Navigation and Radar Flashcards
Describe the DUAL mode of the Flight Management Guidance Computers (FMGCs)
-Normal mode of operation
-Both FMGCs are synchronized, meaning data entered into one multi-function control and display unit (MCDU) is transferred to the other FMGC (crosstalk)
Describe the SINGLE mode of the Flight Management Guidance Computers (FMGCs)
-FMGC operaating mode when it is the sole operating FMGC. The other has OBVIOUSLY failed
-Provides all related functions, with some limitations
-Indications of a failed unit include
–1FD1 or 2FD2 in column 5 of the FMAs, indicating that the flight directors are using the same FMGC as a source of guidance
–OPP FMGC IN PROCESS message in the MCDU scratchpad
–MAP NOT AVAIL or SET OFFSIDE RING/MODE messages on the failed sides ND, Depending on EFIS control panel settings
Describe the INDEPENDENT mode of the Flight Management Guidance Computers (FMGCs)
-mode of operation is caused by a significant difference between the two FMGCs database validity
-there is no synchronization of data between the FMGCs
-Each FMGC is controlled by its respective MCDU
-Indications include the INDEPENDENT OPERATION message in the scratchpad of both MCDUs and an illuminated amber IND light on the top of the MCDU cases
Describe the FMGCs navigation auto-tuning feature
-provides localizer guidance during takeoff roll for runways served by an ILS
-Automatically tunes VORs and DMEs stations enroute for position and orientation updating
-automatically tunes the ILS freq for final approach guidance when an ILS approach has been loaded into the flight plan
Recall how VOR information is displayed on the ND and how ILS information is displayed on the PFD
-when respective EFIS VOR 1 or 2 selector switches placed in the VOR 1 or 2 position
-When identified by the FMS the stations three letter identifier will be displayed
-When respective EFIS LS (this is going to fuck you up) pb is selected
-When identified by the FMS, the stations 4 letter identifier is displayed
Explain the STBY NAV key on the RMP
-activates the STBY NAV (ILS, VOR, and ADF) selector keys of the respective RMP
-de-activates the auto-tuning capability of both FMGCs
-the MCDU RAD NAV page is unusable
-a green light illuminates next to the key indicating activation
-an R appears next to the tuned VOR freq
Explain the indication of a tuned VOR in the NDs
-by its three letter identifier
-if manually tunes via the MCDU RAD NAV page, an underlined M appears next to the stations identifier. Referred as HARD TUNED
-if a station has been manually tuned VIA an RMPs Standby NAV keys, an underlined R appears next to the stations identifier. Referred as being REMOTELY TUNED
Explain the function of the ADIRS CDU mode selectors
The ADIRU mode selector switch is used to control the function of its respective ADIRU
OFF- Depowered- Both ADR and IR data unavailable
NAV- Normal operation, initiates IR alignment, provides IR data
ATT- Provides only attitude and heading information, if the system loses ability to navigate
Time required for a fast ADIRS alignment
A fast alignment takes 30 seconds to 3 minutes
Explain the operational difference between steady verses flashing IR ALIGN lights
Steady light/s- indicates the respective ADIRU is operating normally in the alignment mode
Flashing light/s- indicates an alignment fault has occurred, caused by one of the following
-excessive motion
-a present position has not been entered into the MCDU
-the position stored at shutdown by the IRUs differs from the present position entered in the MCDU
What is the meaning of the ON BAT light on the ADIRS panel
-illuminates continuously when one or more ADIRUs are operating on battery power
-Appears for a few seconds at the beginning of a NORAML alignment process, when ADIRU mode selector is placed from OFF to NAV. This indicates that the respective ADIRU is capable of operating on battery power when required
NOTE the ON BAT light will not illuminate during the FAST alignment process
What’s the radars function during the automatic self-test
-When first turned on, the radar is fully operational and is radiating engird while performing a 45 second self-test
-a warm up period is not required
-quick self-tests are performed at the end of each radar antenna sweep
-Radar system fault/malfunction indications are only displayed on the NDs
What are the functions of WX on the radars MODE selector knob
WX displays the precipitation returns
-Black min to no intensity
-Green low intensity
-Amber Moderate
-Red High
What are the functions of WX-T on the radars MODE selector knob
Displays both precipitation returns and turbulence
-magenta represents turbulence
What are the functions of TURB on the radars MODE selector knob
Displays only areas of turbulence in magenta
NOTE ND range must be set to 40 miles or less for the display of turbulence
What are the functions of MAP on the radars MODE selector knob
Ground mapping more
-Black water or radar shadows
-Green ground returns
-Amber man made structures or high terrain
What are the functions of the radar GAIN Selector knob
Allows for the control of the radars energy beam strength
-CAL (calibrated) provides a predetermined beam power level
NOTE the CAL position may not always provide the optimum beam power setting for a given weather condition
-MIN to MAX Allows for manual control of the beams strength
–MIN greater beam strength than the CAL level
–MAX most powerful beam
–When out of CAL and in manual mode, MAN appears on the ND
NOTE a manual GAIN setting is recommended above FL250
What is the function of the GND CLTR SPRS switch
When placed to ON eliminates the majority of the ground clutter targets
NOTE the switch is spring loaded to the OFF position and must be held in the ON position for ground clutter suppression
What is the meaning of the radars Path Attenuation Compensation (PAC) indication
-Radar attenuation has been detected (a yellow alert bar appears at the top of the NDs)
-the radar system is advising the additional weather targets beyond what is currently being displayed may be present but cannot be viewed
–in order for a PAC alert to display
—GAIN selector knob must be in CAL
—intervening weather must be within 80 nm of the aircraft
-Pilot actions would be to increase GAIN selection