Navigation Flashcards
Who is in charge of the ship and is responsible to the commanding officer for the safe and proper operation of the ship or station?
Officer of the Deck (OOD)
Who orders the courses the helmsman steers?
Conning Officer
Who is an enlisted assistant to the OOD during underway watches and must see that all deck watch stations are manned with qualified personnel and all watch standers in previous watch sections are relieved?
Boatswains Mate of the Watch (BMOW)
Who is a qualified steersman who steers courses prescribed by the conning officer?
Helmsman/Lee Helmsman
Who is a person detailed to observe everything within an assigned sector and to report everything seen in or heard from the sector to the OOD and the combat information center (CIC) watch officer?
The normal peacetime lookout organization has how many people in each watch section?
Who is an enlisted assistant to the OOD while underway, assists the OOD in navigational matters and maintains the ships deck log?
Quartermaster of the Watch (QMOW)
What is the distance north or south of the equator, expressed in degrees and minutes?
What is the distance east or west of the prime meridian, which runs through Greenwich, England?
What is the direction of the current called?
The velocity of the current is called speed of current and is sometimes referred to as what?
What is the basis or origin of longitude measurement, it is mean solar time measured w/ reference to the 0 degrees median of longitude located at Greenwhich, England?
GMT/Coordinated Universal Standard Time
An area in all parts of which the same time kept
Time Zone
The angle between the magnetic and geographic meridians at any place, expressed in degrees and minutes east or west to indicate the direction of magnetic north from true north
The angle between the magnetic meridian and and the axis of a compass card, expressed in degrees east and west to indicate direction in which the northern end of the compass card is offset from magnetic north
A uniform system of maritime buoyage, organized by the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities, which is now implemented by most maritime nations
IALA (A/B) Bouyage System
A system of aids to navigation in which the shape, color, and number distinction are assigned in accordance w/ location relative to the nearest hazard to navigation
Cardinal System
Defined as the practice of observing celestial bodies (the Sun, Moon, Stars and Planets) to determine the ships position
Celestial Navigation
Defined as the determination of position by the use of radio waves
Radio Navigation
Defined as projecting an intended course and speed from a known point
Dead Reckoning (DR)
Defined as the movement of a vessel with continuous reference to landmarks, aids to navigation, depth sounding and radio navigation
Two or more objects in line
These aids are used to mark fairways, mid channels and offshore approach points
Channel Markings
The amount of distance run on the original course until the ship steadies on the new course