affected Nazi Foreign Policy after WWI?
- The way WWI ended and the overthrow of the Kaiser
- The creation of a new German government
- Armistice and the lack of a public surrender
- Germans being misinformed on how the war ended
- Stab in the back & November criminals
- German resentment over Versailles
What is the legend of the ‘Stab in the Back’?
The idea that the German army could have won the war but were stabbed in the back by the government. It was introduced in a speech by Hindenburg in November 1919 and emphasised how unfair the end of the war was and many germans believed that the treaty of Versailles had been forced on a betrayed country
What effect did the legend of the ‘stab in the back’ have on Germany?
Increased hostility towards the government and increased support for right wing and left wing groups. The government found it difficult to govern effectively because of the scale of problems Germany faced and the difficulties of agreeing in the Reichstag made it difficult to win support for policies in the hostility
What did Hitler outline in his book Mein Kampf?
His political theories, his experience as a soldier in WWI, how he felt when he heard about the armistice, the abdication of the kaiser and the replacement of an empire with a republic. He said all his suffering had been in vain and felt betrayed.
What made Hitler decide to be a politician?
The rage he felt against the politicians he felt had betrayed Germany.
What small right-wing party did Hitler join when he returned to Germany after WWI?
DAP (Deutsche Arbeitserpartei) and in April 1920 it changed its name to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National socialist german workers party or the NSDAP/Nazi party)
He was one of its leaders
How many political murders were there between 1919 and 1923?
376, mostly committed by right-wing paramilitary groups.
What were the two attempts to over throw the government between 1919 and 1923?
Kapp Putsch in 1920 and the Munich Putsch in 1923
Both failed but showed government weakness and limited support from army
Who led the Munich Putsch in 1923?
Hitler and the Nazis
Its failure taught Hitler the problem of violence without enough support to win. He was sent to prison.
What did hitler do in prison?
Wrote Mein Kampf and decided his next take over would be a parliamentary one by majority in the Reichstag
Who contributed to most of the terms in the Treaty of Versailles?
The big three, Britain, USA and France
What attitude did France have in the Treaty of Versailles?
They suffered the most damage during war and were scared of another outbreak due to its proximity to Germany, so pushed for severe measures.
What attitude did the British government have in the Treaty of Versailles?
Had promised the British people to press for severe measures but didn’t want to force a treaty on Germany that would cause resentment.
What attitude did the USA have towards the Treaty of Versailles?
They had entered war late and lost the least through it and pressed for a reasonable treaty and the setting up of a system of international negotiation to prevent wars. President Wilson insisted to set up the League of nations
What was the main cause for German resentment of the Treaty?
Terms that led to it losing status in Europe, losing its ability to defend itself and to Germans feeling humiliated.
Which treaty terms caused the most resentment from Germany?
- Lost land (Danzig and creation of Polish corridor)
- Disarmament
- Demilitarisation of the Rhineland
- Reparations of 132 million gold marks
- War guilt
- Germany had no say in the treaty
How many Germans found themselves outside new borders after the Treaty of Versailles?
6.4 million
What were the terms of disarmament?
No: Submarines, Heavy warships, Tanks, Airforce, Conscription
Only allowed an army of 100,000
How did the German government act towards the treaty of Versailles?
They worked against it, turning a blind eye to signs of rearmament, politicians protested openly against it and foreign ministers worked for changes diplomatically, even Stresemann, but they also secretly broke some terms
Self determination
Policy where newly created states in Eastern Europe had it peacefully agree with their borders and government
What was an unintended consequence of self determination states?
They were weak and that made them desirable targets for the USSR, Germany, Italy and Poland
How did the British Prime minister Lloyd George think about the Treaty?
That it was too harsh and there would be another war in 25 years
What affected many nations reactions towards Weimar and Nazi foreign policy?
Guilt about the treaty and the fact that they wanted peace desperately